Oracle Automatic Storage Management

To configure the monitor type

In the Add Monitoring Configuration panel, select the following parameters for the Oracle Enterprise Database KM:

Monitoring SolutionOracle Enterprise Database
Monitoring ProfileOracle Environment Monitoring
Monitor TypeOracle ASM

For the Global Monitoring Setting, you can enable Logging for all of the configured PATROL Agent environments to confirm that all of the PATROL for Oracle Enterprise Database environments are correctly configured.

To add an environment configuration

Click Add and enter the details in the Environment Configurations pane.

Environment name

Enter a unique environment name for monitoring the Oracle Database. A container is created with this environment name that holds all the ASM instances.


  • The name cannot include blank spaces or any of the following special characters: # $ \ ' | ~ ! @ % ^ ; ` ( ) { } ? \ " [ ] + = & : > < * /
  • Do not use non-English characters to specify an environment name.
  • When you save the environment configuration, you cannot change the name without losing the historical data of the environment. You can change the environment name by making a copy of the monitoring solution.

The remaining environment details are in the following sections:

ASM clients connection pool

In the ASM clients connection details section, click Add.

In the ASM clients connection details pane, you can add multiple ASM clients to form a connection pool. If an ASM client that is used for connection is unavailable, the connection is switched to the next available ASM client from the connection pool. Ensure that all ASM clients belong to the same connection cluster. Otherwise, the discovery would stop.

In the ASM clients connection details pane, click Add.

Oracle ASM client host

Enter the host name or the IP address of the Oracle ASM client host.

You can use the $HOSTNAME variable for the Oracle host. The name is taken from the PATROL agent that is registered in the  TrueSight console's Devices page Open link .

The IP address can be in the IPv4 or IPv6 format. An example of an IPv6 address is [2001:db8:28:3:f98a:5b31:67b7:67ef]

Oracle ASM client port

Enter the port number that is used to connect with the monitored Oracle ASM client.

The default port number is 1521.

Oracle ASM connection method

Specify the Oracle connection type:

  • Service
  • SID
Oracle ASM connection name

Enter the ASM service or SID that you want to monitor. To get the service or SID name, use the Isnrctl command.

SYSASM user credentials
User name

The monitoring SYSASM user name of the Oracle ASM database.

Note: Confirm that the user has permission for object access, see Monitoring categories and user permissions.

Confirm password

The monitoring SYSASM user password of the Oracle ASM database.

Monitoring Categories details

Select the Oracle ASM categories that you want to monitor. The ASM client availability monitor category is build by default.

Monitoring CategoriesDescription
Space Management

Monitors performance and space usage for different ASM disk groups and ASM disks.

Environment Settings details


Select this option to enable debugging operations for all Oracle instances configured on this environment.

The log files are created under the PATROL_HOME directory:

  • Java: PATROL_HOME/Patrol3/koekm/logs/java
  • PSL: PATROL_HOME/Patrol3/log/koe-*.kmlog

For more information about logging, see Using debug logging in the TrueSight Infrastructure Management operator console.

Device mapping

By default, device mapping on the TrueSight console is enabled. If enabled, all the Oracle ASM database instances are discovered under the Oracle host device.

If it is disabled, all the Oracle ASM Database instances are discovered under the PATROL Agent host device.

Java collector settings

Java home

The path to the JRE directory (or the $JAVA_HOME environment variable) on the PATROL Agent host.

If you use the $JAVA_HOME variable, the Java location is depends on the following:

  • No user name and password are entered for the Java collector settings; the KM uses the Java location of the user running the PATROL agent.
  • A user name and password are entered for the Java collector settings; the KM uses Java location of the user entered in the collector settings.

If you enter a path for the JRE directory, you must enter the full path, such as C:\Program files\Java\jre1.8.0_151. Do not use the short path format.

If you do not enter a value in this field, the KM looks for the Java installed in the PATROL Agent home directory as:

  • Linux: $PATROL_HOME/../openjdk; $PATROL_HOME/../jre64
  • Windows: %PATROL_HOME%/../openjdk; %PATROL_HOME%/../jre64
JVM Arguments
The optional Java Virtual Machine (JVM) arguments for the Java collector
User nameThe local user name to start the Java process.


Confirm password

The user password to start the Java process.

Collection settings

Availability Collection Interval (minutes)

The time interval used to check for the environment's availability for collecting data.

The default interval is one minute.

Data Collection Interval (minutes)

The time interval used for data collection from the environment.

The default interval is five minutes.

Note: Entering a data collection time that is less than 5 minutes will result in a performance issue for the KM.

Long running data collection queries (minutes)

The time interval use to determine when a running query is blocked. The query is blocked because its execution duration is equal to, or greater than, this interval's threshold.

The default interval is 30 minutes.

After you complete configuring the environment, click OK to add this to the environment configurations list. This environment is displayed on the Environment Configuration list. 

To exit without saving changes, click Cancel

To verify the configuration, click here.

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