
Use the pposter command to send service model objects (components, relationships, and service impact management data) to a cell for Direct Publish environments only by using BMC Impact Publishing Server.

The main difference between pposter and mposter is that pposter communicates with BMC Publishing Server and uses an environment identifier (EnvId) to refer to a specific service model and enables the deletion of service model objects. For information about mposter, see mposter and msend.

To use the pposter command, you must set the parameter DirectPublishOrigin to T in pserver.conf and create a Direct Publish environment with the penv command. For example, at the command prompt, type:

penv -eEnvId-p "OriginId=DirectPublish" open -p "HomeCell=*cellName"

For more information about creating environments and the penv command, see penv.

pposter syntax

pposter <common options> -e EnvId sourceFile {sourceFile}

pposter command options

The following table lists the options for pposter.

You must specify a environment ID and a source file for pposter.

pposter options



<common option>
-c -h -? -i -q -l -p
-r -s -t -u -v -z

See Common command options for Publishing Server CLIs.

-e EnvId

Sets the environment identifier to EnvID to specify a service model


If SIM is set to T, true (default), pposter publishes components (instances of subclasses of MC_SM_COMPONENT) and impact relationships (instances of subclasses of MC_SM_RELATIONSHIP) to their HomeCell. Instances of all other classes are considered service impact management data and are published to all cells of the environment.

If SIM is set to F, false, pposter publishes data other than SIM data.  Publish components (instances of subclasses of MC_SM_COMPONENT) and impact relationships (instances of subclasses of MC_SM_RELATIONSHIP) is not possible. All data is always published to all cells of the environment.


If Init is set to F, false (default) or omitted, then existing data is updated with the new data.

If Init is set to T (true), then existing published data is replaced with the data of the Baroc file. In other words, existing published data of the Direct Publish publish environment is removed, and new data as defined in the Baroc file is added. If the data in the Baroc file has no mc_udid, then the new data will have mc_udid that differs from the existing data. To remove all published data of a DirectPublish publish environment from a cell, execute pposter -p "Init=T" with an empty Baroc file or without Baroc file. When using Init=T, pposter requires confirmation (-f option).


File that contains the data to send

See sectionTitled1353

pposter uses the following parameter in the installationDirectory /pw/server/etc/pclient.conf file:


If ContinueOnFailure is set to F, false (default), pposter stops as soon as invalid data in the source file is encountered and no data is sent to the cell, not even items processed before the incorrect data in the source file.

Source files for pposter

You can create a source file and, using the following commands, define the contents in BAROC format with the appropriate data additions, modifications, or deletions.



dnew +

Create a new data instance; if this instance exists, update it.

The space between dnew and + is required.

This is the default; if none of the three commands is present at the beginning of a line in a source file, dnew + is assumed.

dnew -

Create a new data instance.

The space between dnew and - is required.

If this instance exists, do not change it; ignore the dnew - command.


Change the existing data instance.


Delete the existing data instance.

For each data instance, provide a value for mc_udid. You can publish new data instances without specifying a value for mc_udid, but the mc_udid attribute is still needed to modify or delete the existing data in the cell, except if all existing data is replaced when publishing.

For environments that do not have a value for the HomeCell slot, you must provide a value for the HomeCell slot for each component, and a value for the provider_home_cell and the consumer_home_cell slots for each relationship. A relationship is sent to the cell of its consumer component.

For relationships in which the consumer and provider components belong to different cells, you must specify a value for the provider_classname slot. See pposter example 2-two cells.

You can also use cell aliases by specifying values for HomeCellAlias for components, and Consumer.HomeCellAlias and Provider.HomeCellAlias for relationships. Because these slots do not exist in the class definition of the cell, BMC Impact Publishing Server uses the alias table of the environment and replaces them with the values in the HomeCell, consumer_home_cell, and provider_home_cell slots. See pposter example 3-using cell aliases.

Data instances, possibly prepended with dnew (+ or -), dmodify, or ddelete commands, must terminate with END, followed by a Return.

pposter example 1

This example shows how to create, modify, and delete a simple service model.

The service model consists of three objects: an application (comp0), a database (comp1) that application depends on, and the relationship between the two. The environment is MY_ENV and the HomeCell is MY_HOMECELL.

Creating a service model

To create this service model, create a source file. For this example, the source file is named as FileDnew.baroc:


   mc_udid = comp0;
   Name = comp0;

   mc_udid = comp1;
   Name = comp1;

   mc_udid = rel;
   provider_id = comp0;
   consumer_id = comp1;
   PropagationModel = DIRECT;
   Name = comp1;

To send this new service model to the cell, at the command prompt, type the following command:


pposter -v -e MY_ENV FileDnew.baroc

 Copyright 2005-yyyy BMC Software, Inc. as an unpublished work. All rights reserved.

Publish successfully applied.

Modifying a service model

To modify the service model by adding impact costs, create a source file. For this example, the source file is named as FileDModify.baroc:


dmodify BMC_DataBase;
   mc_udid = comp0;
   ImpactCostPerSec = 5;
   ImpactCostPerSecOut = 2;

To send this modification to the service model to the cell, at the command prompt, type the following command:


pposter -v -e MY_ENV FileDmodify.baroc

 Copyright 2005-yyyy BMC Software, Inc. as an unpublished work. All rights reserved.

Publish successfully applied.

Deleting a service model

To delete the service model, create a source file. For this example, the source file is named as FileDdelete.baroc:


ddelete BMC_DataBase; mc_udid = rel; END
ddelete BMC_Application; mc_udid = comp0; END
ddelete BMC_Impact; mc_udid = comp1; END

To send this deletion of the service model to the cell, at the command prompt, type the following command:


pposter -v -e MY_ENV FileDdelete.baroc

 Copyright 2005-yyyy BMC Software, Inc. as an unpublished work. All rights reserved.

