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Changing passwords in CLM product applications

You might need to update passwords after you already installed BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management. But before you change any passwords, you must recognize that the passwords of one application are integrated with other applications in the cloud solution. When you change passwords, you must update the same password in other applications and configurations. This topic contains the following information:

Password dependencies between applications

When you change passwords, you must carefully check if there are any external applications or resources that use any of the accounts and passwords you are changing. Review the following table of password dependencies in BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management. For example, if you check the AR Demo user password, you must also change the password in BMC Network Automation (BBNA), BMC Server Automation (BBSA), and the Platform Manager JSON file. 


AR System Administration Console

Source DSO server's destination server setting

Email engine configuration

Flashboard server configuration

CMF:PluginConfiguration form

Mid Tier configuration

AO Adapter



Cloud Admin Console configuration

Cloud Admin Console providers

Platform Manager JSON file

AR Demo user






AR orchestrationuser user







AR Application Service Password



AR DSO Password





AR database user (ARAdmin)


CSM Super User



AO admin user





AR Mid Tier Configuration Password


AR Mid Tier Administrator Password



AtriumWS admin user


BBNA sysadmin user




BBNA database user password in database


BBSA BLAdmin user




BBSA database user (bladelogic) password in database




BBPM admin user


if you performed customizations (for example, QIP integrations), then you might need to change additional passwords based on the amount and nature of the customizations.

To change Enterprise-AR and Cloud-AR passwords

The following instructions are for all BMC Remedy or CLM users of the Enterprise-AR and Cloud AR servers.

  • After you change the CSM Super User, AR Database, AR Mid-Tier and AR DSO Password, restart AR Services.
  • Update the changed password of Demo user (if changed) in the JSON file of OSGI (see Updating CLM Platform (OSGI) section for instructions). You must contact BMC Support to obtain an encrypted password for your new password.
  • Some instructions apply to applications installed on a Linux server and/or Oracle database. Substitute the paths and commands for Windows server and/or SQL Server database.

To change the Enterprise-AR Demo user password

The following instructions apply to any other normal AR System user logins as well.

If you change the Demo user password, you must contact BMC Support to obtain an encrypted password to be used later when you update the Demo password in the CSM Platform OSGI as well. See Updating CLM Platform (OSGI) section towards the end of this document.
  1. Log on to the Enterprise-AR server using the Demo user (or a user for which password needs to be changed).
  2. Open the Change Password form.
    The direct access URL is:
  3. Enter correct Current Password.
  4. Enter and confirm the New Password.
  5. Click Save.

To change the Enterprise-AR or Cloud-AR Application Service Password

  1. Log on to Enterprise-AR or Cloud-AR as Demo.
  2. From IT Home, open the AR System Administration Console. by clicking Applications > AR System Administration > AR System Administration Console
  3. Select System > General > Server Information. 
  4. Click the Connection Settings tab.
  5. Change the Application Service Password to the new password, and then click Apply.
  6. Click OK.

To change the Enterprise-AR or Cloud-AR password in Email Engine and Flashboards configuration

When changing the Application Service Password, you must also update this password in the Email Engine configuration and Flashboards server configuration.
To update this password in the Email Engine configuration:

  1. Back up and save the following files:
    D:\Program Files\BMC Software\ARSystem\AREmail\EmailDaemon.properties
    D:\Program Files\BMC Software\ARSystem\AREmail\EmailStart.bat 
  2. Edit the EmailStart.bat file and replace %* at the end of the execute line with -p <changed Application Service Password>:
    Previous version:

    ..... com.bmc.arsys.emaildaemon.EmailDaemon %* 

    Updated version: 

    ..... com.bmc.arsys.emaildaemon.EmailDaemon –p NewApplicationServicePassword
  3. Execute EmailStart.bat from the command line to update the password in the EmailDaemon.properties file.
  4. Edit EmailStart.bat file, and revert it back to its original form.
  5. Restart the Email Engine service.
  6. Review the .\Logs\stdout.log and .\Logs\stderr.log files to make sure that the connection is successful.

