Installing an Infrastructure Management Server on a separate Oracle instance and merging it into an instance where another Infrastructure Management Server installed

This topic lists the procedure to install a TrueSight Infrastructure Management Server on an Oracle instance and merge it into another Oracle instance that also has a TrueSight Infrastructure Management Server installed.

Assume you have the following deployment scenario:

  • One TrueSight Infrastructure Management Server (tsim-1)
  • An Oracle database that the TrueSight Infrastructure Management Server uses (instance-a)
  1.  Install a TrueSight Infrastructure Management Server (tsim-1).
  2.  Create an additional Oracle database instance (instance-b) on the same computer in which the first Oracle database (instance-a) is present.
  3. On the new Oracle database instance (instance-b), run one of the following scripts:

    (Oracle 11g) InstallationDirectory\Utilities\oracle\11g\set_system_parameter_oracle_pnet.sql 
    (Oracle 12c) InstallationDirectory\Utilities\oracle\12c\cdb\set_system_parameter_oracle_pnet.sql 

    You must be a SYS user or a user with SYSDBA privileges to run this script. This script sets the required Oracle parameters.

  4.  Install a new TrueSight Infrastructure Management Server (tsim-2) and connect to the instance-b database.
  5. Select the Create New User option during the installation. The Create New User option creates the required tablespaces and users on instance-b. 

    BMC recommends you to enter a user name tablespace name different from the one you used while installing tsim-1 with instance-a. This is necessary to ensure that when the second user's information is migrated to the first Oracle database instance, the user names do not clash.
  6. After installing tsim-2, apply Infrastructure Management 9.6 on tsim-2. This service pack contains a fix for the known issue of supporting multiple TrueSight Infrastructure Management Servers on the same Oracle database at run time.

  7.  Stop tsim-2 by running the pw sys stop command. You can now start the migration process by following the rest of the steps below:
  8.  In the computer in which Oracle is installed, set the SID of instance-b by performing the following steps:
    1.  Set ORACLE_SID=<SID of instance-b>
    2.  Type sqlplus
    3.  Enter user name: sys/<password>@< SID of instance-b> as sysdba
  9.  Run the following SQL script and specify the location of the export dump directory and user at the prompt:



  10.  Update the InstallationDirectory\Utilities\oracle\custom_table_dump_pnet\pnet_exp_users.par file as follows:

    SCHEMAS=<instance-b user name>, <instance-b reporting user name>

    This creates two files in the PNET_DUMP_DIR directory:

    EXP_ALL_TABLE_DATA.DMP and exp_all_table_data.LOG

  11. Export all the tsim-2 data from instance-b to instance-a by running the following command:

    expdp <sys of instance-b>/<password>@< SID of instanceb> PARFILE=<path of the pnet_exp_users.par file>

    This step completes the export process. The import process starts from the next step.

  12. Connect to the instance-a database as follows:
    1.  Set ORACLE_SID=<SID of instance-a>

    2. Type sqlplus
    3.  Enter user name: sys/<password>@< SID of instance-a> as sysdba
  13. Run the following SQL script and specify the location of the directory and user after prompting.

  14. Copy EXP_ALL_TABLE_DATA.DMP (created in step 11) to the dump directory created in step 14.

  15. Update the InstallationDirectory\Utilities\oracle\custom_table_dump_pnet\pnet_imp_users.par file as follows:

    #for different Source/Target Tablespace name/Schema name uncomment REMAP parameter and change the name accordingly
    REMAP_TABLESPACE= TS_<instance-b tablespace name>:TS_<instance-a tablespace name>
    REMAP_SCHEMA=<instance-b user name>:<instance-a user name>
    REMAP_SCHEMA=<instance-b reporting user name>:<instance-a reporting user name>
  16. Import all the data to instance-a using the following command:

    impdp sys/<password>@< SID of instance-a> PARFILE=<pnet_imp_users.par with full path>

  17. After the data is imported to instance-a, use the pw dbconfig command to change the database configuration of tsim-2 to point to the new user on instance-a as follows:

    pw dbconfig set -database oracle -host <host name of oracle server:1521> -sid <SID of instance-a> -username <main user name of instance-a> 
    -password <main password> -repusername <report user name of instance-a> -reppassword <report user password>
  18. Start tsim-2.

    The tsim-2 system now uses the same Oracle instance (instance-a) that is used by tsim-1.

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