This documentation supports an earlier version of BMC Helix Operations Management.

To view the documentation for the latest version, select 23.1 from the Product version picker.

Configuring blackout policies with REST APIs

The following section provides a list of supported endpoints and an overview about running these endpoints. Before you run an endpoint, you must authenticate yourself. For more information, see  Access and authentication for the REST API Open link

POST /events-service/api/v1.0/blackout_policies

Request URL
https://<BMC Helix Portal URL>/events-service/api/v1.0/blackout_policies

Request header
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <JWT_token>

For instructions on obtaining the JWT token, see Access and authentication for the REST API. Open link

Request Body
  "name": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "executionOrder": "integer",
  "eventSelectorCriteria": "string",
  "enabled": "Boolean",
        "definition": {
        "timeframeDetails": {
          "startDate": "Date",
          "startTime": "time",
          "endTime": "time",
          "endsOn": {
            "endDate": "Date"
          "recurrencePattern": {
            "recurrence": "string"
          "timeZone": {
            "id": "string",
            "offset": "time zone format"
        "processing_action": {
          "blackoutExistingEvents": "Boolean",
          "resetStatusOnBlackoutEnd": "Boolean"

Example Request Body - Create a policy (time frame = one time)
  "name": "abcd",
  "description": "Blackout Policy 1",
  "executionOrder": 9999,
  "eventSelectorCriteria": "( class equals 'EVENT' ) AND _identifier within '123'",
  "enabled": false,
        "definition": {
        "timeframeDetails": {
          "startDate": "14122020",
          "startTime": "17:27",
          "endTime": "17:27",
          "endsOn": {
            "endDate": "16122020"
          "recurrencePattern": {
            "recurrence": "oneTime"
          "timeZone": {
            "id": "Atlantic/Azores",
            "offset": "-01:00"
        "processing_action": {
          "blackoutExistingEvents": "true",
          "resetStatusOnBlackoutEnd": "false"
Example Request Body - Create a policy (time frame = recurring, repeats = daily)
    "name": "testpolicy11",
    "description": "Blackout Policy 1",
    "executionOrder": 9999,
    "eventSelectorCriteria": "( class equals 'EVENT' ) AND _identifier within '123'",
    "enabled": false,
    "configurations": {        
        "definition": {
            "timeframeDetails": {
                "startDate": "03022021",
                "startTime": "10:35",
                "endTime": "11:36",
                "recurrencePattern": {
                    "recurrence": "daily",
                    "details": {
                        "days": "all"
                "endsOn": {
                    "endDate": "04022021"
                "timeZone": {
                    "id": "Atlantic/Azores",
                    "offset": "-01:00"
            "processing_action": {
                "blackoutExistingEvents": "true",
                "resetStatusOnBlackoutEnd": "false"
Example Request Body - Create a policy (time frame = recurring, repeats = weekly, days of the week = 3rd day of the week)
    "name": "testpolicy12",
    "description": "Blackout Policy 1",
    "executionOrder": 9999,
    "eventSelectorCriteria": "( class equals 'EVENT' ) AND _identifier within '123'",
    "enabled": false,
            "definition": {
                "timeframeDetails": {
                    "startDate": "03022021",
                    "startTime": "10:35",
                    "endTime": "11:36",
                    "endsOn": {
                        "occurrences": "5"
                    "recurrencePattern": {
                        "recurrence": "weekly",
                        "details": {
                            "daysOfWeek": [
                    "timeZone": {
                        "id": "Atlantic/Azores",
                        "offset": "-01:00"
                "processing_action": {
                    "blackoutExistingEvents": "true",
                    "resetStatusOnBlackoutEnd": "false"
Example Request Body - Create a policy (time frame = recurring, repeats = weekly, days of the week = 3,4,7)
    "name": "testpolicy14",
    "description": "Blackout Policy 1",
    "executionOrder": 9999,
    "eventSelectorCriteria": "( class equals 'EVENT' ) AND _identifier within '123'",
    "enabled": false,
            "definition": {
                "timeframeDetails": {
                    "startDate": "03022021",
                    "startTime": "10:35",
                    "endTime": "11:36",
                    "endsOn": {
                        "never": true
                    "recurrencePattern": {
                        "recurrence": "weekly",
                        "details": {
                            "daysOfWeek": [
                    "timeZone": {
                        "id": "Atlantic/Azores",
                        "offset": "-01:00"
                "processing_action": {
                    "blackoutExistingEvents": "true",
                    "resetStatusOnBlackoutEnd": "false"
Example Request Body - Create a policy (time frame = recurring, repeats = monthly, dates = 1-15)
    "name": "testpolicy13",
    "description": "Blackout Policy 1",
    "executionOrder": 9999,
    "eventSelectorCriteria": "( class equals 'EVENT' ) AND _identifier within '123'",
    "enabled": false,
                 "definition": {
                "timeframeDetails": {
                    "startDate": "03022021",
                    "startTime": "10:35",
                    "endTime": "11:36",
                    "endsOn": {
                        "never": true
                    "recurrencePattern": {
                        "recurrence": "monthly",
                        "details": {
                            "dates": "1-15"
                    "timeZone": {
                        "id": "Atlantic/Azores",
                        "offset": "-01:00"
                "processing_action": {
                    "blackoutExistingEvents": "true",
                    "resetStatusOnBlackoutEnd": "false"
Example Request Body - Create a policy (time frame = recurring, repeats = daily, select No End Date and select Exclude Weekends)
    "name": "testpolicy15",
    "description": "Blackout Policy 1",
    "executionOrder": 9999,
    "eventSelectorCriteria": "( class equals 'EVENT' ) AND _identifier within '123'",
    "enabled": false,

