Infrastructure Management Server messages

Infrastructure Management displays the following error messages for the BMC TrueSight Infrastructure Management Server.

Error IDError message


(applicable to TrueSight Infrastructure Management version 11.3.03 and later)

The following message is displayed in the TrueSight.log file:

600002 Restarting the server...To ensure the availability of the TrueSight Operations Management server, TSIM processes send heartbeat messages to each other. In case of a critical process unavailability, action is taken based on the configuration (restart/shutdown). For more details refer the message 101457 on

Explanation: In an application high-availability deployment of TrueSight Infrastructure Management, when any of the critical server processes (Cell, JServer, Rate, HTTPD) become unavailable, recovery action (restart or shutdown) is performed.

Connectivity to the database is checked in both standalone and application high-availability deployments. If the Infrastructure Management server is unable to establish connectivity with the database for a specific amount of time, the server (both servers in a high-availability deployment) is shut down.

User Response: If required, configure the following parameters in the installedDirectory\pw\custom\conf\pronet.conf file: 

Property nameProperty detailsDefault value

Recovery action that will be performed if a critical process is unavailable.

Note: This property does not affect the database connectivity check.

shutdown (primary node)

restart (secondary node) polling interval (in sec) of the critical processes availability check.60
pronet.ha.availability.max.retry.countThe number of retries at the frequency specified by the property. If a critical process is unavailable for this number of retries, recovery action is performed.6
pronet.availability.db.connection.max.retry.minutesThe amount of time (in min) that database connectivity is checked for.15
pronet.availability.db.connection.max.retry.countThe number of retries for the database connectivity check.15

The time interval (in min) that an email is generated and sent to the configured administrator email address.

To configure email settings, see Configuring e-mail settings to receive alerts.

pronet.standalone.component.unavailability.enabledThe database connectivity check in a standalone deployment. If the database connection is not reestablished within 15 min, the server is shut down and an email notification is sent. Applies to both SAP SQL Anywhere and Oracle.true



(applicable to TrueSight Infrastructure Management version 11.3.03 and later)

The following message is displayed in the pw command prompt window, log file, and sent as an email:

You attempted to start the node <node details> which is not the previously active node.

Start the previously active node <node details> first and then start this node.

Explanation: In an application high-availability deployment of TrueSight Infrastructure Management, when you attempt to restart a node that was not the previously active node, you might lose cell events/data that is not yet synced to the node.

User Response: Restart the previously active node first or manually sync the events/data.

  1. Stop both the primary and secondary server.
  2. Delete all content in the installedDirectory\TrueSight\pw\server\var\<secondary_cell_name> folder of the standby node.
  3. Copy all content from the installedDirectory\TrueSight\pw\server\var\<primary_cell_name> folder of the previously active to the above location on the standby node.
  4. Start the standby node.



(applicable to TrueSight Infrastructure Management version 11.3.03 and later)

A Critical event is generated and the following message is displayed.

The primary and secondary MCDBs are out of sync for the  {cell name} cell.

Explanation: In an application high availability deployment of TrueSight Infrastructure Management, the cell database (MCDB) may go out of sync and generates a Critical event.

User Response: Copy the database from the primary to the secondary cell. For details, see Troubleshooting an Infrastructure Management high-availability deployment. Open link


Message: Rate process was unable to obtain MO data from the cache (applicable to TrueSight Infrastructure Management version 11.3.02 and later)

Explanation: During a failover, Rate process is unable to fetch monitor object data from the cache and crashes.

User Response: For detailed troubleshooting steps, see Troubleshooting an Infrastructure Management high-availability deployment. Open link


Message: SQLException while getting conf change events: {0}

Explanation: An SQL exception occurred while receiving the configuration change events from the database.

User Response: Check the database connectivity.


Message: Exception while getting events for conf change events: {0}

Explanation: An exception occurred while receiving the configuration change events and while creating event objects.

User Response: Check the database connectivity.


Message: Failed to update CI Info for the auto created / auto synced monitor {0}

Explanation: The database entry in the ITEM_CFG table could not be updated.

User Response: Restart TrueSight Infrastructure Management server and try to make the association manually.