To update this password in the Flashboards server configuration:

  1. From the UNIX command line or the Windows Command Prompt, change directories to the Flashboards installation directory (for example, D:\Program Files\BMC Software\ARSystem\flashboards).
  2. Enter the following commands (based on your installation and product versions).
    Review the install directory for the corresponding .jar files and specify the correct names and install directory path.
    For Microsoft Windows (which uses semi-colons):

    java -classpath arutil7604_build002.jar;flashd7604_build002.jar; -DflashInstallPath=FlashboardsInstallationDirectory FBDriver

    For Linux (which uses colons): 

    java -classpath arutil7603_build001.jar:flashd7603_build001.jar: -DflashInstallPath=FlashboardsInstallationDirectory FBDriver
  3. Enter spw to set the password.
  4. Follow the remaining instructions on the screen.

To change the Enterprise-AR or Cloud AR DSO password

When updating the DSO Password, remember to update the corresponding destination server DSO password on the source server's DSO server settings.

  1. Log on to Enterprise-AR or Cloud AR as Demo.
  2. From IT Home, open the AR System Administration Console. by clicking Applications > AR System Administration > AR System Administration Console. 
  3. Select System > General > Server Information
  4. Click the Connection Settings tab, and then click the DSO Server tab. 
  5. Change the DSO Local Password to the new password, and then click Apply.
  6. Click OK.

To change the Database Password of the Enterprise or Cloud AR Databases

  1. Log on to Enterprise-AR or Cloud AR as Demo.
  2. From IT Home, open the AR System Administration Console. by clicking Applications > AR System Administration > AR System Administration Console
  3. Select System > General > Server Information. 
  4. Click the Database tab.
  5. Enter the new database password in the Database Password field.
  6. Click OK.

To change the password of the database user on the database server

The ARAdmin database user password you are setting here must match the Database Password you set in the AR System Administration Console in the previous section. You might need your DBA to assist you.
  1. For Oracle, connect to the database instance as sys/system whose database user password must be changed.
  2. Run the following command:
    alter user <username> identified by <password>; 

    <username> is the name of database user (typically ARAdmin)
    <password> is the new password

    For example:
    sqlplus sys/clmAdm1n@ARSystem as sysdba
    SQL> alter user ARAdmin identified by bmcAdm1n; 
  3. After changing the password, verify the database password from the satabase host.
    For example:
    [oracle@clm-db1 bin]$ sqlplus ARAdmin/bmcAdm1n@ARSystem 
  4. After changing the CSM Super User, AR Database, AR Mid-Tier, or AR DSO Password, restart the AR Services.

To change the CSM Super User or AO User password in the CMF:PluginConfiguration form

Before you begin:

  • When you are changing the CSM Super User and AO User passwords, contact BMC Support to obtain the encrypted passwords for the new passwords you are setting.
  • The AO User password must match the password you change later for AO admin.
  • You must generate another set of encrypted passwords for use in the Platform Manager (OSGI) configuration. See Update CLM Platform (OSGI) section for details.
  1. Contact BMC Support to generate encrypted passwords for your new CSM Super User and/or AO User passwords.
  2. After you receive the encrypted passwords, log on to Enterprise-AR ITSM server as Demo.
  3. Open the CMF:PluginConfiguration form in Search mode.
    For example:
  4. Click Search.
  5. If you generated a new password for CSM Super User:

    1. Select the CSM_SUPER_USER_PASSWORD record from the results list. 
    2. Update the Value field with the new encrypted password. 
    3. Click Save to save the updated record.
  6. If you generated a new password for AO User password:

    1. select the FIELD_AO_PASSWORD record from the results list.
    2. Update the Value field with the new encrypted password. 
    3. Click Save to save the updated record.

To change the Mid Tier configuration password

  1. Go to the Mid Tier Configuration URL.
    For example: 
  2. Enter the Mid Tier configuration password (by default it is arsystem).
  3. Click Change Password.
  4. Enter the correct Old Password.
  5. Enter and confirm the New Password.
  6. Click Change Password.

