This documentation supports the 20.02 version of BMC CMDB.

To view an earlier version, select the version from the Product version menu.

Configuring core CMDB components and plug-ins

You can configure the system parameters and logging information for the CMDB components and shared plugins from the CMDB User Interface. Use the CMDB User Interface to only view local settings. Normalization Engine has certain configurations that are not stored in Centralized Configuration System; hence these parameters cannot be configured through the centralized configuration and must be configured from the CMDB UI only.

Before you begin

If you are upgrading from previous versions of BMC Remedy AR System to versions 18.05 and later, see  Migrating configurations Open link .

Local and Global level settings

You can manage the components more effectively and reliably by defining global-level and local-level configuration settings under Centralized Configuration. Configuration data is stored in the centralized configuration forms and reflected in the ar.cfgconfiguration file for backward compatibility. Global-level configurations are defined for all servers in a server group. You can set a global-level configuration value for all the common settings across the server group.


The local level configuration is displayed if you have set the local level configuration for any component. Otherwise, the global level configuration is displayed. Local-level configurations are updated for an individual server if you update the system parameters through the CMDB User Interface.

For more information about local and global level configurations, see Managing AR Server Group components by setting global-level and local-level configurations Open link in the BMC Remedy AR System online documentation.

To configure the core CMDB components from the CMDB User Interface

Perform the following steps to configure the CMDB components from the CMDB User Interface:

1.  From the CMDB Dashboard, go to Configurations > Core Configurations.

2. The left pane provides tabs for the CMDB components to be configured.

3. Click the component that you want to configure. The right pane displays all the component-related parameters. The values that are already displayed in some parameters are the default values. For example, for the CMDB Engine component, the Cache Refresh Interval parameter contains the value 300000, which is the default number of milliseconds for cache refresh.

4. Parameters that belong to a single category are grouped together, such as LoggingPlugin Server, and so on.

5. After you set values for the required components, click Save.

After making the necessary changes, you do not require to restart the server for these configurations to take effect.

Conversion Pattern definitions

The conversion pattern in a log file defines the order and types of information that are included in a log event.

For example, if the conversion pattern is:
%d %-5p [%t] %C (%F:%L) - %m%n

d stands for the date of the logging event.
p is the priority of the logging event.
t is the name of the thread that generated the logging event.
C stands for the fully qualified class name of the caller issuing the logging request.
F is the file name where the logging request was issued.
L is the line number from where the logging request was issued.
m is the application supplied message associated with the logging event.
n is the platform dependent line separator character or characters.


An "i" icon  is available next to a parameter name that contains a tool-tip about the parameter usage. This helps you understand a parameter before setting its value.

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