Message: Error updating the ITEM_CFG table for CI Info of MOINSTANCEID {0} AND MOTYPEID {1}

Explanation: The database entry in the ITEM_CFG table could not be updated.

User Response: Restart TrueSight Infrastructure Management server and try to make the association manually.


Message: Cell config file is null.

Explanation: The cell configuration file, mcell.conf, is not present.

User Response: The cell configuration file, mcell.conf, is not present at the required location (<installationDirectory>\conf). Contact your administrator.


Message: Contents of the file {0} are null.

Explanation: The cell configuration file does not contain any content.

User Response: Contact your system administrator.


Message: FileNotFoundException caught:

Explanation: The cell configuration file cannot be found.

User Response: Contact your system administrator.


Message: Security Exception caught:

Explanation: A security exception error message is displayed while reading the cell configuration file.

User Response: Contact your system administrator.


Message: IO Exception caught:

Explanation: An IO exception error message is displayed while reading the cell configuration file.

User Response: Contact your system administrator.


Message: Exception caught:

Explanation: An exception is displayed while reading the cell configuration file.

User Response: Contact your system administrator.


Message: Error in parsing cell config file.

Explanation: An error occurred in parsing the cell configuration file.

User Response: Contact your system administrator.


Message: Semaphore not found for cell {0}

Explanation: The Semaphore was not found for the cell.

User Response: The Semaphore was not found for the cell.


Message: Handler not found for cell {0}

Explanation: A Handler was not found for the cell.

User Response: A Handler was not found for the cell.


Message: Component List cannot be null or empty for cell {0}

Explanation: For configuration item (CI) notification, the component list cannot be null or empty.

User Response: Ensure that for CI notification, the component list is not null or empty. }}


Message: Views update is not successful; will be taken care in the next schedule.

Explanation: View Platform is not initialized properly; therefore, the scheduled graphs update has failed for views.

User Response: Contact the administrator because the server is not initialized properly.


Message: Unable to get DetailDiagnosticsPlatform.

Explanation: The User platform is NULL.

User Response: Ensure that the User platform is not NULL.


Message: Activated access string from CMDB is not available.

Explanation: The activated access string from CMDB is not available.

User Response: Ensure that the Default Web Path property is set in the AR Server.


Message: Federated Product {0} is already registered.

Explanation: A duplicate federated product has been detected.

User Response: A federated product with the same name is already registered.


Message: Federated Interface {0} is already registered.

Explanation: A duplicate federated interface has been detected.

User Response: A federated interface with the same name is already registered.


Message: Federated Product {0} is available.

Explanation: A federated product with the given name is available.

User Response: A federated product with the given name is already available.


Message: Getting the related context from CMDB.

Explanation: Cache is empty for the given CI. Therefore, it is reading from the CMDB.

User Response: Click Tools again for the same CI.


Message: Getting the activated value from CMDB.

Explanation: Cache is empty for the given CI; therefore, it is reading the value from CMDB.

User Response: Click Tools again for the same CI.


Message: Number of related instances for a given CI: {0}

Explanation: Total number of related federated instances for a given CI

User Response: Links registered from Infrastructure Management and the Atrium Explorer are not shown as cross-launch options.


Message: Component with udID {0} not present in the cache.

Explanation: Component with a given udID is not present in the cache.

User Response: Cannot determine the CI type because the component is not present in the cache.


Meaasge: Error in getting MOs for CI with ID {0}

Explanation: Error in getting MOs for a given CI.

User Response: Error in getting MOs for a given CI.


Message: MO for Device with ID {0} not present.

Explanation: Error in getting MOs for a given CI.

User Response: Error in getting MOs for a given CI.


Message: User is null.

Explanation: User is null.

User Response: User provided is null.


Message: User name is null.

Explanation: The User name option is null.

User Response: User name is null.


Message: UdID is null.

Explanation: UdID is null.

User Response: The given UdID is null.


Message: Failed to load Data Service.

Explanation: An error occurred while loading the data service from the Dashboard API.

User Response: Check the status of JServer. If JServer is not up and running, then it fails to load the data service.


