
Quick overview

A Knowledge Module (KM) is a set of files from which a PATROL Agent receives information about resources running on a monitored computer. A KM file can contain the actual instructions for monitoring objects or simply a list of KMs to load. KMs are loaded by a PATROL Agent and a PATROL Console.

KMs provide information for the way monitored computers are represented in the PATROL interface, for the discovery of application instances and the way they are represented, for parameters that are run under those applications, and for the options available on object pop-up menus. A PATROL Console in developer mode can change KM knowledge for its current session, save knowledge for all of its future sessions, and commit KM changes to specified PATROL Agent computers. A KM file contains the source code for a PATROL application. 

Elasticsearch is a search engine based on Lucene. It provides a distributed, multi-tenant capable full-text search engine with HTTP web interface and schema-free JSON documents.

PATROL for Elasticsearch is a monitoring product that enables you to monitor the performance metrics of the configured Elasticsearch host. The KM monitors the performance metrics of the Elasticsearch Cluster, Nodes, JVM, Indices, and Shards. It provides ample metrics for each of these entities to fulfill all your monitoring requirements. For a list of monitor types and attributes, see Monitor types and attributes.

Elasticsearch KM facilitates filtering of indices by including or excluding them (based on name) from monitoring. It also provides failover functionality and assures high availability of performance metrics. 

For information about how to configure the KM, see Configuring Monitor Types in the Central Monitoring Administration Console.

Product documentation

The PATROL for Elasticsearch documentation helps new and experienced users implement or use this product. Based on your role, the following sections of the documentation are recommended. 

All users should view and set up a watch on the Release notes and notices for the latest product information and documentation updates. 

When working in the product, click the Help icons to directly link to the topic pertaining to your task. For working offline, you can download an Adobe Acrobat PDF of this documentation from the PDFs page.


The Infrastructure Management–PATROL Repository (Repository) comprises two sets of Monitoring Solutions and KMs, known as the Base and Extended repositories.

  • The Base repository contains approximately a dozen components, including the operating system KMs.
  • The Extended repository contains approximately five dozen components, including the database KMs.

Every three or four months, several components of the Repository are enhanced or added.

The PATROL for Elasticsearch is a component of the extended repository. For information about downloading and installing the extended repository, see Installing.

Related product documentation

When working with the PATROL for Elasticsearch product, you might also need to refer to the following documentation:

  • BMC PATROL Agent Open link
  • Infrastructure Management–PATROL Repository Open link

Console and product compatibility

You can use the KMs and Monitoring Solutions with several BMC consoles and products. 

TrueSight Infrastructure Management 10.5 and laterTrueSight console
TrueSight Infrastructure Management 10.0, 9.6Central Monitoring Administration

Parameter Reference Database

The  Parameter Reference Database (PRD) Open link contains reports of the parameters available from the KMs and solutions in the extensive Knowledge Module (KM) library. You can access these reports in CSV, PDF, or HTML format. 

You can quickly filter the list of products by typing any portion of the product name in the filter box, as shown in the following figure.

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