Global parameters (UTLPARMS)

Parameters specify options for  BMC AMI Utilities  and provide additional control for users. 


Some parameters apply to all BMC AMI Utilities (global parameters), and some parameters apply to specific products. Not all BMC AMI Utilities have parameters.

Setting default parameters

You can set default parameters in the  BMC AMI Utilities  product configuration to run products without having to specify the most commonly used parameter values. You can make changes and rerun the configuration as needed for your environment. To make changes to the default configuration parameters, update the NGT$GLBL member in the hlq.UBMCCNTL data set and submit the job.


For the rules that apply to parameter syntax, see Parameter syntax rules.

Global product parameters (UTLPARMS)

Global parameters specify options that apply to all  BMC AMI Utilities . Default values are set at installation time, but you can override them on an individual job basis by specifying new values in the UTLPARMS DD statement Open link .


To change parameters to incomplete utility-ids, you must include the NORESTART keyword in the EXEC statement. RESTART uses the parameters saved from the original UID execution.

You can also specify parameter values in a sequential data set or member of a partitioned data set. This is beneficial because you can change parameters for a series of jobs by altering one file rather than many.

You do not need to specify all the global product parameters if you want to override only some of them. You can specify individual parameters in the job without changing the defaults for the other parameters.

Global product parameters in alphabetical order


Configuration only

Use and value



Specifies the maximum +OUTPUTAGE value

Jobs cannot override this parameter.



Specifies the behavior of SYSERROR

+AUTOLOCK (PTF BQU1777 applied)YesDetermines during configuration only whether you can change the +NGTAUTO1 or +NGTAUTO2 parameter values in the JCL

Specifies the number of Change Apply processing cycles that BMC AMI Utilities run

+CHECKDEFERREDNoIndicates whether BMC AMI Utilities should check for and ignore deferred table spaces up-front during SYSIN processing.



Cleans up work data sets that are not needed for restart after a failure.

You can override this parameter with the XSVRXERR (server processing error) automation control point.



dsName prefix for INFO and OUTPUT files

The +CONTROLPREFIX topic refers to HLQ being a suffix.


Determines the type of copy file that  BMC AMI Reorg produces.



Sets COPY-pending status



Specifies the limit (in minutes) placed on the Change Apply phase of BMC AMI Reorg

+DECP (PTF BQU2139 applied)NoSpecify a 20-character DECP ID that can contain a run-time resolved variable which is loaded and anchored in the DBST at the start of the utility run.  This is honored and validated only when +LOADDECP(YES) is used.



Deletes all work and output data sets when RC=0



Specifies whether to delete work data sets



Specifies number formatting



Specifies what to drain with the initial drain

+DRAIN_DLOCKS (PTF BQU2620 applied)NoSpecifies whether to display the claims and locks that are preventing the drain from being obtained
+DRAIN_RDELAY (PTF BQU2520 applied)NoSpecifies the number of seconds between attempts to acquire the drain



Controls retry of Db2 commands (mmssth,count)



Specifies whether BMC AMI Utilities call DSNUTILB



Specifies whether to call Editprocs in supervisor mode



Specifies whether to use faster shadow data set renaming

+FASTSWTCHCYCLENoSpecifies whether to terminate a thread after a specified number of I/J switch cycles



Specifies whether FlashCopy is preferred or required



Specifies whether to recall migrated Db2 data sets



Specifies whether the BMC AMI Utilities should disregard the partition numbers defined in the object set



Creates the journal diagnostic file associated with BMC AMI Utilities processing



Specifies the number of 4K pages in an object

+LOADDECP (PTF BQU2139 applied)No

NO indicates that the DECP in memory is used for the utility job.
YES indicates that the requested DECP needs to be loaded for use by the utility job.



Defines the partitioned data set that stores diagnostic information if a BMC AMI Utility abends



Maximum number of BMC AMI Utilities Subsystem started task, also known as CDBSS connections



Number of minutes a server is idle before shutting down



Maximum number of 1M blocks to allocate



Maximum number of disk and tape servers that jobs might spawn. Set at configuration time to limit users.



Maximum number of concurrently executing tasks per server. (PTF BQU2361 applied) You can specify a maximum of 20 tasks per server.



Maximum time, in minutes, that processing waits before shutting down if no servers are available (1-60)



Maximum value for the +MAXMEMORY parameter



Frequency of communication between Master and Server



Defines the name of the first BMC AMI Utilities Automation Routine data set



Defines the name of the second BMC AMI Utilities Automation Routine data set



Defines the name of the BMC AMI Utilities Checkpoint data set



Defines the name of the BMC AMI Utilities Server JCL data set



Specifies whether the processed object report (OBJREPRT) should display objects excluded from processing by BMC AMI Utility Manager



Defines the name of the storage group used by BMC AMI Utilities to store temporary objects



Action if a product fails: ABEND|CONTINUE|STOP


NoAdd OUTPUT statement to beginning of SYSIN



How long to retain VSAM output, in days (1-365)



Determines whether BMC AMI Utilities Automation Routines override OUTPUT command values.