Message: Failed to load children cis for Business Service CI: {0} ID:{1}

Explanation: An error occurred when loading providers for a CI of type Business Service.

User Response: The CI of the type Business Service for the given ID is not available on the cell.


Message: Error while adding relationship in the cache.

Explanation: An error occurred while adding a relationship to the cache.

User Response: An error occurred while adding a relationship to the cache.


Message: User cannot be null.
Explanation: The user ID is null.

User Response: The user ID must not be null.


Message: ServiceModelNode is null for udID: {0}

Explanation: An error occurred while getting the ServiceModelNode using udID.

User Response: Check the cache for the requested udID.


Message: User cannot be null.

Explanation: The user ID is null.

User Response: Ensure that the user ID is not null.


Message: Failed to retrieve the service model for the primary event.

Explanation: An exception occurred while retrieving the service model for the CI associated with the primary event from service model cache.

User Response: Force a CMDB sync if the service model is from CMDB. Otherwise, restart the TrueSight Infrastructure Management server.


Message: Error in initializing Infrastructure Management Performance Management Data Cache.

Explanation: Error in initializing Infrastructure Management data cache.

User Response: Error in initializing Infrastructure Management data cache.


Message: Error while processing CS CI notification.

Explanation: An error occurred while processing CS CI change notification and while creating, updating or deleting the corresponding device.

User Response: Verify whether the information of the CS CI and the corresponding device is in sync. If not, update the information of the CS CI again.


Message: Context specified component ID list is null.

Explanation: The context specified component ID list is null.

User Response: The context specified component ID list is null.


Message: Context specified relationship ID list is null.

Explanation: The context specified relationship ID list is null.

User Response: The context specified relationship ID list is null.


Message: getServiceModelDelta: Exception in getting service model delta.

Explanation: An exception occurred while getting service model delta.

User Response: An exception occurred while getting service model delta.


Message: Error getting Process Report for Publication History.

Explanation: An error occurred while getting the process report for Publication History because communication to the Publishing Server failed.

User Response: Check whether the Publishing Server is running.


Message: Error getting Publish View for Publication History.

Explanation: An error occurred while getting the publish view for Publication History because the communication to the Publishing Server failed.

User Response: Check whether the Publishing Server is running.


Message: Error getting Request Headers for Publication History.

Explanation: An error occurred while getting the Request Headers for Publication History because the communication to the Publishing Server failed.

User Response: Check whether the Publishing Server is running.


Message: Error opening property file {0}

Explanation: Error opening property file.

User Response: Check whether the file exists.


Message: Exception in reopening the event.{0}

Explanation: An exception occurred while reopening the event because the event might have been reopened by another user.

User Response: Check whether the event has been reopened by another user.


Message: Error while creating Publication Filter.

Explanation: An error occurred while creating a publication filter because the communication to the Publishing Server failed.

User Response: Check whether the Publishing Server is running.


Message: Error while modifying Publication Filter.

Explanation: An error occurred while modifying a publication filter because the communication to the Publishing Server failed.

User Response: Check whether the Publishing Server is running.


Message: Error while deleting Publication Filter.

Explanation: An error occurred while deleting a publication filter because the communicate to the Publishing Server failed.

User Response: Check whether the Publishing Server is running.


Message: Infrastructure Management Performance Management ComponentCollectionDataService failed to get initialized {0} {1}

Explanation: The server is not initialized properly.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Restart the server if you continue to experience the issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Infrastructure Management Performance Management EventCollectionService is failed to get initialized {0} {1}

Explanation: The server is not initialized properly.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Restart the server if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Authorization service is failed to get initialized {0} {1}

Explanation: The server is not initialized properly.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Restart the server if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: PANAlarmPlatform is failed to get initialized {0} {1}

Explanation: The server is not initialized properly.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Restart the server if you continue to experience issues.


Messsage: Navigation Tree: DataService is failed to get initialized {0} {1}

Explanation: The server is not initialized properly.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Restart the server if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Infrastructure Management Performance Management CIDataService is failed to get initialized {0} {1}

Explanation: The server is not initialized properly.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Restart the server if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Infrastructure Management Performance Management ComponentMetricsDataService failed to get initialized {0} {1}

Explanation: The server is not initialized properly.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Restart the server if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Navigation service is failed to get initialized {0} {1}

Explanation: The server is not initialized properly.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Restart the server if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Failed to load the preference for Predictive Events display {0} {1}

Explanation: The predictive events are not shown by default.

