Customizing device filters

For advanced filtering options and to have more control over the list of devices that you view, you can customize the device filter.

  1. Select the Devices action menu and select Customize Filter .
  2. Select a device type from the available device types.
  3. Select one or more event status and severity.
    Filtering is disabled if you do not select any event status or severity, and devices with events of any status or severity are displayed.
  4. Select either the applications, services, or the groups category and use the drop-down box to select one or more items.
  5. Click Apply to apply the custom filter.
    Any selected applications or groups are displayed in the area  above the device type filter.
  6. To set this custom filter as the default filter, select Save As Preference  from the Devices action menu.
  7. To restore the default quick filters, select Reset Default Filters .


    The default filters are:

    Device type: All Devices

    Event status: Open

    Event severity: Critical, Major, Minor, Warning

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Filtering devices

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