Print all parameters? YES|NO



Plan name for Db2 access



Write password expiration messages to Operator Console



Controls retry of QUIESCE (mmssth, count)

+QTIMEOUT NoAn integer value ranging from 0 to 1800 which indicates the maximum number of seconds to wait for a drain. 



User defined RACF ID



Restart Control (-n|0|n)



Buffer space for REXX variables in MB



Time limit for automation control points, in CPU seconds (1- 32767)



Default SQL ID



Maximum number of disk servers to start? (0-32)



Disk Server Job Class



NGTSVR member name for disk servers



NGTSVR member name for JOB statement



NGTSVR member name for tape servers



Internal, External, or Mixed Servers


(PTF BQU2139 applied)

NoInternal, External, or Mixed Servers



Name of PROCLIB member for disk tasks



Override the message class of a started task



Override the message level of a started task



Name of PROCLIB member for tape tasks



Use a special dedicated tape server for long processing runs? YES|NO



Number of tape servers to start for server processing



Tape Server Job Class



Type of processing, batch job or started task? (JOB | STC)



SYSIN Error Processing Control



Whether to process SYSIN in order specified



Whether to call XSUTTIME a second time

+TIMESTAMPNoUse constant to not update the timestamp symbolic variables during the utility runs



Days to keep UID History in Checkpoint for Display



User variable



User variable



Cleanup setting for objects timed out by another BMC AMI Utilities job



Permanent Work Dataset Control



DSName prefix for temporary files

+WORKUNIT NoSequential temporary file
.+WRLOG NoDetermines whether to enable or disable the REPAIR WRITELOG processing.



Specifies the XBM subsystem ID


( SPE2107 Open link )

NoControls zIIP offload

Global product parameters grouped by logical function



System parameters

This group of parameters controls the overall interface to z/OS.

+ALLERROR sets the behavior of SYSERROR.

+CONTROLPREFIX specifies a separate DSName prefix for the INFO and OUT files.

+EDPROCSUP whether to call Editprocs in supervisor mode.

+HRECALL specifies whether to recall migrated Db2 data sets.

+MAXCONNECT specifies the maximum number of BMC AMI Utilities Subsystem started task, also known as CDBSS connections.

+MAXMEMORY specifies the maximum memory to allocate.

+MONITORRATE controls the frequency of checks by the master on any server jobs running.

+OBJSETSTOGROUP specifies the storage group used by a BMC AMI Utility to store temporary objects

+PSWDWTO controls whether password expiration messages are also written to the console.

+RACFID specifies a user defined RACF ID.

+REXXBUFR specifies the MB of memory to use for REXX variables.

+REXXTIME specifies the time limit for REXX automation routines.

+SQLID specifies a user defined default SQL ID.

+SVRSPECIAL specifies whether processing should use a special, dedicated server for producing image copies.

+WORKMODE specifies whether to use permanent or temporary work data sets.

+WORKPREFIX specifies DSName prefix for temporary files.

+WORKUNIT specifies a unit name to be used for sequential temporary files.

( SPE2107 Open link ) +ZIIP_OFFLOAD controls zIIP offload.

Db2 Parameters

This group of parameters controls the interaction with Db2.

+COPYPENDING specifies whether or not Copy Pending should be set when appropriate. Used by BMC AMI Load .

+DSCRL is used when issuing Db2 commands to set space access. When a -STOP command is issued, -DISPLAY commands must be issued to verify the status of the table space or index. +DSCRL( time, count ) controls the time interval between -DISPLAY commands and the number of retries before giving up.

+PLAN specifies the plan name used to interface to Db2. The installation of BMC AMI Utilities builds a BIND for this plan.

+QRETRY is like +DSCRL(time, count ) except that it controls re-execution of the Db2 QUIESCE utility if that utility fails to complete successfully.

BMC AMI Utilities control

This group of parameters controls the execution of BMC AMI Utilities .

+AGELIMIT specifies the maximum number of days the +OUTPUTAGE parameter can be set to in a job.

+CHECKDEFERRED specifies whether to pre-check and skip DEFINE NO objects.

+CLEANUP specifies whether to cleanup work datasets not needed for restart after a failure.

+DEADLINE limits the number of minutes allowed for the Change Apply phase.

+DELETEOUTPUT specifies whether to delete all temp datasets and output immediately when RC=0.

+DELETEWORK specifies whether or not temporary work datasets are deleted at the end of utility processing.

+DIGITS controls the number formatting.

+DRAIN1 specifies whether the initial drain is to Drain Writers or Drain All.

