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Using eZDeploy export

This topic explains how to use the export feature of the eZDeploy utility.

Before you begin

  • Ensure that the eZDeploy profile is created in the source environment prior to exporting a service blueprint or a service catalog. See Managing eZDeploy profiles for details.
  • Ensure that the option included in the exported service has at least one option choice.

To export a service blueprint

Run the following command:
export –name <serviceBlueprintName> -profile <eZDeploySourceProfileName> -version <version of Service blueprint>

  • serviceBlueprintName: Name of the BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management service blueprint
  • eZDeploySourceProfileName: Name of the eZDeploy source profile that is created
  • version of Service blueprint: Version number of service blueprint


-version is an optional parameter. If you do not use the -version, eZDeploy utility exports the latest version of the service blueprint.

-profile is an optional parameter. If you have set a global profile you may choose to skip this parameter.

If you do specify a version on the export, the blueprint in the exported .eZ file will have the specified version. The imported blueprint will always have the latest version.

If eZDeploy detects any BMC Atrium Orchestrator workflows that are associated with the service blueprint, you must provide the module version on the eZDeploy prompt.


Ensure that you provide the correct BMC Atrium Orchestrator module version because eZDeploy does not validate this version. If the module that you specify does not exist, a file with a module name is created but does not have any content.

When the BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management service blueprint is exported, a folder named export is created under the eZDeploy directory. The export folder contains an .eZ file (zip file) with the BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management service blueprint name, as shown in the following figure:


eZDeploy logs each step in the eZDeploy Installed Directory/ezdeploy.log. For any issues, you can check the log file.

For detailed activity logs of eZDeploy, refer to Troubleshooting eZDeploy issues.


If eZDeploy cannot locate the objects in the following specified locations, the export process might fail. The table lists the object types and their locations in BMC Server Automation.

Object type
Location in BMC Server Automation

Application component template

Component Templates/CSM_Application_Packages

System package




BLPackage deploy job


Software deploy job


NSH scriptDepot/CSM_Scripts

In BL Packages, the deploy job name and PRODUCT_NAME must be same for eZDeploy to export packages.

To export a service catalog

Run the following command:
export –name <serviceBlueprintName> -profile <eZDeploySourceProfileName> -version <version of Service blueprint> –service <serviceName>

  • serviceBlueprintName: Name of the BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management service blueprint
  • eZDeploySourceProfileName: Name of the eZDeploy source profile that is created


    -profile is an optional parameter. If you have set a global profile you may choose to skip this parameter.

  • version of Service blueprint: Version number of service blueprint


    When you export a service catalog, the version number is optional and is not tied to the service catalog. If you do not provide the version number, the latest version of the blueprint is exported. Otherwise, the blueprint with the version that you specify is exported.

  • serviceName: Name of the service from the service catalog to be exported

The following figure depicts an example of running an export command and a successful completion of export (export summary): 

To validate the export

To validate that the export was successful, verify that the eZDeploy package is (service blueprint only or service blueprint and the service catalog were) exported.

To verify the eZDeploy package export

After export of a service blueprint or a service catalog and blueprint, verify that an .eZ file in a folder named export under the eZDeploy directory of your environment.

To verify the service blueprint or catalog export

When the BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management service catalog is exported, a folder named export is created under the eZDeploy directory. The export folder contains an .eZ file (zip file) with the BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management service blueprint name. In addition to the service blueprint details, this folder contains the service catalog, service offering, options and option choices that were exported with the service blueprint. The servicecatalog folder created with the blueprint and bsa folders contains the exported options, service offering and option choices details, as shown in the following figure:

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