pw report threshold instance

The  pw report threshold instance command generates and saves the Absolute, Signature, and Abnormality instance threshold configuration values report in CSV file for all monitor types defined at the TrueSight Infrastructure Management server.

The output is saved by default in the (Windows)\pw\pronto\tmp\thresholds and (Linux) /pw/pronto/tmp/thresholds folder.

The command saves the CSV file in the format : <TSIM_HOST>_Instance<Threshold_Type>Settings_YYYY_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss.csv

For example, tsim-host_InstanceAbsoluteThresholdSettings_2020_05_13_20_09_59.csv is the file name. 


  • You can specify the location of your choice and provide the path only up to the directory level. For example, (Windows) C:\temp\ or (Linux)/usr/tmp
  • You do not have an option to specify the file name.
  • The maximum limit of saved files in the default location is 5. When it reaches the limit, it removes the oldest file before creating a new file. This rule is not applicable to the user-specified locations.

pw report threshold instance [-type <absolute|signature|abnormality>] [-path <file_path>]
The maximum limit for the default location is 5 files. When the limit is reached, the oldest file is removed before creating a new file.

                 instance            Specifies the instance threshold settings.
                 -type            	 Enter one of the threshold type: absolute, signature, or abnormality.The default value is absolute.
                 -path           	 Enter only the directory path to save the file. The default value is pw/pronto/tmp/thresholds.                                                                        


If there are no threshold settings configured, the CSV file cannot be generated and the console displays the following message:

No Instance Thresholds settings configured in the Infrastructure Management server for the specified type.

Example#1 of pw report threshold instance without a command-line argument

C:\Program Files\BMC Software\TrueSight\pw\pronto\bin>pw report threshold instance

BMC TrueSight Infrastructure Management Command Line Interface 2020 version 11.3.04
Copyright 1997-2020 BMC Software, Inc. as an unpublished work.  All rights reserved.

The command output is saved in the C:\Program Files\BMC Software\TrueSight\pw\pronto\tmp\thresholds\tsim-host_InstanceAbsoluteThresholdSettings_2020_05_15_19_58_20.csv file.

Example#2 of pw report threshold instance with command-line arguments

C:\Program Files\BMC Software\TrueSight\pw\pronto\bin>pw report threshold instance -type abnormality -path c:\temp
BMC TrueSight Infrastructure Management Command Line Interface 2020 version 11.3.04
Copyright 1997-2020 BMC Software, Inc. as an unpublished work.  All rights reserved.
The command output is saved in the c:\temp\tsim-host_InstanceAbnormalityThresholdSettings_2020_05_15_20_02_45.csv file.

Sample CSV files

Absolute threshold

Signature threshold

Abnormality threshold


If UOM contains values that are separated by comma (,), then it replaces with ^~ in the CSV file.
For example, in the CSV file UOM will be shown as 0 - unknown^~ 1 - online^~ 2 - offline^~ 3 - fault.

Related topics

For downloading the global thresholds, see Downloading the global thresholds configuration.

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