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Populating the Product Catalog

BMC provides some basic product catalog data out of the box. Load this data to the CMBD, use it as the base data, and then add additional data to the Product Catalog.

To populate the Product Catalog

  1. Load the latest Product Catalog data update available from BMC Support.


    The latest Product Catalog data is available here.
    Instructions for loading the Product Catalog are also provided.

  2. Allow additional Product Catalog entries to be created by allowing creation of the Product Catalog on the initial load from discovery source.


    The Normalizing data process describes the procedure to build additional products in the Product Catalog using discovery.

Currently the Product Catalog data is limited, and additional products need to be added using normalization with discovery. When using BMC Atrium Data and Discovery Management (ADDM), in most cases a match is found and new entries are not added. Most of the data included in the Product Catalog is from ADDM products.

BMC provides Product Catalog data at regular intervals in the form of data updates. The updates are released independently of the BMC Atrium Core product releases, and can be obtained from BMC Customer Support by using the instructions found at the link above.

Though the Product Catalog data is updated regularly, some titles which you use in your infrastructure may not be included in the updated catalog. For example, products that have been recently released to the market. These additional products can be directly added to the Product Catalog automatically by using normalization with discovery.

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