Creating cell-specific configuration files

By default, one set of configuration files is installed during installation of the cell. These files are located in the installationDirectory\pw\server\etc\ directory and multiple cells on a host can use them. You can also create unique configuration files for individual instances (cells) as needed.

To create cell-specific configuration files

  1. Using a text editor, edit the configuration file and customize it for that cell and save it. 

    You can copy and edit any configuration file located in the installationDirectory\pw\server\etc\ directory.
  2. Either reload the cell configuration or stop and start the cell so that the changes take effect.
    When a cell starts, it searches for configuration files in the installationDirectory\pw\server\etc\cellName directory. If no configuration file is found, the cell uses the configuration file in the installationDirectory\pw\server\etc directory. For example, if you copy the mcell.conf file into the installationDirectory\pw\server\etc\cellName directory and modify it, the cell reads that mcell.conf file and all other files in the installationDirectory\pw\server\etc directory.

    All cells use the following cell-specific directories:
    • installationDirectory/pw/server/etc/cellName contains cell-specific configurations (including the Knowledge Base).
    • installationDirectory/pw/server/log/cellName contains the cell's default trace file.
    • installationDirectory/pw/server/var/cellName contains the persistent state of the cell (mcdb, xact).
    • installationDirectory/pw/server/tmp/cellName contains the temporary files for the cell.

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