Setting clients for BMC Impact Integration Web Services running on HTTPS

Use the following steps to access BMC Impact Integration Web Services running on HTTPS using BMC Impact Integration Web Services default keystore files.

  1. Create a resources directory under the client sample directory. Example: C:\IIWS_client_samples\resources
  2. Copy the security directory from BMC Impact Integration Web Services server-side $IIWS_HOME\Tomcat\webapps\imws\WEB-INF\security to the C:\IIWS_client_samples\resources\security resources directory.

    Three files are copied.
  3. Pass the trustStore and trustStorePassword values to the web service client on startup.

    The default password for the trustStore is bmciiws.

    For more information about how to set the trustStore and trustStorePassword values in the start-up script, see the run_ssl.bat file in the testSendEvents sample directory.

  4. Edit the properties file to set IIWS_URL. Example: IIWS_URL = https://localhost:8443/imws/services/ImpactManager
  5. Run the run_ssl.bat file.
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