User Response: Turn on the flag for 'show Predictive Events' on Operations tab in the Options window .


Message: Navigation Tree: On listing remote cells, Infrastructure Management. Performance Management EventCollectionService failed to get initialized {0} {1}

Explanation: Event folders that are created on remote cells are not listed in the Other Cells drawer.

User Response: Contact the Administrator because the server has not been initialized properly.


Message: Navigation Tree: On listing remote cells CellConfigurationService failed to get initialized {0} {1}

Explanation: Remote Cells cannot be loaded and listed.

User Response: Contact the Administrator because the server has not been initialized properly.


Message: Navigation Tree: On listing remote cells Authorization service is failed to get initialized {0} {1}

Explanation: User permissions cannot be loaded for remote cells and the server has not been initialized properly.

User Response: Restart the server and contact the Administrator if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: On listing Views PlatformFactory failed to get initialized {0} {1}

Explanation: Server is not initialized properly. Platform initializations also fail.

User Response: Restart the server and contact the Administrator if you continue to experience iissues.


Message: Navigation Tree: On listing Views License Platform failed to get initialized {0} {1}

Explanation: The server is not initialized properly and while listing Views, 'User license exceeding limit' check failed.

User Response: Update the license files again and contact the Administrator if you continue to experience issues.


: Navigation Tree: Failed to get views for user: {0} {1} {2}

Explanation: An error occurred because the user may not have permissions to list the views.

User Response: Refresh web console, and check the user permissions. Contact Administrator if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: User license check failed on listing Views.

Explanation: The server is not initialized properly and while listing views, the license platform found a Null value.

User Response: Restart the server and contact the Administrator if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: On listing reports New Report Platform is found null.

Explanation: The server is not initialized properly and while listing reports, the New Report Platform is not initialized properly.

User Response: Restart the server and contact the Administrator if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error on loading the New Report Platform to list reports {0} {1}

Explanation: The server is not initialized properly and while listing reports, an error occurred during the initialization of the New Report Platform.

User Response: Restart the server and contact the Administrator if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: No valid Report Types are found in the server for user:{0}

Explanation: While listing reports, the report types list was empty. Therefore, it does not display any nodes in the reports head.

User Response: Wait for some time and refresh the page.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error on loading the Reports by Report Type nodes {0} {1}

Explanation: An error occurred while listing reports. Therefore, all the report types are not displayed.

User Response: Wait for some time and refresh the page.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error on loading the Report Types on listing Reports Nodes {0} {1}

Explanation: An error occurred while listing report types. Therefore, all the report types are not displayed.

User Response: Wait for some time and refresh the page.


Message: Navigation Tree: Report Frequencies found null for user:{0} to list reports.

Explanation: While listing reports, the Report Frequencies are null for the user. Therefore, it does not display any nodes in the By Frequency head.

User Response: Wait for some time and refresh the page.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error on loading the Report Frequencies on listing Reports Nodes {0} {1}

Explanation: An error occurred while retrieving the report frequencies. Therefore, the By Frequency node is not displayed.

User Response: Wait for some time and refresh the page.


Explanation: An error occurred while listing reports, and the Report Owners list is empty. Therefore, it does not display any nodes in the reports By Owner list.

User Response: Wait for some time and refresh the page.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error on listing the Reports By Owner on loading Reports Nodes:{0} {1}

Explanation: An error occurred while listing reports By Owners. Therefore, the reports By Owner list is not displayed.

User Response: Wait for some time and refresh the page.


Message: Navigation Tree: on loading the Remote Cells; Cell name found Null.

Explanation: The remote cell names are not displayed in the navigation tree because the cell names had a null value.

User Response: Wait for some time and refresh the page.


Message: Navigation Tree: on loading the Remote Cells; Remote Cell {0} is found with status:{1}

Explanation: The status change is not reflected.

