pw baseline reset

This command enables users to reset the baseline calculation of all future data for the specified monitor instances. It does not alter previously calculated baseline values. This command is useful if changes to the monitoring environment have rendered the existing baseline irrelevant, or if anomalous or transient conditions have introduced unwanted artifacts into the existing baseline.

To reset the baseline calculation, the program first calculates an initial baseline value by using the previous <n> days of raw data, stripping off 10 percent of the highest and lowest data points and averaging the remaining data points to create the new value. This initial value then serves as the starting point for all subsequent baseline calculations.

The feature can be applied to:

  • All attributes of a monitor instance
  • All instances of a monitor type
  • All instances belonging to a group
  • All monitor instances

The following options are available for running the 'pw baseline reset' command:

pw baseline reset [-d Device -mt MonitorType -mi MonitorInstance -g GroupName -n NumberOfDays]

  • -n NumberOfDays — Number of days of raw data used for computing new baseline. Default is 1.
  • -mt MonitorType — Select only monitor instances having this type.
  • -mi MonitorInstance — Select monitor instance matching this name.
  • -g GroupName — Select monitor instance belonging to this group.
  • -d Device — Select monitor instances belonging to this device.

The options result in sets of monitor instances for which the command resets the baseline data. If each of the options results in a number of monitor instances, then the program uses the union of the intersections of all combinations of all sets.

For example, if you use the following command:

pw baseline reset -g "TestGroup" -d Apollo -mt ProcInfo

Let the monitors in the 'TestGroup' group be called "Set1." Those belonging to the device 'Apollo' are called Set2, and those that are of the monitor type ProcInfo are called Set3. Then, the resulting set of monitor instances will be the union of the intersections of <Set1, Set2>, <Set1, Set3>, and <Set2, Set3>.

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