Publish successfully applied.

pposter example 2-two cells

This service model consists of three objects: an application (comp0) that belongs in cell_1, a database (comp1) that belongs in cell_2, and the relationship between the two.

Creating a service model for two cells

To create this service model, create a source file. For this example, source file is named as FileDnew.baroc:


   HomeCell = cell_1;
   mc_udid = comp0;
   Name = comp0;

   HomeCell = cell_2;
   mc_udid = comp1;
   Name = comp1;

   provider_home_cell = cell_1;
   consumer_home_cell = cell_2;
   provider_classname = BMC_DataBase;
   mc_udid = rel;
   provider_id = comp0;
   consumer_id = comp1;
   PropagationModel = DIRECT;

To send this new service model to the cells, at the command prompt, type the following command:


pposter -v -e MY_ENV FileDnew.baroc

 Copyright 2005-yyyy BMC Software, Inc. as an unpublished work. All rights reserved.

Publish successfully applied.

Modifying a service model for two cells

To modify the service model by adding impact costs, create a source file. For this example, the source is named as FileDModify.baroc:


dmodify BMC_DataBase;
   HomeCell = cell_1;
   mc_udid = comp0;
   ImpactCostPerSec = 5;
   ImpactCostPerSecOut = 2;

To send this modification to the service model to the cells, at the command prompt, type the following command:


pposter -v -e MY_ENV FileDmodify.baroc

 Copyright 2005-2008 BMC Software, Inc. as an unpublished work. All rights reserved.

Publish successfully applied.

Deleting a service model

To delete the service model, create a source file. For this example, the source file is named as FileDdelete.baroc:


ddelete BMC_DataBase; HomeCell = cell_1; mc_udid = rel; END
ddelete BMC_Application; HomeCell = cell_2; mc_udid = comp0; END
ddelete BMC_Impact; consumer_home_cell = cell_1; mc_udid = comp1; END

To send this deletion of the service model to the cell, at the command prompt, type the following command:


pposter -v -e MY_ENV FileDdelete.baroc

 Copyright 2005-yyyy BMC Software, Inc. as an unpublished work. All rights reserved.

Publish successfully applied.

pposter example 3-using cell aliases

This service model consists of three objects: an application (comp0) that belongs in cell_1, a database (comp1) that belongs in cell_2, and the relationship between the two. For this example, cell aliases are as follows:

cell alias

cell name





Creating a service model with cell aliases

To create this service model, create a source file. For this example, the source file is named as FileDnew.baroc:


   HomeCellAlias = c_alias_1;
   mc_udid = comp0;
   Name = comp0;

   HomeCellAlias = c_alias_2;
   mc_udid = comp1;
   Name = comp1;

   Provider.HomeCellAlias = c_alias_1;
   Consumer.HomeCellAlias = c_alias_2;
   provider_classname = BMC_DataBase;
   mc_udid = rel;
   provider_id = comp0;
   consumer_id = comp1;
   PropagationModel = DIRECT;

To send this new service model to the cells, at the command prompt, type the following command:


pposter -v -e MY_ENV FileDnew.baroc

 Copyright 2005-yyyy BMC Software, Inc. as an unpublished work. All rights reserved.

Publish successfully applied.

Modifying a service model with cell aliases

To modify the service model by adding impact costs, create a source file. For this example, the source file is named as FileDModify.baroc:


dmodify BMC_DataBase;
   HomeCellAlias = c_alias_1;
   mc_udid = comp0;
   ImpactCostPerSec = 5;
   ImpactCostPerSecOut = 2;

To send this modification to the service model to the cell, at the command prompt, type the following command:


pposter -v -e MY_ENV FileDmodify.baroc

 Copyright 2005-yyyy BMC Software, Inc. as an unpublished work. All rights reserved.

Publish successfully applied.

Deleting a service model with cell aliases

To delete the service model, create a source file. For this example, the source file is named as FileDdelete.baroc:


ddelete BMC_DataBase; HomeCellAlias = c_alias_1; mc_udid = rel; END
ddelete BMC_Application; HomeCellAlias = c_alias_2; mc_udid = comp0; END
ddelete BMC_Impact; Consumer.HomeCellAlias = c_alias_2; mc_udid = comp1; END

To send this deletion of the service model to the cell, at the command prompt, type the following command:


pposter -v -e MY_ENV FileDdelete.baroc

 Copyright 2005-yyyy BMC Software, Inc. as an unpublished work. All rights reserved.

Publish successfully applied.

Return codes for pposter

The following table describes the return codes specific to the pposter command. For return (or error exit) codes common to all BMC Impact Publishing Server CLI commands, see Return codes for Publishing Server CLIs.

pposter return codes

Return Code



All data commands in the source files are successfully applied to all cells of the environment.


Publish has successfully completed, but some errors were detected.
This can occur only if ContinueOnFailure is set to T (true).
For more information, see the publish log; the -v option provides more information.


BMC Impact Publishing Server refused to initiate the publish process. The actual cause of the error (for example, another publish is in progress) is displayed on the standard error device.


An error is returned by BMC Impact Publishing Server when data is being sent to it.
For more information, see the publish log; the -v option provides more information.


An error is returned by BMC Impact Publishing Server when data is effectively applied to the cells.
For more information, see the publish log; the -v option provides more information.


The source file contains a syntax or invalid BAROC object.


An I/O error is occurred  with a source file. For example, no source file or the source file cannot be opened.

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