
Parameters specify options not represented by keywords for  BMC AMI Utilities  and provide additional control for users. Parameters control options including:

  • The amount of time the master job waits for servers to start
  • The amount of time to wait between quiesce operations if resources are not available
  • The high-level qualifier to be used for output data sets
  • Whether you can run Edit Procedures in Supervisor state 

All  BMC AMI Utilities  parameters begin with the plus sign. There are global parameters which apply to all products and product specific parameters. These are in UTLPARMS DD. There are also BMC AMI Stats  parameters in STTPARMS DD that are used by all BMC AMI Utilities  that gather, report, and update statistics. In addition, most of the  BMC AMI Utilities  have their own set of parameters.

When you install  BMC AMI Utilities , the parameter defaults are configured separately for each Db2 subsystem. An individual utility job can override the default parameters. The default parameters and any overrides are listed in the job output.

You can modify and then run a configuration job at any time to set or change the default parameters. For more information, see  Managing BMC AMI Utilities default parameters Open link .

Setting default parameters

You can set default parameters in the  BMC AMI Utilities  product configuration to run products without having to specify the most commonly used parameter values. To make changes to the default configuration parameters, update the NGT$GLBL member in the hlq.UBMCCNTL dataset and submit the job.

Parameter syntax rules

The following rules apply to parameter syntax for  BMC AMI Utilities :

  • All parameters must start with a plus symbol (+).
  • Parameters can start anywhere, but must occur within the first 72 character positions of the line. Columns 73-80 are ignored and can contain sequence numbers.
  • You can code parameters over multiple lines. Continuation is automatic.
  • You can code multiple parameters on the same line.
  • You can code comments by enclosing the comment between /* (beginning) and */ (end). You can place comments anywhere, including in the middle of a word. The product removes all comment strings before checking syntax.


    If you specify parameters by using a DD statement in your JCL, do not begin a comment with /* in column one. Placing /* in column one causes IBM z/OS to generate a //SYSIN statement for any subsequent records in the data set unless you use DLM= to change the JCL comment delimiter.

  • You can nest comments, with no limit on the number of nested levels that you can use. Ensure that each /* has a corresponding */.
  • When specifying a series of values, you must separate them with commas. Blanks, wherever they are coded, have no significance. The product removes all blanks before checking syntax.
  • If the same parameter is specified multiple times within the same input data set, the latest specification prevails.
  • Do not use the plus symbol inside parentheses for any parameter.

This section contains more information about the following parameters:

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