Parameter details

NameValue TypeDescriptionValid valuesMandatoryLocated in

Policy name

Unique valueyesbody

Policy description

Any stringnobody



Selection criteria

  • (
  • )
  • AND
  • OR
  • equals
  • contains

Time frame details

  • startDate         
  • startTime
  • endTime
  • endsOn
  • endDate


stringStart time

Specify the time in the 24-hour time format.



stringEnd time

Specify the time in the 24-hour time format.

startDatestringSpecify the start dateSpecify the date in the ddmmyyyy format.yesbody


objectSpecify the ending criteria for the policy

The endsOn object must contain one of the following parameters:

  • endDate
  • occurrences
  • never
endDatestringEnd date

Specify the date in the ddmmyyyy format

Note: If you choose recurrence as oneTime, you can only use the endDate parameter in the endsOn object.


Specify an integer value.

Note: Set a value to this parameter only if you have set the recurrence value as daily, monthly, or weekly.


Indicates if the time frame has an end date.

  • true: Set it to true to indicate no end date.
  • false: Set it to false to specify an end date

Note: If you set this value to false, specify either an endDate or set the occurrences value.

executionOrderintegerPolicy precedence


enabledbooleanIndicates if the policy is enabled or disabled
  • true: Specifies that the policy is enabled.
  • false: Specifies that the policy disabled.

By default, the policy is disabled.



stringSpecify the policy recurrence frequency
  • oneTime

  • daily         
  • weekly
  • monthly

Specify the recurrence details

  • If the recurrence is set to daily, specify one of the following values in the details:
    • days: all (Indicates all the weekdays)
    • days: excludeWeekends (Indicates all the weekdays excluding the weekends)
  • If the recurrence is set to weekly, specify one of the following values in the details:

daysOfWeek:[Specify a comma-separated list of the day in the numerical format]

Sunday is the first day of the week.

For example, daysOfWeek: [1-3, 5 ], which means include Sunday to Tuesday, and Thursday.

  • If the recurrence is set to monthly, specify one of the following values in the details:

dates: [Specify a comma-separated list of the dates in the numerical format]

For example, dates: [1-3, 15 ]


Note: This parameter is mandatory if you specify the recurrence value to daily, weekly, or monthly.


Time zone details

  • ID
  • offset

For a complete list of time zones and the offset values, see timezone_list.xlsx.



BooleanIndicates if the events are blacked out.
  • true
  • false

Note: If set to true, the status of existing events that matched the eventSelectorcriteria changes from Open to Blackout at the start of the blackout window.



BooleanIndicates if the event status is reset.
  • true
  • false

Note: If set to true, the status of existing blacked-out events changes to their last status at the end of the blackout window.


