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Monitoring events and reducing event noise

As an administrator, identify actionable events from a large volume of event data by processing events in various ways.

As an operator, use a centralized event view to monitor and manage events.

Scenario: Surfacing critical security events and sending notifications.

You can use various event policies to reduce event noise and efficiently view and identify actionable events.

Jane is an operator at Apex Global. Her job is to watch for any critical events in their environment that might make their system vulnerable. Jane uses the Events page in BMC Helix Operations Management and scans through a large volume of events. She wants to identify critical security events to take immediate action on them. It is imperative to Jane that she can quickly identify actionable events from an event storm. She asks for help from her administrator, Sarah, to reduce event noise.

Sarah configures an event suppression policy to withhold unnecessary events. She also correlates related events and enriches events with additional context to help Jane resolve events faster. Sarah goes a step further and configures automatic notifications for events that Jane is interested in.

The following image describes how event noise reduction takes place:

Refer to the following table to understand the tasks that help you identify actionable events and reduce event noise:


As an administrator, view event data that is ingested from multiple sources in a single place.

As an operator, use a centralized event view to monitor and manage events, perform event operations, and filter events.

Monitoring and managing events

As an administrator, perform advanced event processing for identifying actionable events:

  • Suppress unwanted events
  • Enrich events with additional context
  • Correlate related events
  • Configure automatic notifications 

Defining event policies for enrichment, correlation, notification, and suppression

Creating and enabling event policies

As an administrator, view and analyze out-of-the-box event clusters that are generated based on ML algorithms and improve the mean time to respond (MTTR) to eventsAnalyzing event clusters for quick insights

(Optional) Use correlation policies in  BMC Helix Operations Management  and view major event patterns in the form of situations in  BMC Helix AIOps .

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