Selector file

The BMC Impact Integration Web Services APIs use the selector file to define groups of criteria (called selectors ) that are used to identify and select events that propagate from BMC Impact Manager cells. Events that match all the criteria in a selector file become available to the publish-subscribe and polling mechanisms of the BMC Impact Integration Web Services clients.

The selector file is required for the BMC Impact Integration Web Services clients that receive events from BMC Impact Manager cells. It is a case-insensitive text file.

The selector file is crucial in determining which events the subscribing clients receive. The default selector file, iiws.selector, is stored under the $IIWS_HOME/Tomcat/webapps/imws/WEB-INF/etc sub directory.


The selector file is not required for web service clients that only send events or data or that only launch queries.

The selector file will be looked up from the directory $IIWS_HOME/TOmcat/webapps/imws/WEB-INF/etc. The default filename is iiws.selector, and can be modified in the ImWebServices.conf file, as shown in the following example:

svci:IIAPISelectorFile="C:\Program Files\BMC Software\Impact
	Integration Web Services/mcell/iiws.selector"

The default selector file provides the selector name Always matches for the $ClassName "Event". Using the default selector, your client receives all events propagating from the BMC Impact Manager cells.

The BMC Impact Integration Web Services server loads this selector file at start.

Selector File characteristics

Selector set files have the following characteristics:

  • Selector set file criteria are not case-sensitive.
  • The naming convention for selector set files is integrationName.selector.
  • Selector set file syntax is checked when the selector set file is loaded. If the selector set file contains problematic syntax, the BMC Impact Integration Web Services API bmcii_loadSelectorSet() function will fail.
  • The contents of a selector set file comprise a selector set. The selector set can contain one or more selectors. However, a selector set file can contain only one selector set.
  • Each selector in a selector set must have a unique name. However, different selector sets can have selectors with identical names.
  • When a selector set file is called by the BMC Impact Integration Web Services API bmcii_matchSelectorSet() function, it is scanned from beginning to end. The selection process for the selector stops the first time that a parameter in a selector is matched to a parameter value in a selector. After a match is made, the remaining selectors in a set are ignored.

    If the bmcii_matchSelectorSetAll() function is called, the function continues to scan after a matching selector is identified.
  • Because the selector sets are scanned from beginning to end, the order of selectors in a set and in the lines within a selector are important to optimizing the matching process.
  • The $doselector function allows you to include selectors and subselectors within a selector set. Selectors and subselectors further refine the selector criteria.
  • The $doselector function invokes subselectors.
  • The relationship between the criteria described in successive lines of a single stanza in a message selector is AND, unless otherwise indicated.
  • The selector file supports the logical operators OR, AND, &&, and ||.
  • A selector set can contain multiple stanzas of selector criteria, nested one level deep. These multiple stanzas of selector criteria are referred to as selector groups. The logical relation between the groups can be expressed through an AND, OR, &&, or || connector.
  • Each line in a selector contains only one selector criterion.
  • The selector file supports the following comparison operators:
    • Greater-than (>)
    • Greater-than or equal to (>=)
    • Less-than (<)
    • Less-than or equal to (<=)
      The selector file supports these comparison operators for numerals only.
  • The selector file supports the metaslot feature, which enables you to include information about the message. For example, you can use the metaslot to indicate the source of a message. You must specify a metaslot by using the keyword metaslot, followed by a dot (.), to prefix the slot name: metaslot.classname="EVENT".
  • The selector file supports required slots. A required slot keyword determines the required slot or slots in the selector criteria. The message must have the specific required slot for it to match the selector criteria.

    The required slot keyword consists of the term reqdslot, followed by a dot (.), both of which you can add as a prefix to the specific slot name: for example, reqdslot.msg="TEXT". To illustrate, if the selector criteria specified that the slot message is required ( reqdslot.msg="TEXT"), then a message that did not have the slot message would fail the matching test.

    The reqdslot keyword overrides the FailOnMissingSlot parameter when the latter is set equal to FALSE. That is, a message that does not have the designated required slot fails to meet the selector criteria.

    When the FailOnMissingSlot parameter is set to TRUE, the BMC II C APIs ignore the reqdslot keyword when they process the message to determine whether it meets the selector criteria.
  • You can use the full range of regular expressions as values for selector criteria. You can include any slots within the regular expression. The BMC II C APIs return the values of the slots at run time. Within a regular expression, you can specify a slot with the keyword slot, followed by a dot (.): The BMC II C APIs will return the value of host before sending the regular expression to the library.