Successful response

     "resourceId": [

Unsuccessful response

Name is mandatory and cannot be null or empty.
DELETE /events-service/api/v1.0/blackout_policies/{ID}
Request URL
https://<BMC Helix Portal URL>/events-service/api/v1.0/blackout_policies/{ID}
Request URL - Example
https://<BMC Helix Portal URL>/events-service/api/v1.0/blackout_policies/7a53b0e0-5fe0-11eb-aa8a-3b1c79082b69

Request header
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <JWT_token>

For instructions on obtaining the JWT token, see Access and authentication for the REST API. Open link

Parameter details
NameValue TypeDescriptionvalid parameterMandatoryLocated in

Policy identifier to delete a policy

Unique String value


Successful response

       "resourceId": [

Unsuccessful response

Scenario 1

Bad Request : Invalid resource id specified: 6898e009-7b19-11eb-b21b-f1af2da78f158
#When the UUID format is invalid, the preceding error message is displayed.

Scenario 2

    "responseTimeStamp": 1614666222794,
    "statusCode": "POLICY_NOT_EXIST",
    "statusMsg": "[Failed to delete policy, entry doesn't exist in database]"
#When the UUID format is valid, but it does not exist in the database, the preceding error message is displayed.
PUT /events-service/api/v1.0/blackout_policies/{ID}

Request URL
https://<BMC Helix Portal URL>/events-service/api/v1.0/blackout_policies/{ID}
Request URL - Example
https://<BMC Helix Portal URL>/events-service/api/v1.0/blackout_policies/2955a3c0-5f07-11eb-ad61-c1b170e13220
Request header
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <JWT_token>

For instructions on obtaining the JWT token, see Access and authentication for the REST API. Open link

Request Body
    "name": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "executionOrder": "integer",
    "eventSelectorCriteria": "string",
    "enabled": "Boolean",
            "definition": {
                "timeframeDetails": {
                    "endsOn": {
                        "endDate": "date"
                    "recurrencePattern": {
                        "recurrence": "string",
                        "details": {}
                    "timeZone": {
                        "offset": "time zone format",
                        "id": "string"
                    "startTime": "time",
                    "endTime": "time",
                    "startDate": "date"
                "processing_action": {
                    "resetStatusOnBlackoutEnd": "Boolean",
                    "blackoutExistingEvents": "Boolean"
            "timeframeStatus": "string"

Example Request Body
    "name": "testpolicy3",
    "description": "Policy Updated 12334",
    "executionOrder": 466,
    "eventSelectorCriteria": "( class equals 'EVENT' ) AND ( msg contains 'Test Message' )",
    "enabled": true,
    "configurations": {
        "definition": {
            "timeframeDetails": {
                "endsOn": {
                    "endDate": "25012021"
                "recurrencePattern": {
                    "recurrence": "oneTime",
                    "details": {}
                "timeZone": {
                    "offset": "+05:30",
                    "id": "Asia/Kolkata"
                "startTime": "17:46",
                "endTime": "17:51",
                "startDate": "25012021"
            "processing_action": {
                "resetStatusOnBlackoutEnd": false,
                "blackoutExistingEvents": true
Parameter details
NameValue TypeDescriptionValid valuesMandatoryLocated in

Policy name

Note: Ensure that you do not change the policy name. Provide the same name as the original policy name.yesbody

Policy description

Any stringnobody



Selection criteria

  • (
  • )
  • AND
  • OR
  • equals
  • contains

Time frame details

  • startDate         
  • startTime
  • endTime
  • endsOn
  • endDate


stringStart time

Specify the time in the 24-hour time format.



stringEnd time

Specify the time in the 24-hour time format.

startDatestringSpecify the start dateSpecify the date in the ddmmyyyy format.yesbody


objectSpecify the ending criteria for the policy

The endsOn object must contain one of the following parameters:

  • endDate
  • occurrences
  • never
endDatestringEnd date

Specify the date in the ddmmyyyy format

Note: If you choose recurrence as oneTime, you can only use the endDate parameter in the endsOn object.


Specify an integer value.

Note: Set a value to this parameter only if you have set the recurrence value as daily, monthly, or weekly.


Indicates if the time frame has an end date.

  • true: Set it to true to indicate no end date.
  • false: Set it to false to specify an end date

Note: If you set this value to false, specify either an endDate or set the occurrences value.

executionOrderintegerPolicy precedence


configurationslistConfigurations of records on basis of attributes given
  • configOrder
  • type
  • definition
enabledbooleanIndicates if the policy is enabled or disabled
  • true: Specifies that the policy is enabled.
  • false: Specifies that the policy disabled.

