Registering a Generic JVM environment in TrueSight

Before using the PATROL for Generic Java Server KM, you must configure a monitoring environment. You can use the information in this topic if you are using the TrueSight console.

Before you begin

  • You must have installed and loaded PATROL for Generic Java Server KM.
  • You enable a JMX port for monitoring through JMX commands.
  • The operating system user account must have read and execute permissions for the Java Home directory, and full access to the ../Patrol3/GJS directory.

To configure the Generic Java Server environment

In the Add Monitoring Configuration panel, select the following parameters for the Generic Java Server KM:

Monitoring SolutionApache Tomcat and Generic Java Server
Monitoring ProfileGeneric JVM Server
Monitor TypeGeneric JVM Server

You also need to enter the Java home details and the Administration parameters as follows:

Java home details

Java home

Enter the path to the local Java home directory.

Note: If the Java home is not specified, by default, the Java home for the PATROL Agent is used. Or, if you are upgrading from an earlier version of this KM, the Java home will be taken from a previously configured environment.

Local OS accountEnter the local administration OS account user name.
Local OS passwordEnter the local administration OS account password.

Administration parameters

Optional JVM argsEnter the optional Java Virtual Machine arguments for the Java collector.
Enable loggingSelect this option to log PSL and Java activities.
Availability collection time (min)Select the availability collection time in minutes. The minimum collection time is one minute and the maximum collection time is 60 minutes.
Data collection time (min)

Select the data collection time in minutes. The minimum collection time is one minute and the maximum collection time is 60 minutes.

Note: Entering a data collection time that is less than 5 minutes will result in a performance issue for the KM.

Click Add to open the Environment Configurations pane and enter the following details.

Environment Configuration
Environment name

Enter the environment display name.


Enter the host name or the IP address of a local or remote host. The IP addresses can be in the IPv4 or IPv6 format.

Note: An example of an IPv6 address is [2001:db8:28:3:f98a:5b31:67b7:67ef].

PortEnter the JVM monitor port number.
RMI Server type

Enter RMI server type. The default server type is jmxrmi.

Or, enter ARServer to monitor Remedy servers.


For the KM to monitor the Remedy server, the JMX port number configured in the Remedy AR System server must match the JMX port number in the ar.cfg file. The default port number is 61500.
For details about configuring the JMX port number, see Setting ports and RPC numbers Open link for the Remedy server.

User nameEnter the user name for the JVM monitor.
PasswordEnter the password for the JVM monitor.
SSL Certificate Details
TrustStore fileEnter the TrustStore file name for one-way SSL and two-way SSL connections.
TrustStore passwordEnter the TrustStore password for one-way SSL and two-way SSL connections.
KeyStore fileEnter the KeyStore file name for two-way SSL connections.
KeyStore passwordEnter the KeyStore password for two-way SSL connections.
Disable device mappingSelect the check box to disable device mapping.
Generate diagnostic reportSelect the check box to generate diagnostic report.
MBean Rules
Note: Click Add to configure an MBean rule.
Condition nameEnter the condition name.
DomainEnter the domain name (example: java.lang). If you do not enter a name, "*" is used as the default domain name.
Object nameEnter the name of the MBean.
Attribute nameEnter the attribute name.
Condition type selection

Select one of the following condition type:

  • Numeric Condition
  • Boolean Condition
  • String Condition
If string value is

If you selected the String Condition as the condition type, select one of the following qualifiers and enter the string in the text box:

  • equal to
  • not equal to
  • contains
  • does not contain

Click Cancel to exit without saving any changes.

You can continue to add more environments for monitoring.

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