Configuring a remote DB2 environment on UNIX platform

Follow the steps to configure a remote DB2 environment existing on a UNIX platform.

To configure remote DB2 environment on UNIX platform

  1. From the PATROL Console work area, right-click the DB2_MAIN application class.
  2. Select KM Commands > Register DB2 Monitoring > Remote Unix DB2 environment.
  3. In the Register remote Unix DB2 environment dialog box, perform the following actions:
    1. To add a new environment, enter a unique environment name for monitoring the DB2 environment. A container will be created with the environment name. This environment will hold all the DB2 instances. BMC recommends you to provide only alphanumeric characters in environment name.
    2. To add remote host connection details, enter the following:
      1. Host - Enter a valid DB2 remote Host name or an IP address. Each environment can contain a single host name. BMC recommends you to provide alphanumeric characters in environment name.
      2. Port - Enter the remote SSH port number. Default port number is 22.
      3. User - Enter the name of the remote SSH user (this user must exist where the IBM DB2 system is installed) with permission to run:
        • DB2 CLP commands
        • "df" OS command on the following DB2 files:
          • logpath file: Received by running the query - select NAME,VALUE from SYSIBMADM.DBCFG where (DBPARTITIONNUM=<partition number>)
          • DB_PATH file: Received by running the query - select DB_PATH from SYSIBMADM.SNAPDB where (DBPARTITIONNUM=<partition number>)

        Note: If the IBM DB2 database user field is left blank, this user needs the minimum SYSMON authority with DATAACCESS privileges.

      4. Password - The password of the remote SSH user.
    3. To add DB2 connection details, enter the following:
      1. HOME installation PATH - Enter the path to the installation base directory. Files are installed to the following directories under the installation base.
        For example:

        Windows: C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB 

        UNIX: /opt/ibm/db2/V10.5

      2. Monitored DB instances - Enter a comma separated list of database instance names which you want to monitor. Leave this field blank to monitor all DB instances.

      3. User - Enter the name of the user with permissions to connect and run SQL queries on all DB2 databases. The user should have minimum SYSMON authority with DATAACCESS privileges.

        If this field is left blank, then the remote SSH connection user and password will be used.

      4. Password - The password of the DB2 user.
    4. To add JAVA collector details, enter the following:
      1. JAVA_HOME - 
        • Enter the full path (do not use the short path format) to the JRE directory on the PATROL Agent host. The Java version must be 8 or later.
          For example:
          • Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre8
          • Unix\LINUX: /usr/java8_64
        • Alternatively, you can also use the $JAVA_HOME environment variable in this field. If you use the $JAVA_HOME variable, the Java location depends on the $JAVA_HOME you declare in you PATROL agent host.
        • If this field is left blank, the KM looks for the Java executable in the Patrol3\openjdk and Patrol3\jre64 locations.
      2. Executing user - Enter the name of the OS JVM user (this user must exist where the PATROL Agent and DB2 KM are installed) with permission to run the Java process.

        Note: If this field is left blank, the KM will use the user that is running the PATROL Agent.

      3. Password - The password of the OS JVM user.
    5. To add collection details, enter the following:
      1. Availability - Select this option to collect the availability of instances, connections and databases.
      2. Full - Select this option to collect all the monitored groups.
      3. Custom - Select this option to collect only the monitored groups selected from the custom data module types.
    6. Click OK to apply the configuration.
    7. Click Close to close the dialog box.
  4. The following monitored groups will be displayed if you choose Custom option in the collection details.
    1. Buffer Pools - This group is responsible to collect buffer pools instances and parameters and display them under each database’s partition. You can see the queries and commands used to collect the group’s instances and parameters in the XML. The XML file used to collect this monitored group is located at <Patrol Home>/Patrol3/pso/xml/ PSO_BUFFERPOOLS.xml.
    2. Instance Parameters - This group is responsible to collect instance parameters and display them under the partitions container node of the instance. You can see the commands used to collect the group’s parameters in the XML.

      The XML file used to collect this monitored group is located at <Patrol Home>/Patrol3/pso/xml/ PSO_INSTANCE_PARAMETERS.xml.

    3. Instance Partition Parameters - This group is responsible to collect instance’s partition’s parameters and display them under each instance’s partition’s node. You can see the commands used to collect the group’s parameters in the XML. The XML file used to collect this monitored group is located at <Patrol Home>/Patrol3/pso/xml/ PSO_INSTANCE_PARTITION_PARAMETERS.xml.
    4. HADR - This group is responsible to collect HADR parameters and display them under each partition of HADR standby and primary databases. You can see the queries used to collect the group’s parameters in the XML. This group will be active only when the database is HADR database. The XML file used to collect this monitored group is located at <Patrol Home>/Patrol3/pso/xml/ PSO_HADR.xml.
    5. Lock - This group is responsible to collect lock parameters and display them under each partition of a database You can see the queries used to collect the group’s parameters in the XML. The XML file used to collect this monitored group is located at <Patrol Home>/Patrol3/pso/xml/ PSO_LOCK.xml.

    6. Capacity - This group is responsible to collect capacity parameters and display them under each partition of a database. You can see the queries used to collect the group’s parameters in the XML. The XML file used to collect this monitored group is located at <Patrol Home>/Patrol3/pso/xml/ PSO_CAPACITY.xml.

    7. Applications - This group is responsible to collect applications instances and parameters and display them under each partition of a database. You can see the queries used to collect the group’s instances and parameters in the XML. The XML file used to collect this monitored group is located at <Patrol Home>/Patrol3/pso/xml/ PSO_APPLICATIONS.xml.

    8. Table Spaces - This group is responsible to collect table spaces instances and parameters and display them under each partition of a database. You can see the queries used to collect the group’s instances and parameters in the XML. The XML file used to collect this monitored group is located at <Patrol Home>/Patrol3/pso/xml/ PSO_TABLESPACES.xml.

    9. Log -  This group is responsible to collect log parameters and display them under each partition of a database. You can see the queries used to collect the group’s parameters in the XML.

      The XML file used to collect this monitored group is located at <Patrol Home>/Patrol3/pso/xml/ PSO_LOG.xml.

    10. SQL - This group is responsible to collect SQL parameters and display them under each partition of a database. You can see the queries used to collect the group’s parameters in the XML.

      The XML file used to collect this monitored group is located at <Patrol Home>/Patrol3/pso/xml/ PSO_SQL.xml.

    11. Recovery - This group is responsible to collect recovery parameters and display them under each partition of a database. You can see the queries used to collect the group’s parameters in the XML.

      The XML file used to collect this monitored group is located at <Patrol Home>/Patrol3/pso/xml/ PSO_RECOVERY.xml.

    12. Performance - This group is responsible to collect performance parameters and display them under each partition of a database. You can see the queries used to collect the group’s parameters in the XML.

      The XML file used to collect this monitored group is located at <Patrol Home>/Patrol3/pso/xml/ PSO_PERFORMANCE.xml.

  5. Click Accept to monitor the selected groups.
  6. Click Close to close the dialog box.
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