

This documentation space contains information about PATROL Agents when deployed in a TrueSight Operations Management environment. If you are a BMC Helix Operations Management user, see PATROL Agent 21.02 for BMC Helix Operations Management. Open link

Example of input tab details for a Menu command

This section contains examples for the input tab entries for a Menu command. This configuration logic is also used to display the menu commands in the BMC ProactiveNet Performance Management Operations console or TrueSight Infrastructure Management administrator console. For more details, see Configuring PATROL KM metadata and XML schema.

Sample logic for a menu command

Sample logic written in the Input tab for a menu command (KM Configuration metadata).

<MenuCommand available="AVAILABLE_ALWAYS" id="psx_trace" name="Trace">
    <MenuCommand annotate="false" autoID="false" available="AVAILABLE_ALWAYS" id="bppm_app_trace" name="Set Application Trace" security="SECURITY_INHERIT">
          <Command commandType="PSL" computerType="ALL_COMPUTERS">
           <Commandtext serial="1383803797">requires NT_OS_menu; app_trace_dbg ();</Commandtext>
    <MenuCmdConfigurationMetadata xmlns:xsi="">
       <KMLevelConfiguration dataModelMajorVersion="1" dataModelMinorVersion="0"/>
               <AttributeSet description="Application Trace Selection Options" id="appTraceSelectOpts" label="Application Trace Selection Options">
				<Enum default="" description="Application Class Selection" id="appclass" label="Application Class">
					<Enumerator id="win_op_sys" label="Windows Operating System" value="0"/>
    				  <Enumerator id="win_evnt" label="Windows Events" value="1"/>
    				  <Enumerator id="processes" label="Processes" value="2"/>
    				  <Enumerator id="services" label="Services" value="3"/>
    				  <Enumerator id="cache" label="Cache" value="4"/>
   				   <Enumerator id="processors" label="Processors" value="5"/>
    				  <Enumerator id="network_protocols" label="Network Protocols" value="6"/>
   				   <Enumerator id="job_objects" label="Job Objects" value="7"/>
    				  <Enumerator id="logical_disks" label="Logical Disks" value="8"/>
    				  <Enumerator id="physical_disks" label="Physical Disks" value="9"/>
    				  <Enumerator id="paging_files" label="Paging Files" value="10"/>
    				  <Enumerator id="printers" label="Printers" value="11"/>
    				  <Enumerator id="NT_CompositesColl" label="NT_CompositesColl" value="12"/>
    				  <Enumerator id="network_interfaces" label="Network Interfaces" value="13"/>
    				  <Enumerator id="registry" label="Registry" value="14"/>
    				  <Enumerator id="server_security" label="Server and Security" value="15"/>
    				  <Enumerator id="health" label="Health At A Glance" value="16"/>
    				  <Enumerator id="memory" label="Memory" value="17"/>
    				  <Enumerator id="system" label="System" value="18"/>
    				  <Enumerator id="blue_screen" label="Blue Screen" value="19"/>
    				  <Enumerator id="agent_health" label="Agent Health" value="20"/>
                        <MultiSelect default="all" description="Select Debug Type" id="dbgtype" label="Debug Type">
								<Enumerator id="all" label="ALL" value="0"/>
								<Enumerator id="disc" label="Discovery" value="1"/>
								<Enumerator id="coll" label="Collection" value="2"/>
								<Enumerator id="cmd" label="Commands" value="3"/>
								<Enumerator id="xpc" label="XPC" value="4"/>
                        <Enum default="" description="Debug Flag" id="dbgflag" label="Debug Flag">
								<Enumerator id="off" label="OFF" value="0"/>
								<Enumerator id="on" label="ON" value="1"/>

Supported input configuration metadata for menu command

Following table illustrates the supported input configuration metadata for menu commands:

XML tags for Menu
Command Metadata

HTML UI Representation



Input text box


AcountNameUsername and password input text box 




Input text box with input range validation using minimum and maximum data


Combo box


List with multiple data selection option


Border for the attributes inside the attribute set

Executing menu command

When PATROL Agent receives a command, it checks the value for CMD_T and if the value is MENU, then PATROL Agent creates a PSL code and executes it. The following template PSL code provides the logic to parse the inputs defined in the configuration metadata of menu commands: 

function bppm_app_trace (...)
    local app,dbg_opts,opt1,opt2,opt3,opt4,opt5,cnfigFile;
    app = "";
    dbg_opts = "";
    opt1 = "";
    opt2 = "";
    opt3 = "";
    opt4 = "";
    opt5 = "";
    arguments = va_start();
    c = va_arg(arguments);
    while (c != "")
        if(ntharg(c,1,"/") == "appclass")
			switch (ntharg(c,2,"/"))
				case 0:{ app = "Windows Operating System";}        
				case 1:{ app = "Windows Events";}
				case 2:{ app = "Processes";}
				case 3:{ app = "Services";}
				case 4:{ app = "Cache";}    
				case 5:{ app = "Processors";}
				case 6:{ app = "Network Protocols";}          
				case 7:{ app = "Job Objects";}
				case 8:{ app = "Logical Disks";}        
				case 9:{ app = "Physical Disks";}
				case 10:{ app = "Paging Files";}       
				case 11:{ app = "Printers";}
				case 12:{ app = "NT_CompositesColl";}      
				case 13:{ app = "Network Interfaces";}
				case 14:{ app = "Registry";}  
				case 15:{ app = "Server and Security";}
				case 16:{ app = "Health At A Glance";}        
				case 17:{ app = "Memory";}
				case 18:{ app = "System";}   
				case 19:{ app = "Blue Screen";}
				case 20:{ app = "Agent Health";}   
		if(ntharg(c,1,"/") == "dbgflag")
			flag = ntharg(c,2,"/"); 
        if(ntharg(c,1,"/") == "dbgtype")
			dbg_opts = replace(ntharg(c,2,"/"),",","\n"); 
			foreach opt (dbg_opts)
				switch (opt)
					case 0:{ opt1 = "all";}          
					case 1:{ opt2 = "disc";}
					case 2:{ opt3 = "coll";}        
					case 3:{ opt4 = "cmd";}
					case 4:{ opt5 = "xpc";}        
		c = va_arg(arguments);

PATROL Agent sends the output of the PSL code to the BMC ProactiveNet or TrueSight Infrastructure Management.

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  1. Ashwini Pungle

    Hello Team ,

    Can we add some information here on how to import custom KM in TSPS liek below link

    CC:@Przemek TOMCZUK



    Apr 27, 2020 09:11