Event repository cleanup parameters

Event Repository cleanup parameters





When the EventAutoClose value is set to Yes, it automatically closes a duplicate event in the database when an event arrives with status=CLOSED, or it is closed in the Refine rule phase. Further, the event is dropped and the duplicate is closed.

If the value is set to No, there is no duplicate detection and the closed event is not dropped.



Maximum duration, in seconds, of a single cleanup.
After expiration of that period, the cleanup is interrupted. Normal operation proceeds for an equal duration. Then cleanup is resumed, with the same limit again.



Time interval, in seconds, between periodic cleanups of the repository.



Percentage of free space required at termination of an EventDB cleanup.
With a default EventDBSize of 100000, this means that at least 10000 places must be available at termination of a completed cleanup.



Indicates the preference for deleting events from the repository based on when they were received instead of when they were last modified.



Indicates the preference for cleaning up closed events rather than earlier events.
When there is not enough free space after removing all expired events, additional, unexpired events are removed. These are selected, oldest first, either from any events or from the closed ones first.
The default is no, meaning that the event status value is not taken into account when selecting events for removal.



Minimum age of closed events before they are removed from the repository.

The default is 3d, where d indicates the number of days. You can also use h to represent hours and m to represent minutes.



Minimum age of non-closed events before they are removed from the repository.

The default is 30d, where d indicates the number of days. You can also use h to represent hours and m to represent minutes.



Number of events to retain in the repository (the mcdb and xact files located in the installationDirectory/pw/server/var/ CellName directory path).
The default size is 100000.
When the specified number is reached, the cell performs a cleanup procedure, which is described in Event cleanup process

The value of the EventDBSize might have an impact on memory consumption. When increasing the value of the EventDBSize, consider the size of your system's virtual memory and the number of programs running on the system. Contact your system administrator if in doubt.



List of classes in which closed events are not deleted from the repository.


Any modifications to the EventDBNoCleanupClosed parameter should be carefully considered. Events of these classes remain in the event repository until you manually delete them.



List of classes in which open events are not deleted from the repository; comma separated.


Any modifications to the EventDBNoCleanupNonClosed parameter should be carefully considered. Events of these classes remain in the event repository until you manually delete them.


Event cleanup process

The related group of event cleanup parameters gives you control over which events are removed, limits the duration of the cleanup, and specifies a preference for cleaning up closed events rather than earlier events.

A cleanup first removes expired events. Expired events are those that are earlier than the times in the EventDBKeepClosed and EventDBKeepNonClosed parameters, for closed and non-closed events. After this cleanup, if there is still less free space than specified in the EventDBCleanupPercentage parameter, additional, unexpired events are removed. As many events are removed as needed to reach the desired amount of free space.

Older events are removed first, with one possible exception. If parameter EventDBCleanupPreferClosed=Yes, closed events are removed first, even if some earlier unclosed events remain. In EventDBCleanupPreferClosed=No mode, all events are considered, starting with the oldest first.

The mc_date_modification slot is considered to determine the time of an event. However, if parameter EventDBCleanupOnDateReception=Yes, the date_reception slot is considered instead.

Cleanup is interrupted if it takes longer than the value of the EventDBCleanupDurationLimit parameter. By default, this value is 10 seconds. If the cleanup period was not long enough to remove all expired events, a new cleanup is scheduled for a later time with the same amount of time as the duration limit. If all expired events were removed, the next cleanup is scheduled after the normal interval value of EventDBCleanupInterval.

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  1. Kells Kearney

    What are the units for EventDBKeepClosed and EventDBKeepNonClosed ?

    Mar 25, 2020 10:29
    1. Kells Kearney

      It appears that these are actually strings, and accept values like "1d" and "30d" This page should be updated to reflect this as well as default values.

      Mar 25, 2020 10:30