pw event

The following pw event commands can be used to change the event retention period and delete all events in the system:

  • pw event list period
  • pw event edit period
  • pw event notifications enable/disable
  • pw event close
  • pw event delete all
  • pw event ack

The pw event command works only with intelligent events and not with external events.

pw event list period

This command displays the current prune period for events in the system.

pw event edit period

This command is used to edit the prune period for the system. The syntax is

pw event edit period <time>

where <time> is the number of days for pruning the event tables on the next cycle.

The minimum number of days is one <1> for all events.

pw event notifications enable or disable

This command is used to disable or enable the execution of basic and advanced event rules. This command has a global effect on all event rules, that is, disabling notification prevents all event rules from being executed.

pw event close

This command is used to close open events. Usage text for pw event close commands is as follows:

pw event close <username> [-ai <alarm Id>]
pw event close <username> [-mt <Monitor Type> -mi <Monitor Instance> -at <Attribute> -sev <Severity>]
pw event close <username> all
pw event close <username> -g <group>
pw event close <username> -d <device>

Using the pw event close command, you can close any specified event on the Infrastructure Management system. The event can be specified by supplying either the alarm ID or the following four parameters: monitor type name, monitor instance name, attribute name, and severity.

pw event close <username> [-ai <alarm Id>]

Both <alarm Id> and <user name> must resolve to an existing event and user; the command fails if it cannot find these two entities.

pw event close <username> [-mt <Monitor Type> -mi <Monitor Instance> -at <Attribute> -sev <Severity>]

If the -ai flag is not specified, the following four flags will close one event or a set of events:

-mt, -mi, -at, and -sev

-mt — Name or monitor type ID of the monitor type

-mi — The name or ID number of the monitor instance associated with the event to be closed or acknowledged

-at — Name or the attribute type ID

-sev — Severity of the threshold: normal, minor, major, or critical

This command can also be used to close multiple events.

The following command closes all open events on the system.

pw event close <userName> all

The following command closes all open events that belong to the specified device named "my_device."

pw event close <userName> [-d

The following command closes all open events on monitor instances that belong to the specified group named "my_group."

pw event close <userName> [-g <my_group>]

Closed events are retained for one day before being purged from the database. Adjust this time period by using*pw event edit period command.

pw event delete all

This command deletes all events in the system. After running the command, valid open events are re-created immediately on the next poll cycle, and other obsolete events are deleted.


Running this command  restarts the JServer. All user sessions are closed abruptly. So, close all user sessions before running this command to prevent data loss.

The pw event delete all -cleanup command deletes all events, including external events.

These events might still be visible in the TrueSight Presentation Server. See Troubleshooting infrastructure events for more information.

pw event ack

pw event ack <ackflag> <message> <username> [-ai <alarm Id>] |
[-mt <Monitor Type>
-mi <Monitor Instance>  -at <Attribute>  -sev <Severity>]
<ackflag>       <yes|1>|<no|0>. Enter 'yes' to acknowledge
<alarm Id>        Numeric identifier of an event
<message>      event acknowledgement text
<username>     Name of user who does the operation
-mt <Monitor Type>
-mi <Monitor Instance>
-at <Attribute>
-sev <Severity>

Both <alarm Id> and <username> must resolve to an existing event and user. The command fails if it cannot look up these two entities.

The return codes for this command are as follows:

pw event ack command return codes




Successful execution of the command


Input validation failed


User does not have privileges to run this command


Failed to run the command

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