To change the Mid Tier administrator password

Update the administrator password used by the Mid Tier to connect to the AR System in the Connection Settings tab of the Enterprise-AR server.

  1. Log on to Enterprise-AR as Demo.
  2. From IT Home, open the AR System Administration Console. by clicking Applications > AR System Administration > AR System Administration Console
  3. Select System > General > Server Information. 
  4. Click the Connection Settings tab.
  5. Update the Mid-Tier Administrator Password with a new password.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Log on to the Mid Tier Configuration form.
    For example: 
  8. Click AR Server Settings.
  9. Edit the AR Server settings.
  10. Update Admin Password to the new Mid Tier Administrator password.
  11. Click Save AR Server.
  12. Restart the Mid Tier service.

To change the password of the Atrium WS administrator

  1. Go to the Atrium WS URL.
    For example: 
  2. Log on with the username admin and password (the default password is admin).
  3. Under Server Configuration, select Userprofiles > Userprofiles.
  4. Enter a new password in the password field.
  5. Click Apply all.
  6. After the Atrium WS admin password is changed, update the new password in the Connection Settings tab of Enterprise-AR:
    1. Log on to Enterprise-AR as Demo.
    2. From IT Home, open the AR System Administration Console. by clicking Applications > AR System Administration > AR System Administration Console.
    3. Select System > General > Server Information.
    4. Click the WS Registry Integration tab.
    5. Update the Registry Admin Password with the new Atrium WS admin password.
    6. Click OK.

To change the BMC Network Automation sysadmin password

After you change the BMC Network Automation sysadmin user password, you must also update the password either in the CLM Admin Console's Providers workspace for the BMC Network Automation provider or in the Platform Manager OSGi's JSON file (see Updating CLM Platform (OSGI) section for how to).

  1. Go to the BMC Network Automation URL.
    For example: 
  2. Log on as sysadmin using the current credentials.
  3. Click Change Password.
  4. Enter the correct Old Password.
  5. Enter and confirm the New Password.
  6. Click Submit.

To change the Demo password in the BMC Network Automation integration with CMDB

  1. Go to the BMC Network Automation URL.
    For example: 
  2. Log on as sysadmin using the current credentials.
  3. Click the Admin tab. 
  4. Under System Admin, select System Parameters
  5. Scroll down the page to External Integrations.
  6. In the Enable CMDB Integration section, change the Demo password if you have changed the AR Demo password.
  7. Click Save

To change the BMC Network Automation Database password

If you have changed the BMC Network Automation database user password on the database server, use the following steps to change the Oracle or SQL Server database password that is saved on BMC Network Automation server.

Before you begin, you need:

  • The administrator or root password for the BMC Network Automation server
  • The new Oracle or SQL Server database password

To change the database password:

  1. Log on to the BMC Network Automation server as an Administrator or root.
  2. Generate an encrypted product password:
    1. Open a command window.
    2. Navigate to C:\Program Files\BMC Software\BCA-Networks\utility
    3. Run the BcanMaintenanceTool utility.
      For example: 
    4. On the Encrypt tab, enter the password in the Password and Confirm Password fields.
    5. Choose Encrypt Product Password from the drop-down menu.
    6. Click Encrypt.
      The encrypted password is displayed in the following format:
    7. Copy the encrypted string to the clipboard.
  3. Open the BCAN_DATA\database.properties file in a text editor.
    On Windows, this file is located by default at C:\BCA-Networks-Data.  
  4. Locate the line that begins with javax.jdo.option.EncryptedConnectionPassword.
    For example:

    #are mapping CLOB jdbc type to NCLOB Sql type for Oracle


  5. Replace the old hexadecimal string with the new hexadecimal string that you just generated with the BcanMaintenanceTool.
  6. Save the file and close the editor.
  7. If you are using local authentication, open the BCAN_HOME\tomcat\conf\server.xml file in a text editor.
    On Windows, this file is located by default at C:\Program Files\BMC Software\BCA-Networks\tomcat\conf.  
  8. Locate the following lines in the file:

          <!-- BEGIN: BCA-Networks realm configured by InstallShield -->
          <Realm className="com.bmc.bcan.catalina.realm.BBNAJDBCRealm"


  9. In connectionPassword=, replace the hexadecimal string with the encrypted password that you just generated.
  10. Save and close the file.
  11. In the BcanMaintenanceTool, generate a silent install configuration file password, but choose Encrypt Silent Install Configuration File Password.
  12. Open the BCAN_HOME\BCANInstalledConfiguration.xml file in a text editor.
    On Windows, this file is located by default at C:\Program Files\BMC Software\BCA-Networks
  13. Locate the lines in the file similar to following example:

  14. Replace the hexadecimal string with the encrypted password that you just generated.
  15. Save the file and close the editor.
  16. Restart the BMC Network Automation server.

To change the password of BMC Server Automation user

After you change the BMC Server Automation BLAdmin or SRP password, you must also update the password either in the CLM Admin Console's Providers workspace for the BMC Server Automation provider or in the Platform Manager OSGi's JSON file (see Updating CLM Platform (OSGI) section for how to).

  1. Log on to the BMC Server Automation Console with the user whose password must be changed (for example, BLAdmin).
  2. Select Configuration > SRP Password.
  3. Enter the correct Old password.
  4. Enter and confirm the New password.
  5. Click OK.

To update the database password in BMC Server Automation

Use the following procedure to change the database password on the BMC Server Automation database. 

  1. Launch nsh and run the following commands to set the database password for configuration deployment:

    blasadmin –s config_deployment 
    set database password "******" 
  2. Run the commands a second time to set the database password for job deployment:

    blasadmin –s job_deployment 
    set database password "******" 


  3. After the database password is changed, log on to the Bladelogic Application Server Console and verify that you can log on the console.
  4. Navigate to the /bin directory from the BMC Service Automation computer.
    For example, on Linux, the directory is /opt/bmc/bladelogic/8.1/operationsManager/NSH/bin/

    From the Windows Start menu, select Programs > BMC Software > BladeLogic Server Automation Suite > Utilities > Application Server Configuration Wizard. 


  5. Run the ./blappconf command from that directory.
  6. In the Application Server Configuration window, verify that the File Server tab is accessible.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Log on the BMC Server Automation Console.

To change Demo password in the BMC Network Automation integration with CMDB

If you changed the AR Demo password, perform the following actions in the BMC Server Automation Console:

  1. Select Configuration > Atrium Integration > Configuration.
  2. Update the new AR Demo password if you changed it previously.
  3. Click Test Connection to verify the connection.
    You should see that the CMDB connection is successful. 
  4. Click Save.

To change the password of the AO admin user password

  1. Log on to the Atrium Orchestrator Access Manager.
    For example: 
    The default login credentials are admin/admin123.
  2. Enter the new password in the Password field.
    This must match the password you created if you changed the AO User password in the previous AR section.
  3. Click Save.

To update the AO Password in the CLM Admin Console configuration

Update the Atrium Orchestrator admin user password under the Storage section in CLM Admin Console's Configuration workspace.

  1. Open the BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management Administration Console.
  2. From Workspaces, select Configuration.  
  3. Click the Storage tab. 
  4. Change the Atrium Orchestrator password, and then click Save

To update passwords in AO's adapter configurations

If you changed AR's orchestrationuser, BMC Server Automation's BLAdmin, or BMC Network Automation's admin user passwords, you must update the Atrium Orchestrator Adapter settings for the corresponding applications.

  1. Log on to the Atrium Orchestrator Grid URL.
    For example:
    The default login and password is admin/admin123
  2. Select Manage > Adapters
  3. Select the appropriate adapter on the grid, and update the password for the connection users.

To change passwords in BMC ProactiveNet

  1. Log on to BMC ProactiveNet Operations Console.
    You need a BMC ProactiveNet license to access this console.

  2. After you log on, click Options.
  3. Click the General tab.
  4. Click the Edit option under User ID and Password.
  5. Specify the correct old password.
  6. Enter and confirm the new password.
  7. Click Apply.