User Response: Changes to the remote cell status appear only after the next refresh.


Message: Navigation Tree: on loading the Remote Cells; getRemoteCellCollectorsHierarchy returned Null.

Explanation: While loading the remote cells, the remote cells list is Null. Therefore, the remote cells are not displayed.

User Response: Check the remote cells configurations and restart the server.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error on loading the Remote Cells {0} {1}

Explanation: An error occurred while loading the remote cells. Therefore, the remote cells are not displayed.

User Response: Check the remote cells configurations and restart the server.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error on loading the Remote Cells nodes {0} {1}

Explanation: An error occurred while listing the remote cell nodes. Therefore, the remote cells are not displayed.

User Response: Check the remote cells configurations and user permissions and restart the server.


Message: Navigation Tree: on loading remote cells Collectors; root level collector not found for cell:{0}

Explanation: While loading the remote cells, the root level collector was not found. Therefore, collectors for the cell are not displayed.

User Response: Check the user permissions for collectors of a Remote Cell.


Message: Navigation Tree: on loading the Remote Cells; Collectors list found null

Explanation: While loading the remote cells, the Collectors list was null. Therefore, the collectors under the cell node are not displayed.

User Response: Check the user permissions for collectors of a Remote Cell.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error on getting the open events and total events count for the Remote Cells collector:{0}; setting values default to zero {1}{2}}}

Explanation: The number of open events and total events for the remote cells collector is not populated. Default zero values are displayed.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for collectors of a Remote Cell if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error on listing collectors under RemoteCell {0} {1}

Explanation: An error occurred and failed to list collectors under remote cell. Therefore, collectors under cell node are not displayed.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for collectors of a Remote Cell if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error on loading top-level Remote Cell Event folders in Navigation Tree for user:{0} {1}{2}

Explanation: An error occurred while loading top-level Remote Cell event folders in the navigation tree. Therefore, event folders for remote cells are not displayed.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for event folders access.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error occurred at back-end to load top-level RemoteCell Event folders in Navigation Tree for user:{0} {1} {2}

Explanation: A back-end error occurred while loading the top-level Remote Cell event folders. Therefore, event folders for remote cells are not displayed.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for event folders access if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error on listing the Remote Cell Folders {0} {1}

Explanation: An error occurred while listing the Remote Cell folders. Therefore, event folders for remote cells are not displayed.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for event folders access if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error on loading the global nodes {0} {1}

Explanation: An error occurred while loading the global nodes. Therefore, the toplevel nodes are not displayed under the global head.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for features access if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error on loading the Mine nodes {0} {1}

Explanation: An error occurred while loading the Mine nodes. Therefore, the top-level nodes are not displayed under the Mine head.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for folders access if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: on loading OOTB Collectors; Root level collectors found null

Explanation: While loading OOTB collectors, the root level collectors were null. Therefore, collectors are not displayed under All Event Collectors.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions of collectors on Master Cell if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: on loading OOTB Collectors; Root level collector not found.

Explanation: While loading OOTB collectors, the root level collector was not found. Therefore, collectors are not displayed under All Event Collectors.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions of collectors on Master Cell if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error on getting the open events and total events count for the OOTB collector:{0}; setting values default to zero {1}{2}

Explanation: An error occurred and the number of open events and total events for the OOTB collector was not populated. Default zero values are displayed.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions of collectors on Master Cell if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: on loading OOTB Collectors; Infrastructure Management Performance Management Event Collection Service is found null for user: {0}

Explanation: Server is not initialized properly. The collectors are not displayed under All Event Collectors.

User Response: Check the user permissions of collectors on Master Cell. Restart the server if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error on loading all OOTB collectors for user:{0} {1}{2}

Explanation: An error occurred and failed to display collectors in the All Event Collectors node because of this exception.

