Verifying the configuration

This topic provides information on how to verify the configuration was successful or not. Once you configure a policy, it enables self-monitoring-parameters to validate a successful configuration or to alert about malfunction in the configuration. After a successful configuration, you would be able to see the monitoring hierarchy created and data collection happening.

To validate the configuration

After applying the configuration, review the monitoring hierarchy to validate the configuration for:

  • If the tree structure is completed

You will need to review Instance (KOE_INSTANCE) self-monitoring-parameters: Instance status and Instance configuration status
The Instance status annotation indicates the connection to the Oracle database was unsuccessful. Other availability errors are annotated on Instance configuration status. 
For any connection errors, you will need to review instance connection details in the TrueSight infrastructure policy
For any monitor user permission errors, you will need to review the required permission are set to the monitoring user.

  • If the environment container is created

You will need to review Oracle Environment (KOE_ENVIRONMENT) self-monitoring-parameter Configuration status. 
The Configuration status annotation indicates an issue with the java backend collector. For any java backend collector error you will need to review Java collector settings details in the TrueSight infrastructure policy.

  • If the root containers exists

You will need to review Oracle Main (KOE_MAIN) self-monitoring-parameter “Configuration status” if there is any issue with presentation server such as configuration wasn’t push correctly and the environment container wasn’t created.


If the status is Not OK, the annotation shows the root cause of the error and also possible corrective actions.

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