BMC AMI Unload parameters (ULDPARMS DD)

Each BMC AMI Utility has a set of parameters that let you control how the product processes and uses resources. For BMC AMI Unload , you can specify the following parameters in the ULDPARMS DD in your BMC AMI Utilities  job stream. Each product job can then override these default parameters if needed. The job's output lists the default parameters and any overrides. 

BMC AMI Unload  parameters (ULDPARMS DD) in alphabetical order

ParameterUse and value

Tells BMC AMI Unload to pad VARCHAR columns with blanks instead of low values

+CHARFLDDLMOverrides the default field delimiter characters used for character data fields when unloading using ASCIIDEL format

Tells BMC AMI Unload to connect all table space partitions to the BMC AMI Utilities Subsystem when unloading selected partitions

+CONSISTENTDefines the value of the CONSISTENT keyword when you specify UNLOAD SHRLEVEL CHANGE
+CSVSIGNAdds a sign before a positive number or replace it with a space
+DATEFMTSets or overrides the default date format

Specifies the number of successive unload statements for the same table that BMC AMI Unload can process concurrently

+FIELDSEPOverrides the default field separator character (a comma) between fields when unloading using UNLD FORMAT ASCIIDEL
+MINROWSMinimum number of rows to retrieve
+NUMFLDDLMOverrides the default field delimiter character used for numeric data fields when unloading using UNLD FORMAT(ASCIIDEL)

Tells BMC AMI Unload how to handle jobs with duplicate consistency points

+QUIESCEDefines the value of the QUIESCE option under UNLOAD SHRLEVEL CHANGE specification when CONSISTENT NO is in effect

Provides the name of a schema for BMC AMI Unload to use for the SET CURRENT SCHEMA statement in LOAD control cards when CNTLCARDS DB2DDL or CNTLCARDS DB2 is specified

+SMAXSets the maximum number of concurrent sort tasks

Sets or overrides the BMC AMI Unload default time format when running DIRECT YES


For the rules that apply to parameter syntax, see Parameter syntax rules.

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