+DRAIN_DLOCKS specifies whether to display the claims and locks that are preventing the drain from being obtained.

+DRAIN_RDELAY specifies how many seconds the process waits between drain attempts.

+DSCRL verifies if the function completed after a -STOP or -START command was issued for an object.

+DSNUTILB defines whether BMC AMI Utilities call DSNUTILB

+FASTSWITCH specifies to use faster-performance name switching for work shadow datasets.

+FLASHCOPY specifies whether FlashCopy is preferred or required.

+IGNOBJSETPARTS specifies whether the BMC AMI Utility disregards the partition numbers defined in the object set.

+JOURNAL specifies whether to include the full BMC AMI Utilities diagnostic output in the master job.

+LARGEOBJSIZE specifies the minimum object size for processing in its own dedicated server.

+MAXCONNECT specifies the maximum number of BMC AMI Utilities Subsystem started task, also known as CDBSS connections.

+MAXMEMORY specifies the maximum number of 1M memory blocks to allocate.

+MEMORYLIMIT specifies the maximum value that can be specified for +MAXMEMORY.

+NGTAUTO1 and +NGTAUTO2 override the BMC AMI Utilities Automation routine data set name contained in the product configuration load module.

+NGTCKPT overrides the BMC AMI Utilities Checkpoint data set.

+OBJSETSTOGROUP defines the storage group used by a BMC AMI Utility to store temporary objects.

+ONERROR specifies action to perform if an individual utility fails to complete successfully.

+OBJECTREPORT specifies whether the processed object report (OBJREPRT) should display objects excluded from processing by BMC AMI Utility Manager .

+OUTPUTAGE specifies how long to keep output for a specific job.

+OVERRIDEOUTPUT specifies whether BMC AMI Utilities Automation routines override OUTPUT command values.

+PARMLIST controls the listing of the input parameter statements.

+PLAN specifies the name of the Db2 plan to be used by BMC AMI Utilities .

+QRETRY specifies how long a BMC AMI Utility can hold a drain and how many times a drain can be requested

+RERUN specifies what BMC AMI Utilities do on a restart attempt.

+SYSINERROR determines the action to take when a syntax error is detected in the SYSIN section of a utilities job.

+SYSINORDER specifies whether to process the SYSIN in the order specified or randomly.

+TIMEEXEC specifies whether to send control to the XSUTTIME automation routine a second time.

+UIDHISTORY specifies the number of days to keep the UID history in the checkpoint dataset for display.

+WAITTIMEOUT specifies whether to error or exclude objects that are timed out by another BMC AMI Utilities job.

+XBMID specifies the XBM subsystem ID used by BMC AMI Copy when it is invoked by BMC AMI Load .

BMC AMI Utilities server control

This group of parameters controls BMC AMI Utilities server processing.

All Servers

+MAXIDLE specifies the amount of time a server remains idle before shutting down.

+MAXSERVERS specifies the maximum number of disk and tape servers that processing may use.

+MAXTASKS specifies the maximum number of concurrently executing tasks per server.

+MAXWAIT specifies the maximum wait time when servers aren't immediately available.

+NGTSVR overrides the name of the BMC AMI Utilities server JCL data set.

+SVRDISK specifies the number of disk (or DASD) servers to start for server processing.

+SVRDISKJC specifies the job class to use for disk servers.

+SVRMODE specifies whether disk servers will be separate address spaces or within the submitted master job.

+SVRMODETAPE specifies whether tape servers will be separate address spaces or within the submitted master job.

+SVRTAPE specifies the number of tape servers to start for server processing.

+SVRTAPEJC specifies the job class to use for tape servers.

+SVRTYPE specifies the type of job processing used, either a batch job or a started task.

Batch Servers Only

+SVRJCLDISK specifies the job name stem for disk (or DASD) server job JCL.

+SVRJCLJOB specifies the DD name associated with the server JCL's JOB card.

+SVRJCLTAPE specifies the job name stem for tape server job JCL.

Started Task Servers Only

+SVRPROCD specifies the name of the PROCLIB member for disk (or DASD) processing.

+SVRPROCMSGCLAS overrides the message class of started task servers.

+SVRPROCMSGLVL overrides the message class of started task servers.

+SVRPROCT specifies the name of the PROCLIB member for tape processing.

Related topics

Command and syntax reference for any BMC AMI Utility

BMC AMI Check parameters (CIXPARMS DD) Open link

BMC AMI Load parameters (LODPARMS DD) Open link

BMC AMI Reorg parameters (RRGPARMS DD RRGPARMX DD) Open link

BMC AMI Unload parameters (ULDPARMS DD) Open link

BMC AMI LOBMaster parameters (RRGPARMS DD) Open link

BMC AMI Stats parameters (STTPARMS DD) Open link

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