User Response: Check the user permissions of collectors on Master Cell. Restart the server if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error on getting open and total counts for OOTB collector: {0} setting defaults to zero{1}{2}

Explanation: Default zero values are displayed instead of actual values for this collector because of this exception.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions of collectors on Master Cell if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: on loading OOTB Collectors; getCollectors returned empty collectors list for user: {0}

Explanation: Loading of OOTB collectors returns an empty collectors list. Therefore, collectors are not displayed under All Event Collectors.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions of collectors on Master Cell if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error on loading the root level OOTB collectors for user:{0} {1}{2}

Explanation: An error occurred and failed to display collectors under All Event Collectors.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions of collectors on Master Cell if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error on loading the user to list All Services {0}{1}

Explanation: Server is not initialized properly. Services are not displayed under All Services.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Restart the server if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error on initializing DataService to list Services {0}{1}

Explanation: Server is not initialized properly. Therefore, services are not displayed.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Restart the server if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Infrastructure Management Performance Management Exception on loading top-level business services {0}{1}

Explanation: Business services are not displayed under All Services because of this Infrastructure Management Exception.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for Services if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error on loading top-level business services {0}{1}

Explanation: Business services are not displayed under All Services because of this exception.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for Services if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: DataService found null to list business services.

Explanation: An error occurred and failed to display top-level services under All Services because of this issue.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for Services if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error on listing business service nodes {0}{1}

Explanation: An error occurred and failed to display some of the services or all the services under All Services.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for Services if you continue to experience issues.


Messsage: Navigation Tree: Error on fetching the allowed groups from platform {0} {1}

Explanation: An error occurred and failed to display Groups under All Groups.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for Groups if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error on getting the order of preference for groups {0} {1}

Explanation: An error occurred and failed to display Groups under All Groups in the order of preference.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error on loading all groups {0} {1}

Explanation: An error occurred and failed to display Groups under All Groups.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for the permitted groups if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error on loading the child groups; under All Groups head{0} {1}

Explanation: An error occurred and failed to display child groups.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for the permitted groups, if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error occurred at back-end to load top-level Event Collections for user:{0} {1}{2}

Explanation: An error occurred and failed to display any event folder under the Mine head.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for the groups if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error occurred at back-end to load top-level Global Event Collections for user:{0} {1}{2}}}

Explanation: An error occurred and failed to display event folders under the Global head.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for the folder access if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: on loading top level Event folders; Event Collection service found null for user:{0}

Explanation: Server is not initialized properly. event folders are not displayed.

User Response: Check the user permissions for folder access and restart the server if you continue to experience issues.


Messsage: Navigation Tree: Error occurred on loading the Event Folders for user:{0} {1}{2}

Explanation: An error occurred and failed to display event folders for the current user.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for folder access if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error on loading the Event Folders for Remote Cell:{0} {1}{2}

Explanation: An error occurred and failed to display event folders for the cell.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions and configurations for Remote Cells if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error on loading the Event Folders in Main accordion {0} {1}

Explanation: An error occurred and failed to display event folders under the Mine head.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions on MasterCell if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error on loading the Global Event Folders in Main accordion{0} {1}

Explanation: An error occurred and failed to display global event folders.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions on MasterCell if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error on getting the open and total counts for collector {0}. Hence defaults to zeros {1}{2}

Explanation: An error occurred and therefore default zero values are displayed for the collector.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for Collectors on MasterCell if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Severity Number for collector {0} is found null; defaults to Unknown.

Explanation: Unknown severity is displayed by default because the severity number was a null value.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for Collectors on MasterCell if you continue to experience issues.


: Navigation Tree: Error on getting the collectors for top-level Event Folders {0}{1}

Explanation: An error occurred and failed to display collectors under the event folder.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for Collectors on Master Cell and folder access if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error on propagating severity for the event collection {0}{1}

Explanation: An error occurred and displayed unknown severity by default.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for Collectors on MasterCell if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error on loading the component folders under the Mine {0}{1}

Explanation: An error occurred and failed to display the component folder under the Mine.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for access to component folders. Restart the server if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error on loading the global component folders {0}{1}

Explanation: An error occurred and failed to display the component folder under the Global head.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for access to component folders. Restart the server if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error on listing the component folders under the Mine {0}{1}

Explanation: An error occurred and failed to display component folder under Check the user permissions for componentthe Mine.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for component access to component folders. Restart the server if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error on listing the global component folders {0}{1}

