Configuring using PATROL Configuration Manager

The following table provides PATROL for Apache Kafka variable settings.

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PATROL for Apache Kafka variables


Stores the environment names that are added for monitoring. Each environment name you add should be on this list. Use \n as the separator.

/KFK/Kafka/<<environment name>>/healthMonitoring

Type of monitoring:

  • Infrastructure Availability=1
  • Static topic monitoring=2
/KFK/Kafka/<<environment name>>/jvmArgs(Optional) Stores the JVM arguments of the JAVA collector.
/KFK/Kafka/<<environment name>>/disableInstance

(Optional) Set this variable to true to disable the creation of the instance on the PATROL tree view. (true || 1)

Valid values:

  • 1 = False
  • 0 = True
/KFK/Kafka/<<environment name>>/BPPMI2D

(Optional) Set this variable to 0 to disable instance to device creation in TrueSight.

Valid values:

  • 1 = Enable
  • 0 = Disable
/KFK/Kafka/<<environment name>>/Logging

(Optional) Set this variable to one to enable collection of PSL and JAVA logs.

Valid values:

  • 1 = Enable
  • 0 = Disable
/KFK/Kafka/<<environment name>>/collectors/availabilityCollector/Cycle

(Optional) Stores the value of the KM collector cycle, in seconds.

You can update the polling interval value for each collector that exists in the KM. The XML files are located at $PATROL_HOME/Patrol3/kfk/collectors/collectors.xml. If you update the polling interval by using the pconfig variable, the KM uses the updated value instead of the value used in the XML files. The cache cycle is equal to the received collector's cycle.

/KFK/Kafka/<<environment name>>/collectors/dataCollector/Cycle

(Optional) Stores the value of the KM collector cycle, in seconds.

You can update the polling interval value for each collector that exists in the KM. The XML files are located at $PATROL_HOME/Patrol3/kfk/collectors/collectors.xml. If you update the polling interval by using the pconfig variable, the KM uses the updated value instead of the value used in the XML files. The cache cycle is equal to the received collector's cycle.

/KFK/Kafka/<<environment name>>/collectors/isCollectorsCachingEnable

(Optional) Set this variable to one to add the collector output to the cached thread.

Valid values:

  • 1 or True
  • 0 or False

If this variable is set to True or 1, the collector output is added to the cached thread. This thread is responsible for sending data to the PATROL Agent if the collection fails. In this scenario, old values of parameters are displayed for a specific period of time before the collector stops sending the values to PATROL Agent.

If this variable is set to false or 0, the collector sends the output directly to the PATROL Agent without caching.

This variable is also defined in the $PATROL_HOME/Patrol3/kfk/conf/ file.

/KFK/Kafka/<<environment name>>/i18n/lang

(Optional) Stores the locale of the KM environment.

The locale of KM environment must be defined as <language>_<country>

For example, en_US.

If you do not update this variable, the KM uses the current locale of the JAVA collector. If the KM is unsuccessful in retrieving this information from the JAVA collector, it uses the default locale.

/KFK/Kafka/<<environment name>>/javaHome

Stores the location of the JAVA_Home that is used to run the JAVA collector.

JRE version 1.8 and later must be used.

/KFK/Kafka/<<environment name>>/kafkaInstallationDirStored the Kafka installation directory location.
/KFK/Kafka/<<environment name>>/kafkaTopicStores the name of the monitoring topic.
/KFK/Kafka/<<environment name>>/securityProtocol

Stores the protocol that is used to communicate with the Brokers.

Valid values:

/SecureStore/KFK_MAIN/Kafka/<<environment name>>/OSCredentials

(Optional) The local user that need to run Java collector with it. The local user password.

/KFK/Kafka/<<environment name>>/isOSCredentialsChanged

(Optional) Indicates if the OS credentials are changed or not

  • 1 - Indicates that the OS credentials are changed
  • 0 - Indicates that there is no change in the OS credentials
/KFK/Kafka/<<environment name>>/host

Stores the Kafka Zookeeper host name.

/KFK/Kafka/<<environment name>>/port

Stores the Kafka Zookeeper port number.

/KFK/Kafka/<<environment name>>/krb5File

Stores the Kerberos Krb5 config path.

Mandatory if the security protocol is set to SASL_PLAINTEXT

/KFK/Kafka/<<environment name>>/SaslServiceName

Stores the Kerberos SASL service name.

Mandatory if the security protocol is set to SASL_PLAINTEXT

/KFK/Kafka/<<environment name>>/jaasFile

Stores the Kerberos Jaas config path

Mandatory if the security protocol is set to SASL_PLAINTEXT

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