Customizing configuration files in the Presentation Server

After installing or upgrading the TrueSight Presentation Server to version 11.0 or later, you can override some default settings to suit your setup environment. You can customize the following TrueSight Presentation Server configuration files:

  • csr.conf
  • dbsrv.conf
  • idxsrv.conf

To know more about how your changes are retained if you are upgrading TrueSight Presentation Server, see Customized configuration files.

For customization, the files are available in the %TRUESIGHTPSERVER_HOME%\truesightpserver\conf\custom directory. While customizing any of the files, ensure that you uncomment the properties that you want to customize. For example, the following property is commented out:


Uncomment the property and then customize it. For example:



  • Do not customize any configuration files in the %TRUESIGHTPSERVER_HOME%\truesightpserver\conf\services directory.
  • When you customize a property, make sure that you uncomment it. Customized properties that are commented out are not considered as enabled.

When you add a new configuration parameter, ensure that its configuration key starts with 501:


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