Analyzing synthetic health details

The Synthetic Health tab displays the overall health of the application over a 24-hour period. You can zoom in to examine more details about the application issues.

This topic contains the following information:

To analyze synthetic health details

From the Synthetic Health tab of the Application Monitoring page click a tile to analyze the monitored details of your application for that hour. You can also do one of the following:

  • Click in the Overall Health row to see data for all locations, Execution Plans, and transactions.
  • Click in a location row to see data for all transactions in that location.
  • Click in a transaction row to see data for that specific transaction in all locations.

In the Synthetic Health > Analysis view, there is a set of filters at the top for filtering the data that is displayed. The initial settings of the filters are based on the selections on the Synthetic Health view and where you clicked to navigate to the Analysis view. For example, if you were viewing Performance metrics and clicked on a specific transaction, the filters in the Analysis view are set to Performance metrics for that specific Execution Plan and transaction. If you clicked on a location, the filter in the Analysis view is set to that location.

You can change filters for the following:

  • Execution Plan
  • Transaction
  • Metric
  • Location

Edit one or more filters to change the details you want to see and click Apply to see the changes in the data displayed.

The tiled display below the filters changes to correspond to your filter settings.

Below the tiles, the following data is displayed. The data reflects the selected hour. If no hour is selected, the data reflects the entire 24 hours:

Tab nameDescription
EventsShows all events that were in open status during the selected time period
GraphsShows a line graph displaying the performance metrics for the selected Execution Plan and transaction
An Execution Plan and a transaction must be selected, and the Performance metric must be selected in the filter.

Shows the transaction executions
An Execution Plan must be selected. 

Data shown on the Executions tab is not impacted by Metric filter selections.

    In the Events tab you see data about events caused by breaches of metric rules defined for transactions that match your selected filters. By default, events are sorted by severity. To find the information you need, you can sort by any of the columns in the table, or filter the columns by entering text in the column filters.

    Severity Indicates if the event is Minor or Critical

    Name of the measured metric

    • Timers - the name that appears here is the name of the timer as defined in your script.
    • Default metrics - the name of the metric is displayed. It can be one of the following:
      • Availability Errors
      • Accuracy Errors
      • Execution Errors
      • Performance
    Execution Plan Execution Plan on which the event occurred
    Metric Rule The metric rule that was breached
    Start Time

    Time the event was opened

    Click on the Start Time of an event to view data for the hour when the event started. All of the data displayed on the Synthetic Health > Analysis page changes to reflect the selected hour.


    Transaction on which the event occurred

    Location Location of the TEA Agent where the transaction execution ran

    Defined threshold for the metric

    The number in parentheses is the number of consecutive breaches of the threshold required to open an event.


    Actual value that breached the threshold

    If the event was caused by multiple breaches, this value is from the transaction that casued the event to open.
    For example, we define a performance metric with a threshold of 2 seconds, and define that three consecutive breaches cause an event. If there are three consecutive breaches of 5 seconds, 10 seconds, and 7 seconds, then the value listed here is 7 seconds because that was the value that caused the event to open.

    Current Status

    Status of the event

    • Open
    • Closed - Shows date and time the event was closed.

    To close an event

    To manually close an event click the action menu of the event and select Close Event. If the next execution breaches the defined threshold, a new event is generated.

    The Graphs tab shows the details of the performance metrics for the selected transaction over the selected time period. Performance metrics include the overall Performance metric of the transaction, and any timers defined for the transaction as well.

    • X-axis shows the end time of the transaction execution.
    • Y-axis shows the latency of the metrics.


    The graph can show a maximum of 50 metric-location combinations simultaneously. This means that the number of selected locations multiplied by the number of selected metrics must be less than 50.

    For example, if you select 6 locations and 10 metrics, there are 60 combinations. If you select 4 locations and 12 metrics, there are 48 combinations.


    Select a different tile to see the performance graph for that time period.

    By default the graph includes all of the performance metrics defined for the selected Execution Plan and transaction. You can choose not to display any of the metrics by clicking on the appropriate caption below the graph, and you can click them again to add them back to the graph. The graph adjusts automatically to show data for the selected metrics.

    Place the mouse over any line on the graph to see a tooltip displaying the value of the metric at that specific time.

    Drag the cursor across the graph to zoom-in to a smaller time range and see the results at a more granular level.

    Click Show all in the upper-right corner to return to seeing the graph for the full time range.

    To export performance graphs

    Click the export icon in the upper right corner to export a graphic of the performance graph or the performance data used to generate the graph.

    The following options are available:

    Menu option Description File formats
    Download as Save the graph as a graphic file
    • PNG
    • JPG
    • SVG
    • PDF*
    Save as Save the performance data as a data file
    • CSV
    • XLSX
    • JSON
    Annotate Add your own markings to the graph before saving it.  
    Print Print the graph.  

    *In Chrome and Safari on iOS 10.1.1, the performance graphs are not visible in PDF format.

    In the Executions tab you see data about executions of transactions that match your selected filters. Executions are shown only for a single selected Execution Plan.

    By default, transactions are sorted by start time. To find the information you need, you can sort by any of the columns in the table, or filter the columns by entering text in the column filters.


    There may be Executions listed here that are not yet included in the calculation of the Synthetic Health. This is due to a necessary data-processing delay.

    The Executions tab is limited to the last 2000 executions. 

    The following details are displayed in the Executions tab:

    Column Description
    Transaction Start Time

    Start time of the transaction


    Name of the transaction

    Location Location of the TEA Agent where the transaction execution ran
    E2E Time Amount of time (in milliseconds) the transaction took for completion from end to end
    Availability Errors

    Number of availability errors in the transaction

    Availability errors occur when the application does not respond, or when the application responds with an error that indicates it is unavailable.

    Accuracy Errors

    Number of accuracy errors in the transaction

    Accuracy is calculated with the assumption that monitored applications are working as designed and that the information transmitted to clients is correct. Functions that can be evaluated to determine accuracy include link checking, content validation, title validation, and response data verification.

    Execution Errors

    Number of execution errors in the transaction (this number is unlikely to exceed 1)

    An execution error indicates that there were problems with the script execution. It does not indicate anything about the health of the application.

    Execution Start Time

    Start time of this execution

    Transaction action menu

    Click the action menu of a transaction to access the menu for that transaction. The following actions are available:


    Action Description
    Download Execution Log

    Downloads the Execution Log for the execution.

    Custom Timers Displays all custom timers defined for this transaction and their latency.
    Page Timers

    Displays all page timers defined for this transaction and their latency.

    Error Messages Displays all error messages issued for this transaction.

    To view custom timers

    Click the action menu of the transaction and select Custom Timers.

    The Custom Timers window opens displaying all of the custom timers defined for the transaction and their latency (in milliseconds).

    To view page timers

    Click the action menu for the transaction and select Page Timers.

    The Page Timers window opens displaying all of the page timers for the transaction and their latency (in milliseconds).

    To view error messages

    Click the action menu for the transaction and select Error Messages.

    The Error Messages window opens displaying all of the error messages received while running the transaction. The error messages are sorted by category (AvailabilityAccuracy, and Execution).

    Where to go from here

    Investigate application issues reported by synthetic health events.

    If necessary, adjust synthetic metric rules to better reflect the critical data you need for your environment.

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