The following figure depicts the structure of the selector set file:

Structure of selector set file

Selector set files must contain header information that describes the selector set. The header information consists of following selectors:

Selector set header

The selector set header provides the entire set of selectors in the file with identifying information and indicates whether the selector set is enabled for use. A single selector set header must precede all selectors and their selector groups in the selector set.

The following table describes the required and optional selector set header parameters that precede the selectors in a set:

Selector set header contents





Name of the selector set



Minimum version of the Product required to run the selector using this file



Version number of the selector set file, specified manually by the developer or integration end user.



Date when the file last changed, specified manually by the developer or integration end-user



Free-text description of the entire selector set



Specifies whether the selector set (and all selectors in it) are enabled for use Valid values:

  • TRUE - Enabled
  • FALSE - Disabled

Sample selector set header

ChangeDate=November 14, 2007
Description=This file contains the event selector tests

Selector header

A selector header performs following actions:

  • Provides each set of selector criteria in the file with identifying information.
  • Indicates how some selector features will be implemented.
  • Indicates whether the specific selector criteria, including any selector groups included within it, are enabled for use.

A selector header must precede each collection of selector criteria in the selector set.

The following table describes the required and optional selector header parameters that precede each selector:

Selector header contents





Name of the selector, used by the Product to identify the selector that will be used in selection The name must be unique within the selector set.



Free-text description of the selector



Indicates whether the match for the selector fails if a slot specified in the selector criteria is missing from the event Valid values:

  • TRUE - The match for the selector fails if a slot specified in the selector is missing from the event
  • FALSE - Missing slots cause the line to be ignored

If the message that is being examined does not include any of the slots that are being tested by the selector, the comparison will never result in a match. This is true even when the parameter statement is FailOnMissingSlot=false.
If you use the reqdslot keyword in the selector criteria, it is in effect only when FailOnMissingSlot is set to false.



Indicates whether the selector can be called only by the $doselector() function. Valid values are true or false.



Specifies whether the selector is enabled for use Valid values:

  • TRUE - Enabled
  • FALSE - Disabled


Sample selector set header

Description=Selectors for all events of class EVENT

Selector criteria

Each selector in a message selector set is constructed of successive lines of comparison criteria. Each criterion is composed of a comparison expressed as an equation. Equation operators are listed in the following table.

Each line contains one criterion with an AND relationship implied between lines (unless otherwise indicated).

In addition, the selector can consist of multiple groups of comparison criteria, each group related to the other through an AND, OR, ||, or && connector.

Format issues

Selector functions, which are internal to the selector file, are described in the following table. Operators are described in the following table.

  • Each message selector in a set is enclosed in curly braces ({ } ).
  • Message selector groups within a message selector are nested one level deep and also enclosed in curly braces. Do not nest message selector groups more than one level deep.
  • To the right of the operator is a slot, static text, or a function. On the left is a slot, regular expression, static text, or a function.
  • Explicit text that is used as a matching criterion must be enclosed in double quotation marks (" " ).
  • If a criterion fails but has an OR relationship with the following criterion, and that criterion is a match, then that criterion pair is a match.
  • The selector function scans each successive selector group in a message selector until it finds a match. After it finds a match, it stops searching.
  • The # symbol is used to comment out the rest of a line in a file. This symbol can be used to alter selector functions and conceal developer comments. When a line in a selector is commented out, the selection function ignores it.
    Do not comment out whole selectors or selector sets. Instead, set the Enable parameter of the selector set header or the selector header to FALSE to disable the selector set or selector.


    The $functionName resolves a specified function and compares the results of that operation to a slot in the event. For example,
    $ClassName = "SECURITY_ALERT"

    The $ClassName function returns the class name of the event. The returned value is compared to the value to the right of the operator (in this case, the string, SECURITY_ALERT). If the event class name is SECURITY_ALERT, then the test is successful.

Selector functions




Specifies the host name of the computer on which on which BMC Impact Integration Web Services server is running:


Can also be inserted in the new message as a slot value: for example,


Class name of the event. Can also be inserted in the new event as a slot value to set the class value of a destination event.




Compares the value of slot. slotname in the event with the value specified to the right of the operator. When the slot and the value are both present in the event, the criterion is considered a match.


slot.severity = "Critical"


Calls additional selectors or subselectors, either or both of which can be linked to or included with an overarching selector.

$doselector is used as a single criterion in the selector or subselector.

slot.status != "OPEN"

The selector examines the event class to determine whether it is "EVENTS." Then, the event is compared to the security_sel selector. If that comparison is completed successfully (all criteria matching), the comparison process continues processing using the original selector.

