
If the database password is changed, this command is used to reset the password on the Report Engine to connect to the database. You must run this command to enable the data collection from TrueSight Infrastructure Management  to the Report Engine.

To change the BMC TrueSight Operations Management Report Engine database schema password

  1. Stop the BMC TrueSight Operations Management Report Engine service.
  2. Access the Report Engine database host and connect to the database.
  3. Run the following commands:

    Set ORACLE_SID=bppmre

    sqlplus / as sysdba

    alter user re identified by re1;

    Where, re is the current user and re1 is the new password.

  4. Navigate to the <ReportEngineInstallDir>\ReportEngine\bin\reportsCLI.

  5. (Linux) Run the following commands to provide execute permissions:

    • chmod 755 UpdateReportEngineDBPassword.sh <Report Engine database user name>
    • chmod 755 Installer.jar
  6. Run the following command to change the password:

    (WindowsUpdateReportEngineDBPassword.cmd <Report Engine database user name>

    (LinuxUpdateReportEngineDBPassword.sh <Report Engine database user name>


    When you do not provide any argument for the UpdateReportEngineDBPassword command, the system displays the help message by default.

  7. Start the BMC TrueSight Operations Management Report Engine service. 

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  1. John Clitheroe

    "alter user re identified by re1; Where, re is current password and re1 is new password. "

    The above statement is incorrect. 're' is the user NOT the current password

    Jun 13, 2019 10:42
    1. Mukta Kirloskar

      Thank you for the observation, John. We have corrected the document.



      Jun 14, 2019 07:10