By default, the policy is disabled.



stringSpecify the policy recurrence frequency
  • oneTime

  • daily         
  • weekly
  • monthly

Specify the recurrence details

  • If the recurrence is set to daily, specify one of the following values in the details:
    • days: all (Indicates all the weekdays)
    • days: excludeWeekends (Indicates all the weekdays excluding the weekends)
  • If the recurrence is set to weekly, specify one of the following values in the details:

daysOfWeek:[Specify a comma-separated list of the day in the numerical format]

Sunday is the first day of the week.

For example, daysOfWeek: [1-3, 5 ], which means include Sunday to Tuesday, and Thursday.

  • If the recurrence is set to monthly, specify one of the following values in the details:

dates: [Specify a comma-separated list of the dates in the numerical format]

For example, dates: [1-3, 15 ]


Note: This parameter is mandatory if you specify the recurrence value to daily, weekly, or monthly.


Time zone details

  • ID
  • offset

For a complete list of time zones and the offset values, see timezone_list.xlsx.



BooleanIndicates if the events are blacked out.
  • true
  • false

Note: If set to true, the status of existing events that matched the eventSelectorcriteria changes from Open to Blackout at the start of the blackout window.



BooleanIndicates if the event status is reset.
  • true
  • false

Note: If set to true, the status of existing blacked-out events changes to their last status at the end of the blackout window.


Successful response

    "resourceId": [

Unsuccessful response

Scenario 1

Invalid eventSelectorCriteria: Matching brackets missing.

Scenario 2

Policy name should not be modified during update.
POST  /events-service/api/v1.0/blackout_policies/search

Request URL
https://<BMC Helix Portal URL>/events-service/api/v1.0/blackout_policies/search

Request header
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <JWT_token>

For instructions on obtaining the JWT token, see Access and authentication for the REST API. Open link

Request Body
    "searchString": "string",
    "pageIndex": "integer,
    "recordsPerPage": "integer",
    "sortCriteria": {
        "attribute": "string",
        "order": "string"

Example Request Body
    "searchString": "test",
    "pageIndex": 1,
    "recordsPerPage": 25,
    "sortCriteria": {
        "attribute": "modificationTime",
        "order": "ASC"
Parameter details
NameValue TypeDescriptionValid valuesMandatory

Page index

>= 1


Number of records to display on a page

>= 1

stringPolicy sorting criteria
  • name
  • modificationTime
  • enabled
stringPolicy sorting order
  • ASC
  • DESC

Successful response

    "responseTimeStamp": 1614664916995,
    "statusCode": "200",
    "statusMsg": "OK",
    "totalRecords": 1,
    "policies": [
            "name": "testpolicy3",
            "description": "Policy Updated 12334",
            "executionOrder": 466,
            "selector": "689647f8-7b19-11eb-b21b-f16b7b90db83",
            "eventSelectorCriteria": "( class equals 'EVENT' ) AND ( msg contains 'Test Message' )",
            "timeframes": [],
            "owner": "admin",
            "enabled": true,
            "readOnly": false,
            "creationTime": 1614663462432,
            "modificationTime": 1614663944484,
            "configurations": {
                "tenantId": "194864176",
                "policyId": "6898e009-7b19-11eb-b21b-f1af2da78f15",
                "id": "87ed8be3-7b1a-11eb-b21b-2fbe328e0339",
                "configOrder": 0,
                "creationTime": 0,
                "modificationTime": 0,
                "definition": {
                    "timeframeDetails": {
                        "endsOn": {
                            "endDate": "25012021"
                        "recurrencePattern": {
                            "recurrence": "oneTime",
                            "details": {}
                        "timeZone": {
                            "offset": "+05:30",
                            "id": "Asia/Kolkata"
                        "startTime": "17:46",
                        "endTime": "17:51",
                        "startDate": "25012021"
                    "processing_action": {
                        "resetStatusOnBlackoutEnd": false,
                        "blackoutExistingEvents": true
                "timeframeStatus": "EXPIRED,LastRun:,NextRun:"

Unsuccessful response

Scenario 1

        "key": "validation.schema.type",
        "level": "ERROR",
        "message": "[Path '/recordsPerPage'] Instance type (string) does not match any allowed primitive type (allowed: [\"integer\"])",
        "additionalInfo": []

