Uninstalling Remedy SSO manually

If you have used the Remedy SSO installer to install the Remedy SSO Server, there is no wizard- or tool-based option to uninstall the Remedy SSO and other associated components. You must perform the uninstallation of Remedy SSO and other components manually.

Before you begin

This process is applicable only if you had enabled automatic restart of the Remedy Single Sign-On service on a Linux computer. Before you begin uninstallation, make sure you disable automatic restart of the service by following these steps:

  1. Log on as a root user.
  2. Navigate to <installationDirectory>/rsso/bin and run the following command.
    ./rsso service deregister

To uninstall Remedy SSO with the uninstaller

Perform the following steps to uninstall Remedy SSO:

  1. Stop Tomcat on which the Remedy SSO server is installed.
  2. Remove the  <tomcat_folder>/webapps/rsso folder.
  3. Remove  the <remedysso_installation_folder> folder.
  4. Clean up the database.


  • <tomcat_folder>: is the directory path on the server where Tomcat is installed.
  • <remedysso_installation_folder>: is the directory path on the server where Remedy SSO is installed. The directory path for:
    • Linux might be /opt/bmc/RemedySSO.
    • Windows might be C:\Program Files\BMC Software\RemedySSO.

You can perform Steps 2 to 4 in any order.

Post-uninstallation task

If you do not plan to reinstall Remedy SSO on the same host machine, you can manually delete the installation files that might still remain in the installation directory. However, if you plan to reinstall the Remedy SSO, some of these residual files contain log information and therefore, it is recommended not to clean all the remaining files and folders.

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