Example of $doselector calling a subselector

Description=does some quick checks then calls the sub selector

Description=makes sure it is not a test event
slot.msg!="This is a test"

For an event to be considered a match to a selector, it must match all the criteria of the selector, including the criteria of selectors or subselectors called by the $doselector function.


Specifies a slot name that must appear in the event that is being examined for the criterion to be a match.



Unlike the slot.slotname criterion also described in this table, the value of the slot is not considered.


Specifies a slot name that must not appear in the event that is being examined for the criterion to be a match



Unlike the slot.slotname criterion also described in this table, the value of the slot is not considered.


Returns the number of seconds since January 1, 1970 in number format.




Similar to printf, uses %s to insert values into a string, expands \t and \n.

%s is the only formatter available for $format


$format("%s:%s", slot.p_agent, slot.p_agent_port)=mc_origin.


Enables you to specify the local time by using the same format parameters as strftime.




Enables you to specify GMT by using the same format as strftime.




Extracts specified components of a string.


msg=$subString(slot.test, 0, 20) where the first parameter ( slot.test in the example) is the slot or string to divide; the second parameter (0 in example) is the index of the first character to include; and the third parameter (20 in example) is the number of characters to include.


Converts all the characters in a string to lowercase.




Converts all the characters in a string to uppercase.




Retrieves the value at a specified location in a slot list.


note=GetListValue(slot.notes, 3) where the first parameter (slot.notes in the example) is the slot to be examined from the event and the second parameter (3) is the index of the value to be retrieved.


Performs a domain name server (DNS) lookup for the host name associated with the specified IP address.




Performs a DNS lookup for the IP address associated with the specified host name.



The following table describes the operators used for comparison in a selector set file:

Selector operators




For a match, the result to the left of the equals ( = ) operator must equal the result to the right of the operator.


$Slot.Test = "EVENTS"


For a match, the result to the left of the not equals ( * !=* ) operator must not equal the result to the right of the operator.




Regular expression operator

If the event that is being evaluated by the selector contains the specified slot and slot value matching the regular expression at the right hand, a match is made.


slot.severity= ~"MAJ*." The selector file supports multiple regular expression operators and keywords.


Regular expression operator If the regular expression fails to match, then the entire line succeeds. If the regular expression matches the value, then the line fails.



|| OR

Symbol and literal string, both of which specify an OR relationship between successive lines of selector criteria or between successive selector groups.


OR relationship between successive lines of criteria $HostName = "data301" || $HostName = "data400" By default, AND relationships exist between successive lines of selector criteria.

&& AND

Symbol and literal string, both of which specify an AND relationship between successive lines of selector criteria or between successive selector groups.


AND relationship between selector groups
} By default, AND relationships exist between successive lines of selector criteria.

{ }

Indicates groups of alternative selector criteria within an individual selector. A group can be nested one level deep.


{ }

Specifies a greater-than comparison. Used exclusively with numerical relationships.




Specifies a greater-than or equal to comparison. Used exclusively with numerical relationships.



Specifies a less-than comparison. Used exclusively with numerical relationships.




Specifies a less-than or equal to comparison. Used exclusively with numerical relationships.



The following table describes selector keywords that are prefixed to specific slots to indicate their function: metadata, required, or readable value. Remember to include the trailing dot (.) when prefixing the keyword to the slot name.

Keyword descriptions




Designates a slot as a metaslot, which means a slot that provides information about the event. The keyword, followed by a dot, is prefixed to the slot name that it designates.




Designates a slot as a required slot. If the FailOnMissingSlot parameter is set to FALSE and if the event does not contain the specified required slot, it will not pass the selector criteria. If the FailOnMissingSlot parameter is set to TRUE, then this setting is ignored.




Designates a readable slot value in regular expressions slot.msg=~"event from" The value of the host slot is used when evaluating the regular expression.

Editing the selector file

  1. If necessary, copy the iiws.selector file from the $IIWS_HOME/Tomcat/webapps/imws/WEB-INF/etc directory to the working directory of your BMC Impact Integration Web Services server installation.
  2. In a text editor, open the iiws.selector file.
  3. Modify the different file components — selector set header, selector header, selector content, and operators — as needed.
  4. Save the file by using a file name of your choice and the file extension .selector. If you change the name of the selector file, modify the server instance parameter SelectorFileName in the ImWebServices.conf file accordingly.
  5. Ensure that the selector file can be read by the user under whose permissions the web services server is running.

If the BMC Impact Integration Web Services server is running, restart it to initialize the changes.

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