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Sample steps for creating BMC licenses in software license management (SWLM)

Software license management uses the market version of the software product for matching software products to license certificates. Discovery products may discover product versions by minor versions, but software license certificates generally track with a major or market version of the product.

For example, Adobe Acrobat Professional is discovered with various minor versions in BMC Atrium Configuration Management Database (CMDB), such as 6.1.1, 6.1.2, and 6.1.3, depending on the patch level. The market version attribute enables you to refer to these versions by a single version in BMC Atrium CMDB. For more information about setting up market versions, see To add product model and version information in the Product Catalog.

The examples in this section walks you through steps to create sample CIs and Products to track software license management. In a real-world scenario, a discovery product will discover and populate these CIs o the CMDB. However, these examples manually populate the CMDB with CIs to illustrate the steps for you.


Your license certificates must be in the Executed status.

For detailed steps to create each license, see the following topics:

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