JBoss Setup

This topic provides information about configuring the JBoss Setup monitor type by using Central Monitoring Administration.

On the Add Monitor Types dialog, with the Monitoring Profile set to JBoss, and the Monitor Type set to JBoss Setup, provide the following details:

Environment Configuration
Environment name

Specify the environment display name.

Host/IPSpecify the host name or the IP of the JBoss server.
PortSpecify the port number of the JBoss server.
UsernameSpecify the JBoss server administration user name.
PasswordSpecify the JBoss server administration password.
Local JBoss installation details
JBoss home

Specify the path to local home JBoss server installation directory.


  • When a new user is added to the JBoss domain, the user will be added to the mgmt-users.properties, application-roles.properties, and application-users.properties files located in the <JBoss installation path>/domain/configuration.
  • When a JBoss environment is configured to use a different directory to the domain base by using an argument -Djboss.domain.base.dir=<NEW PATH>, the mgmt-users.properties, application-roles.properties, and application-users.properties files should be copied to the new directory that is configured to use.
JAVA home

Specify the path to the local JAVA home directory.


If JAVA home is not specified, by default, the JAVA home for the PATROL Agent is used.

Local admin OS accountSpecify the local JBoss server administration OS account username.
Local admin OS passwordSpecify the local JBoss server administration OS account password.
Monitor Data
Monitoring options

Select one of the following monitoring options for monitoring JBoss server:

  • Server availability
  • General health
  • Full
  • Custom
Valid when monitoring options is set to custom
Custom data

Click this button to select one or more options to customize data:

  • Cache
  • Class Loader
  • Class Loading
  • Compilation
  • Data Sources
  • EJB Global
  • Garbage Collection
  • Global Request Processor
  • JCA
  • JMS Queue
  • JMS Topic
  • JTA
  • JVM
  • Manager
  • Memory
  • Memory Pool
  • Operating System
  • Queue Thread
  • Queueless Thread
  • Threading
  • Thread Pool
  • Transaction
  • Web Module
  • EJB
  • JPA
  • JSP
  • Servlet
SSL Certificate Details
TrustStore fileSpecify the TrustStore file name for one-way SSL and two-way SSL connections.
TrustStore passwordSpecify the TrustStore password for one-way SSL and two-way SSL connections.
KeyStore fileSpecify the KeyStore file name for two-way SSL connections.
KeyStore passwordSpecify the KeyStore password for two-way SSL connections.
Optional JVM argsSpecify the option Java Virtual Machine args for the Java collector.
Java log level

Select one of the following levels of Java log level:

  • Info
  • Fine
  • Finest
Enable psl debugSelect this check box to enable debug.
Availability collection time (min)Select the availability collection time in minutes. The minimum collection time is one minute and the maximum collection time is 60 minutes.
Data collection time (min)Select the data collection time in minutes. The minimum collection time is one minute and the maximum collection time is 60 minutes.
Disable device mappingSelect the check box to disable device mapping.
Generate diagnostic reportSelect the check box to generate a diagnostic report.
MBean rules
Configure MBean Rules
MBean rules
Condition nameSpecify the condition name.
Server name

Specify the server name. For standalone mode JBoss monitoring, take the Server Name value from the diag report. For the domain mode configuration, the Server Name value is the value that you want to configure for the MBean instance. For example, server-one_master or server-two_slave.

To run the diagnostic report, go to Configuration > Infrastructure Policies > click your policy. In the Monitoring section, click your Jboss configuration and select the Generate diagnostic report check box.


Specify the domain name. If the field is left empty then * is used.


Specify the full ObjectName, it can be without the domain. Full ObjectName is a combination of values of mbean_type and mbean_name that you can obtain from the diagnostic report.

For example, for <MBean mbean_type="org.xbmc:type=Xbmc" mbean_name="provider="bmc",worker="default"">, ObjectName value is org.xbmc:type=Xbmc,provider="bmc",worker="default".

To run the diagnostic report, go to Configuration > Infrastructure Policies > click your policy. In the Monitoring section, click your Jboss configuration and select the Generate diagnostic report check box.

Attribute nameSpecify the attribute name.
Condition type selection

Select one of the following condition type:

  • Numeric Condition
  • Boolean Condition
  • String Condition
String attribute qualifier
If string value is

Select one of the following qualifier and enter the string in the text field:

  • equal to
  • not equal to
  • contains
  • does not contain
Add to ListTo add the configured MBean rule to the list of MBean rules, click the button.
Modify SelectionTo modify the configured MBean rule to the list of MBean rules, click the button.
Remove from ListTo remove the configured MBean rule to the list of MBean rules, click the button.
Filters configuration by application classes
Filters configuration by application classes list
JBOSS server nameSpecify the JBOSS server name to which the filters must be applied. Only one server name is allowed per configuration.

Enter All to apply filter to all the JBOSS servers.

If the JBoss environment is a domain with host controllers and you would like to filter one of the servers inside the host control then the syntax should be:


Specifying a server name without a host controller is not supported.

Application classes to filter
JBOSS application class

Enter the application class name to filter the instances that you want to include or exclude from monitoring.

For a complete list of application classes, see Monitor types and attributes.

Filtering mode

Select Include or Exclude to include/exclude the instances of the application class.

Select None to display all available instances of the application class.

Include/Exclude application class's instances from Monitoring (regex)

Enter a regular expression to filter the application class instances. Only the instances that satisfy the regular expression will be included/excluded. Multiple values must be separated by a comma.


In order to delete a saved application class:

  1. Go to the application class that you want to edit/delete available below the Application classes to filter icon, click on it.
  2. You will find two options Edit and Delete. Click edit and Application classes to filter window pops up, set the Filtering mode to none and click OK.
  3. After saving it follow Step 1 and click Delete to delete the application class.
Add to ListClick this option for confirming the configuration information that you provided and adding the environments to the list of JBoss environments. 

Modify Selection

Select one of the items that you added to the list in the preceding step, and click this option to modify details.
Remove from ListSelect the items added earlier and click this option to delete that item from the list of configured objects and the clear the details provided in the earlier fields.

Click this option to add this monitoring configuration. This information is displayed on the Monitor Configuration page.

After you click this option, you can continue to add more objects for monitoring.

CloseClick this option to exit without saving any changes.
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