Explanation: An error occurred and failed to display the component folder under the Global head.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for access to component folders. Restart the server if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error on loading the user on listing CIs in Component Folder {0}{1}

Explanation: An error occurred and failed to list CIs under the component folder.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for access to component folders and for Cell services. Restart the server if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error on listing the CIs in the component folder {0}{1}

Explanation: An error occurred and failed to display CIs under the component folder.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for access to component folders and for MasterCell CIs. Restart the server if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error on loading the components in component folders {0}{1}

Explanation: An error occurred and failed to display components under the component folder.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for access to component folders, Groups and Devices. Restart the server if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error on loading the providers on listing the CIs in component folders {0}{1}

Explanation: An error occurred and failed to display providers under CIs of the component folder.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for access to component folders and CIs on MasterCell. Restart the server if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error while getting the Severity Map for the Component Folders {0}{1}

Explanation: An error occurred and therefore a close severity by default might occur.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Restart the server if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error while getting the Predictive Severity Map for the Component Folders {0}{1}

Explanation: An error occurred and therefore close severity as predictive by default might be displayed.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for access to component folders. Restart the server if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error while getting the Severity for the Component Folders {0}{1}

Explanation: An error occurred and therefore close severity for component folder by default might be displayed.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for access to component folders. Restart the server if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error while getting the Predictive Severity for the Component Folders {0}{1}

Explanation: An error occurred and therefore close predictive severity for component folder by default might be displayed.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for access to component folders. Restart the server if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error while getting Device Severity in the Component Folders {0}{1}

Explanation: An error occurred and therefore close severity by default for the component folder might be displayed.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for access tocomponent folders. Restart the server if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error on calculating the highest device severity in the component folder {0}{1}

Explanation: An error occurred and therefore close severity by default for the component folder might be displayed.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for access to component folders. Restart the server if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error on getting severity map for groups {0}{1}

Explanation: An error occurred and therefore close severity by default for the group might be displayed.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions with Groups access. Restart the server if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error on getting the actual severity from WarningCheck {0}{1}

Explanation: You might not get a warning severity when predictive severity is worse than regular severity.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Restart the server if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error on getting predictive severity map for group:{0} {1}{2}

Explanation: You might not get predictive severity for the group because of this issue.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions of Groups access. Restart the server if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error on getting predictive severity map for group {0} from children {1}{2}

Explanation: You might not get predictive severity for the group from children because of this issue.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for Groups access. Restart the server if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error on calculating highest predictive severity for MOs {0} {1}

Explanation: Predictive severity might not be correct for groups because of this issue.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for Groups access. Restart the server if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Encountered recursion on calculating highest predictive severity of group.

Explanation: Groups hierarchy will not be continued to consider predictive severity of further subgroups because of this issue.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for Groups access. Restart the server if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Not able to find child groups for the group:{0}

Explanation: No child-groups are listed for the group because of this issue.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for Groups access. Restart the server if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error on getting the highest predictive severity from subgroups {0} {1}

Explanation: Predictive severity for the group might not be correct because of this issue.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for Groups access. Restart the server if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error on getting severity map for group components {0} having mos {1}{2}

Explanation: Correct severity might not be displayed. Therefore, the default value is set to close for the group.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for Groups access. Restart the server if you are still experiencing issues.


Message:{{ Navigation Tree: Encountered recursion on listing groups hierarchy on calculating highest severity.}}

Explanation: Group severity will not be continued to consider further subgroups because of this issue.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for subgroups access. Restart the server if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Not able to find child group to calculate highest severity of the group:{0}

Explanation: Groups severity might not be correct because subgroups are not considered.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for subgroups access. Restart the server if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Encountered recursion on calculating highest severity of group.

Explanation: Groups hierarchy will not be continued to consider the severity of further subgroups.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for subgroups access. Restart the server if you continue to experience issues.


Message : Navigation Tree: Error on calculating severity from subgroups for the group:{0} {1}{2}

Explanation: Severity propagation for the group might not be correct because of this issue.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for subgroups access. Restart the server if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: subgroup found null; on calculating the highest severity for group:{0}

Explanation: A group might not display the subgroups because of this issue.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for subgroups access. Restart the server if you continue to experience issues.