After changing passwords and updating the password in other applications, restart all services.

Troubleshooting and generating encrypted passwords

  1. If you encounter an account lock with the following error, ORACLE ERROR:ORA-28000: the account is locked, perform the following actions:

    SQL> alter user <username> account unlock;
    SQL> commit;
  2. If the BMC Server Automation Console Login fails with a connection refuse error, perform the following:
    1. Verify the encrypted password in the asDataSourceService.xml file.
      This file is located, for example, at /opt/bmc/bladelogic/8.1/operationsManager/NSH/br/deployments/config_deployment/services/asDataSourceService.xml.

    2. Use /opt/bmc/bladelogic/8.1/operationsManager/utilities/ ServerAutomationConsoleMaintenanceTool.sh utility to generate encryptedPassword

To update CLM Platform (OSGI) with Enterprise-AR, Cloud AR, BBSA and BBNA users changed passwords

Contact BMC Support to obtain encrypted passwords for the new passwords to be updated in the CLM Platform (OSGI) server if you changed any of below passwords in the previous sections:

  • Enterprise-AR CSM Super User password
  • Enterprise/Cloud AR's Demo user password
  • BMC Network Automation's sysadmin password (You can also update this password from the CLM Administrator Console's Providers workspace instead of manually updating the JSON file)
  • BMC Server Automation's BLAdmin password (You can also update this password from the CLM Administrator Console's Providers workspace instead of manually updating the JSON file)
  • BMC ProactiveNet Manatement's admin password
  • Atrium Orchestrator's admin password

To update changed passwords:

  1. After you receive the encrypted passwords for CLM Platform's configuration JSON files, log on to the CLM Platform Manager server.
  2. Stop the BMC CSM services.
  3. Navigate to the /opt/bmc/BMCCloudLifeCycleManagement/Platform_Manager/configuration directory.
  4. Edit the cloudservices.json file and the providers.json file.
  5. To locate the encrypted passwords within the JSONs, search the files for the"isPassword" : true parameter. The first attributeValue after that is a password. The JSON fragment below is an example of how the Super User Password is stored in the JSON. The x+IJYzkzRt8tjHGnMJaJhA== is the part you must change with the new encrypted value for the Super User password.

    "cloudClass" : "com.bmc.cloud.model.beans.AccessAttributeValue",
    "accessAttribute" : {
    "cloudClass" : "com.bmc.cloud.model.beans.AccessAttribute",
    "datatype" : "String",
    "description" : "Super User Password",
    "guid" : "61b995d7-9852-42a0-bf53-6b6f03fd9364",
    "isOptional" : false,
    "isPassword" : true,
    "length" : 255,
    "modifiableWithoutRestart" : false,
    "name" : "password"
    "attributeValue" : "x+IJYzkzRt8tjHGnMJaJhA==",
    "description" : "Super User Password",
    "guid" : "ceb52f5d-c90b-421e-ac1b-985f74240764",
    "name" : "password"
  6. Encrypt and change the following users whose password needs in the JSON files:
    • "description" : "Super User Password" = Enterprise-AR CSM Super User password
    • "description" : "Database(AR) Server Password" = Cloud AR's Demo password
    • "description" : "Database(AR) Password" = Cloud AR's Demo Password
    • "description" : "BBNA Password" = BBNA sysadmin password
      You can update this BBNA sysadmin password also from the CLM Administrator Consoles' Providers workspace instead of manually updating the JSON file.
    • "description" : "BBSA Password" = BBSA BLAdmin password
      You can update this BBSA sysadmin password also from the CLM Administrator Consoles' Providers workspace instead of manually updating the JSON file.
    • "description" : "BPPM Password" = BPPM admin password
    • "description" : "AO Server Password" = AO admin password
  7. After changing the password in JSON files:
    1. Restart the BMC CSM service on the Platform Manager computer. 
    2. Wait a few minutes after the service starts and log on to the BMC Cloud Administration Console. 
    3. Click the Provider console. 
    4. Verify if you can access all the providers onboarded in Cloud Portal.
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