Uninstalling components provisioned with TrueSight Server Automation

Perform the following procedures to uninstall the Infrastructure Management components that you installed using TrueSight Server Automation. Perform these procedures on the computers in which the components are installed.

To uninstall components on UNIX and Linux computers

If you are uninstalling the BMC PATROL Agent component, perform these steps as the BMC PATROL user instead of the root user.

  1. From a command line, run the following command:
    rm -f /tmp/PATROL_Uninstall

  2. Change the directory to /<installationDirectory>/InstallEngine/Install/instbin and run the following command:
    thorinst.sh -uninstall /installationDirectory/InstallEngine/Install/instdata/uninstall-all.ctl -log /tmp/PATROL_Uninstall.log

  3. Run the following command:
    rm -f /etc/init.d/PatrolAgent /etc/rc3.d/S50PatrolAgent /etc/rc3.d/K50PatrolAgent

  4. Run the following command:
    rm -rf /etc/patrol.d/

  5. Change directory to /installationDirectory/ and run the following command:
    rm -rf InstallEngine Patrol

To uninstall components on Microsoft Windows computers

  1. If you have multiple PATROL Agents deployed on the same host, remove each instance by opening a command line and running the following command for each agent instance:
    PatrolAgent-portNumber -remove
  2. From the command line, run the following command:
    del "C:\Windows\TEMP\PATROL_Uninstall.

  3. From the command line, change directory to installationDirectory\InstallEngine\Install\instbin and run the following command:
    thorinst.exe -uninstall "c:installationDirectory\InstallEngine\Install\instdata\uninstall-all.ctl" -log "C:\Windows\TEMP\PATROL_Uninstall.log"

  4. From the command line, run the following command:
    rd /s /q "c:installationDirectory\InstallEngine"

  5. Check the uninstall log file, and reboot the computer if the log file indicates that a reboot is necessary.

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