Message:Navigation Tree: Error on getting highest severity for group:{0} {1}{2}

Explanation: Groups might not display the actual severity because of this issue.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for Groups access. Restart the server if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error on calculating the highest severity of MOs {0} {1}

Explanation: A group which has these MOs might not display the actual severity because of this error.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for Groups access. Restart the server if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: On listing reports; unable to get Report Instances{0} {1}}}

Explanation: No report instance is displayed under the By Type category because of this issue.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for reports access. Restart the server if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error on constructing the unique ID for the remote cell node {0} {1}

Explanation: The Remote Cell might have an empty uID and might be the cause for duplication because of this issue.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for Remote Cell access and Configuration. restart the server if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error on constructing the unique ID for the node {0} {1}

Explanation: The node might have an empty uID and might be the cause for duplication because of this issue.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Restart the server.


Message: Navigation Tree: Authorization platform found Null; Unable to load folder permissions for user:{0}

Explanation: Server is not initialized properly. User might not get permission to work with custom folders.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for folders. Restart the server if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: RemoteCell Name found null for the Event Folder:{0}

Explanation: This event folder might not be managed properly because of this issue.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for Remote Cell access, Remote Cell Configurations, and event folders access. Restart the server if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error on loading the user on listing RemoteCell EventFolders:{0} {1}

Explanation: You cannot get proper Status of the Remote Cell on which the event folder is created.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for Remote Cell access, Remote Cell Configurations, and event folders access. Restart the server if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: on loading All Services; Business Service relation found cyclic with CI:{0}

Explanation: Children of the Services are not displayed because it enters into a continuous loop.

User Response: Avoid creating the chain model relationship for business services.


Message: Navigation Tree: on loading CompFolders; CIs relation found cyclic with CI:{0}

Explanation: You cannot get further providers of the CI because it enters into a continuous loop.

User Response: Avoid creating the chain model relationship for CIs.


Message: Navigation Tree: Error on getting the open events and total events count for the Remote Cell:{0}; setting values default to zero {1}{2}}}

Explanation: Failed to get the open events and total events count for the Remote Cell. The default zero values are displayed.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for Remote Cell Collectors access and Remote Cell Configurations. Restart the server if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: On listing remote cells EventService is failed to get initialized {0} {1}

Explanation: Server is not initialized properly. Remote Cells are not loaded for Other Cells drawer.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions for Remote Cells access and Remote Cell Configurations. Restart the server if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Navigation Tree: Unable to load the folder permissions for user:{0} {1}{2}

Explanation: You might not be allowed to work with custom folders.

User Response: Wait and refresh the page. Check the user permissions with folders access. Restart the server if you continue to experience issues.


Message: Error while getting Publication Filters.

Explanation: Error while retrieving publication filters because it is not able to communicate with the Publishing Server.

User Response: Check whether the Publishing Server is running.


Message: Unable to create file: {0}

Explanation: Log messages are not be captured. You might not have write permission.

User Response: Check the write permission for parent directory of this file.


Message: Error while getting CIs.

Explanation: Error while getting CIs because it is not able to communicate with Publishing Server.

User Response: Check whether the Publishing Server is running.


Message: Error while getting TOP LEVEL CIs.

Explanation: Error while getting TOP LEVEL CIs because it is not able to communicate with Publishing Server.

User Response: Check whether the Publishing Server is running.


Message: Error while getting Publication Filters.

Explanation: Error while getting the publication filters because it is not able to communicate with the Publishing Server.

User Response: Check whether the Publishing Server is running.


Message: Error in fetching the adapter type information from DevicePoll_Cntl.

Explanation: Automated workflow: Could not fetch the adapter type from Devicepoll_cntl table, so no Mon Type discovery happens.

User Response: Automated workflow: Delete and re-create the adapter.


Message: Error deleting the DEVICEPOLL_CNTL entry for AGENTID = {0} AND MOTYPEID = {1}

Explanation: Automated workflow: Could not delete the entry in devicepoll_cntl table.

User Response:Automated workflow: Manually update this entry before creating the adapter again.

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