Using custom properties in reports

Core objects have several properties that are shipped with TrueSight Server Automation. You can create custom properties for these objects in TrueSight Server Automation and mark these properties for inclusion in reports. During the extract, transform, and load (ETL) process, these properties are added to the TrueSight Server Automation - Data Warehouse and can be used in the reports.  TrueSight Server Automation - Data Warehouse supports custom properties added for the following objects:

  • role
  • user
  • job
  • template
  • server
  • component

Each property definition in the dictionary includes the Used in reports field. By default, for the built-in properties to be displayed in reports, the Used in reports field is selected. When you add a new property to the dictionary, the Used in reports field is not selected by default. To include the new property in reports, select the Used in reports field for the property. The next time the ETL process synchronizes the custom properties, it includes any new properties for which Used in reports is selected.

If a property is deprecated or the Used in reports field is not selected for an existing property, the property is displayed in the reports, but when you drag and drop that property field to the report, it fails. Do the following:

  1. Click Update Content in TrueSight Smart Reporting - Platform to get all the updated properties from the data warehouse tables.
  2. Remove the properties from the report definition.

For information about the property dictionary, see  Managing properties using the Property Dictionary Open link in the TrueSight Server Automation documentation.

Note: Using the same property in multiple sites and length constraints

  • The number of reports data warehouse properties is limited to 1,000 for each of the supported object types.
  • If the name of the property exceeds 30 characters, the system_property  table in the TSSADW_DW database must be updated to set EnableLongPropertyName to be loaded.
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