Monitoring application performance and availability with Analyzer dashlets

BMC Real End User Experience Monitoring Software Edition dashboards display statistics about your web traffic as visually rich presentations. Each dashboard contains dashlets that use gauges, charts, and other graphical elements that provide an at-a-glance view of statistics.

A dashlet is a configurable pane on a dashboard that represents a particular metric. It provides a summary of end-user or application performance information that gives context about the health of your web application.

Dashlets help you determine:

  • What to monitor
  • Whether your system has a problem
  • Whether a problem needs immediate attention

You can add dashboards to the TrueSight console and the Real User Analyzer console.


Before building dashboards, define Watchpoints — the segments of web traffic that you want to monitor.

The following dashlets provide performance and availability information about the monitored web application: 

Dashlet nameDescription
Availability and Performance

The Availability and Performance dashlet displays the availability or performance for a specific Watchpoint for one or two time periods.You can compare the number of pages with errors. Additionally, you can see the results for different time intervals. You can select a time range from Last 24 hours up to This month.

Global Application DeliveryThe Global Application Delivery dashlet shows data from a Real User Analyzer to help identify problems in traffic volume and performance that end users are experiencing in various geographic locations.

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Monitoring application performance and availability with Analyzer dashlets

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