Performing actions on a PATROL Agent by using CLI

You can use Command Line Interface (CLI) commands to run the managepaactions utility. With this utility, you can send the following commands to multiple PATROL Agents at once:

  • sendSyncMsg
  • executePSL

These commands can be accessed from the <installationDirectory>\TrueSightPServer\truesightpserver\bin folder. The output of the commands is saved in the managePAAction.txt log file.

The sendSyncMsg command

Use the sendSyncMsg command to restart multiple or all PATROL Agents at once. The following parameters are available for the sendSyncMsg command:

managepaactions sendSyncMsg user=<userName> [agentFile=<agentFileName>] [syncMsg=all] [waitInterval=<waitInterval>] [port=<port>] [protocol=<protocol>]

The parameters in sendSyncMsg are described in the following table:

user=<username>The name of the user who runs the utility.


Use this parameter to send the sync command to a few PATROL Agents. You can specify these PATROL Agents in the agentFileName file. Use this parameter instead of the syncMsg=all parameter.

Open the Command Prompt and run the following commands to get the list of the PATROL Agents that you have saved in the agentFileName file:

  1. CD /D "%TRUESIGHTPSERVER_HOME%\truesightpserver\modules\pgsql\bin\"
  2. psql -U <dbUserName> -d <dbname>
    where <dbUSerName> is the database user that you provided during the TrueSight Presentation Server installation.
    For example:
    psql -U admin -d truesight
  3. \copy to select serverid, moinstanceid,hostname from patrolagent_details to the agentFileName file.
  4. \q


<agentFileName>: Specify the name and path of the file that contains the list of PATROL Agents. For example: C:\tableOut.txt.



Use this parameter to send the sync command to all PATROL Agents. Use this parameter instead of the agentFile parameter.



Use this parameter to specify the time delay to send the sync command. The default value of this parameter is 2 minutes. If you do not specify a value for this parameter, the sync command is sent after an interval of 2 minutes. If you specify 0 in this parameter, the sync command is sent immediately.




The default values are:

  • port: 443
  • protocol: https

The executePSL command

Use the executePSL command to send the PSL command to multiple or all PATROL Agents at once. The following parameters are available for the executePSL command:

managepaactions executePSL user=<userName> pslFile=<PSLFilename> [agentFile=<agentFileName>] [pslCmd=all] [waitInterval=<waitInterval>] [port=<port>] [protocol=<protocol>]

The parameters in executePSL are described in the following table:

user=<username>The name of the user who runs the utility.


Use this parameter to send the PSL command to all PATROL Agents that you specify in the PSLFilename file.



Use this parameter to send the PSL command to a few PATROL Agents. You can specify these PATROL Agents in the agentFileName file.

Open the Command Prompt and run the following commands to get the list of the PATROL Agents that you have saved in the agentFileName file:

  1. CD /D "%TRUESIGHTPSERVER_HOME%\truesightpserver\modules\pgsql\bin\"
  2. psql -U <dbUserName> -d <dbname>
    where <dbUSerName> is the database user that you provided during the TrueSight Presentation Server installation.
    For example:
    psql -U admin -d truesight
  3. \copy to select serverid, moinstanceid,hostname from patrolagent_details to the agentFileName file.
  4. \q


<agentFileName>: Specify the name and path of the file that contains the list of PATROL Agents. For example: C:\tableOut.txt.


Use this parameter to send the PSL command to all PATROL Agents. Use this parameter instead of the agentFile and pslfile parameters.



Use this parameter to specify the time delay to send the PSL command. The default value of this parameter is 2 minutes. If you do not specify a value for this parameter, the PSL command is sent after an interval of 2 minutes. If you specify 0 in this parameter, the PSL command is sent immediately.




The default values are:

  • port: 443
  • protocol: https

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  1. Shivali Mengale

    For agentFile=<agentFileName> step no. 3 . 

    Below is the actual sample command which can provide the agent list. Please take care of documenting it.

    \copy (select serverid, moinstanceid,hostname from patrolagent_details) to c:\abc.txt

    Nov 29, 2019 08:57
  2. Prabhat singh Pal

    Is there any way to print the PSL command output?

    Feb 25, 2022 05:59