Upgrading the Infrastructure Management Server silently

This topic presents upgrade procedure for the Infrastructure Management Server from an earlier version to the 11.0 version. You can upgrade the server using the silent upgrade procedure, as described in this topic, or you can upgrade using the upgrade wizard.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have performed all the tasks listed in Prerequisites for Infrastructure Management Server upgrade.

On Windows:

  • Stop and disable all the scheduled tasks on the server.
  • Stop the pwtray process.
  • Ensure to close all the files and folders opened in the current session as well as close other user sessions on the server.
  • Ensure that the pw folder is not locked by any process.

To customize the options file

  1. In the <installLocation>\Windows directory, open the TSIMServer\Disk1 folder. 

  2. Open the server_upgrade.options file in a text editor and make the necessary updates.

  3. (When upgrading from ProactiveNet or Infrastructure Management you want to migrate data to TrueSight Presentation Server, you need to update the following policy migration inputs. For more information about the migration process, see Migrating data from ProactiveNet or Infrastructure Management.

    Properties for data migration from ProactiveNet or Infrastructure Management to Presentation Server 11.0





    Specifies whether you want to enable integration with the Presentation Server.

    Valid values: true, false

    Example: -J INTEGRATE_WITH_TSPS=true


    Indicates the host name of the Presentation Server.

    -J TSPS_HOST_NAME=HostA.bmc.com


    Indicates the HTTPS connector port for the Tomcat Apache server.

    The default values are 443 (Windows) and 8043 (Linux)

    Example: -J TSPS_PORT=443


    Indicates the protocol that must be used for connecting with the Presentation Server.

    The default value is HTTPS.

    Valid values: HTTP, HTTPS



    Indicates the user name for accessing the Presentation Server.

    Example: -J TSPS_USERNAME=admin


    Indicates the password corresponding to the user name used for for accessing the Presentation Server.

    Example: -J TSPS_PASSWORD=admin12345


    Indicates the host name of the Remedy Single Sign-On server.

    Example: -J SSO_HOSTNAME=HostB.bmc.com


    Indicates the Tomcat secured port for the Remedy Single Sign-On server. The default values are 443 (Windows) and 8043 (Linux)



    Indicates the password required for connecting with Remedy Single Sign-On.

    Example: -J SSO_ADMIN_PASSWORD=RSSO#Admin#


    Name of the tenant under which data must be migrated.

    This tenant (created in Remedy Single Sign-On) is used for accessing TrueSight Presentation Server.

    The default value is *.

    • If you are using the default tenant (*), do not provide this property.
    • This value is case sensitive. 

    Example: -J SSO_TENANT=* 


    Indicates the protocol that must be used for connecting with Remedy Single Sign-On,

    The default value is HTTPS.

    Valid values: HTTP, HTTPS



    Fully Qualified Domain Name of the Infrastructure Management server.

    Note: Ensure that the FQDN specified is reachable from other BMC products.


To upgrade the Infrastructure Management Server on Microsoft Windows silently 

Perform the following steps to upgrade Infrastructure Management Server on Microsoft Windows:

  1. From the command prompt, navigate to the install.cmd file in the \TSIMServer\Disk1 directory. 
  2. Customize the server_upgrade.options file as required, which is available in the \TSIMServer\Disk1 directory.
  3. Enter the following command at the command prompt:

    install.cmd -i silent -DOPTIONS_FILE="<fullyQualifiedPath>\server_upgrade.options"

    where fullyQualifiedPath indicates the complete path where you have saved the server_upgrade.options file. If the fullyQualifiedPath parameter contains a space in it, the path must be enclosed within double quotes.


    install.cmd -i silent -DOPTIONS_FILE="C:\Program Files\TSIM Installation\server_upgrade.options"


Installation-related information is not displayed on the console when the silent installation begins. However, installation occurs in the background. The progress of the installation is logged in a temporary folder during the installation. Go to Start > Run, enter %temp% in the Open box, and see the tsim_server_install_log.txt file for the installation progress details and for the database-related progress details.

To upgrade the Infrastructure Management Server on Linux silently  

Perform the following steps to upgrade Infrastructure Management Server on Linux operating systems:

  1. From the command prompt, go to the install.sh file in the TSIMServer/Disk1 directory. 
  2. Customize the server_upgrade.options file as required, which is available in the Linux/TSIMServer/Disk1 directory.
  3. Run the following command at the command prompt:

    ./install.sh -i silent -DOPTIONS_FILE="<fullyQualifiedPath>/server_upgrade.options" 

    where fullyQualifiedPath indicates the complete path where you have saved the server_upgrade.options file. If the fullyQualifiedPath parameter contains a space in it, the path must be enclosed within double quotes.


    ./install.sh -i silent -DOPTIONS_FILE="/opt/TSIM Installation/server_upgrade.options"

Post-upgrade tasks when upgrading from ProactiveNet or TrueSight Infrastructure Management

The following table lists the post-upgrade tasks:

ScenarioPost-upgrade task
If you choose to migrate a large volume of data during the upgrade of a child server or single server

Manually integrate TrueSight Infrastructure Management with TrueSight Presentation Server by performing a set of post upgrade steps. For more information, see Performing the post-upgrade steps after upgrading from ProactiveNet or Infrastructure Management.

If you come across registration issues on the Presentation Server, see Troubleshooting Infrastructure Management registration issues with Presentation Server.

If you are migrating data post upgrade (by using the migration utility) and if you have imported the custom CA certificate for the associated Remedy Single Sign-On server

Run the following command on the Infrastructure Management server to import the custom certificate: 

keytool -importcert -alias "<alias name>" -file "<.cert file path>" -keystore "<cacerts path>" -noprompt -storepass changeit


keytool -importcert -alias ssoserver -file C:\HostA.bmc.com -keystore ..\lib\security\cacerts -storepass changeit

Post migration, users are created in Remedy Single Sign-On with randomized passwords.As an admin, you need to log on to Remedy Single Sign-On to set a temporary password for all the migrated users and then ask the respective users to reset the temporary password.

Notes to keep in mind

  • Installation-related information is not displayed when silent installation begins. However, installation occurs in the background. Open /tmp or /var/tmp, and see the tsim_server_install_log.txt file for the installation progress details and for the database-related progress details.
  • If there were modifications in the Tomcat Server web.xml or server.xml file before the upgrade, you must manually add the modifications to the Tomcat server web.xml or server.xml file after the upgrade.

  • After you successfully upgrade the Infrastructure Management server, the following folders are created under the installation directory, in the BMC Software folder.

    You can manually delete the files if you do not want them.

    ScenarioFolder nameDescription
    If you upgraded from a supported TrueSight Infrastructure Management version<installationDirectory>10.(where x is the version that you are upgrading from)Contains backup files of the earlier Infrastructure Management installation.
    If you upgraded from a supported ProactiveNet version<installationDirectory>9.6.x (where x is the version that you are upgrading from)Contains backup files of the earlier ProactiveNet installation.

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