Scenario 2

        "key": "validation.schema.additionalProperties",
        "level": "ERROR",
        "message": "Object instance has properties which are not allowed by the schema: [\"searchString1\"]",
        "additionalInfo": []
GET /events-service/api/v1.0/blackout_policies/{ID}

Request URL
https://<BMC Helix Portal URL>/events-service/api/v1.0/blackout_policies/{ID}
Example Request URL

Request header
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <JWT_token>

For instructions on obtaining the JWT token, see Access and authentication for the REST API. Open link

Parameter details

NameValue TypeDescriptionvalid parameterMandatoryLocated in

Policy ID

Unique string value


Successful response

    "responseTimeStamp": 1614665610722,
    "statusCode": "200",
    "statusMsg": "[Policy found!]",
    "blackoutPolicy": {
        "name": "testpolicy3",
        "description": "Policy Updated 12334",
        "executionOrder": 466,
        "selector": "689647f8-7b19-11eb-b21b-f16b7b90db83",
        "eventSelectorCriteria": "( class equals 'EVENT' ) AND ( msg contains 'Test Message' )",
        "timeframes": [],
        "owner": "admin",
        "enabled": true,
        "readOnly": false,
        "creationTime": 1614663462432,
        "modificationTime": 1614663944484,
        "configurations": {
            "tenantId": "194864176",
            "policyId": "6898e009-7b19-11eb-b21b-f1af2da78f15",
            "id": "87ed8be3-7b1a-11eb-b21b-2fbe328e0339",
            "configOrder": 0,
            "creationTime": 0,
            "modificationTime": 0,
            "definition": {
                "timeframeDetails": {
                    "endsOn": {
                        "endDate": "25012021"
                    "recurrencePattern": {
                        "recurrence": "oneTime",
                        "details": {}
                    "timeZone": {
                        "offset": "+05:30",
                        "id": "Asia/Kolkata"
                    "startTime": "17:46",
                    "endTime": "17:51",
                    "startDate": "25012021"
                "processing_action": {
                    "resetStatusOnBlackoutEnd": false,
                    "blackoutExistingEvents": true
            "timeframeStatus": "EXPIRED,LastRun:,NextRun:"

Unsuccessful response

Scenario 1

    "responseTimeStamp": 1614665656635,
    "statusCode": "500",
    "statusMsg": "[java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: UUID string too large]",
    "blackoutPolicy": null

Scenario 2

    "responseTimeStamp": 1614665718058,
    "statusCode": "500",
    "statusMsg": "[No policy found matching input request!]",
    "blackoutPolicy": null
POST /events-service/api/v1.0/blackout_policies/enable
Request URL
Example request URL
Request Header
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <JWT_token>

For instructions on obtaining the JWT token, see Access and authentication for the REST API. Open link .

Parameter details

Parameter NameValue TypeLocated InMandatoryDescription
idsStringBodyYesComma-separated list of policy IDs

Request body

  "ids": [

Example request body

  "ids": [

Successful response

  "message": "Enabled event policies",
  "object": [

Unsuccessful responses

Scenario 1: You do not specify a blackout policy ID

    "key": "400",
    "level": "ERROR",
    "message": "Bad Request : Property is null or empty : resources",
    "additionalInfo": []

Scenario 2: You specify an invalid blackout policy ID

    "key": "400",
    "level": "ERROR",
    "message": "Bad Request : Invalid resource id specified: 11",
    "additionalInfo": []
POST /events-service/api/v1.0/blackout_policies/disable
Request URL
Example request URL
Request Header
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <JWT_token>

For instructions on obtaining the JWT token, see Access and authentication for the REST API. Open link .

Parameter details

Parameter NameValue TypeLocated InMandatoryDescription
idsStringBodyYesComma-separated list of policy IDs

Request body

  "ids": [

Example request body

  "ids": [

Successful response

  "message": "Disabled event policies",
  "object": [

Unsuccessful responses

Scenario 1: You do not specify a blackout policy ID

    "key": "400",
    "level": "ERROR",
    "message": "Bad Request :  Property is null or empty : resources",
    "additionalInfo": []

Scenario 2: You specify an invalid blackout policy ID

    "key": "400",
    "level": "ERROR",
    "message": "Bad Request : Invalid resource id specified: 11",
    "additionalInfo": []
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