Scenario descriptions

The following table lists the data transfer scenarios available in TrueSight Smart Reporting for Server Automation. The numbers in the scenario names indicate the parent/child execution sequence. For example, 1 indicates that the scenario runs first and 3 indicates that the scenario runs third.

Data transfer scenarios




Runs first, invokes all other scenarios, and controls the execution sequence of scenarios.


Loads essential master data, such as access control lists (ACLs), application server data, and authorization-related data.


Loads fundamental data that includes the building blocks used in all report data groups, such as user accounts, jobs, servers, groups, and component templates.

3_AGENT_LOGSLoads the command usage log files into the reports data warehouse, if you run a Network Shell Script Job with the collect_agent_logs.nsh script to collect the logs.


Loads permission and role related information about jobs and servers.


Loads data from Compliance Job runs.

With version 8.7.00, this scenario also loads the data related to compliance of the Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP) benchmark content.


Loads the essential master data for the Inventory and Audit model data groups, such as configuration files, metabase objects, software, registry objects, services, System Info and custom objects (CO).


Loads data related to job runs, such as Batch and Audit Job runs.

3_JOB_RUN_EVENTLoads job run log message data, if enabled.


Loads data related to job schedules.


Loads data from Patch Analysis Job runs.


Loads data related to the properties of the foundation elements, such as servers, jobs, users, and roles, which are loaded by the 2_FOUNDATION scenario.


Loads data related to the provisioning of the servers in your organization.

3_SMART_GROUPLoads data related to Job, Server, and Patch smart groups. For example, list of servers in a server smart group.


Loads data related to access control and authorizations on supported objects such as jobs, servers, and component templates. For example, the type of access (ACL-based or direct permissions) on a server.


Loads data from the Audit Job runs.


Loads data and statistics related to change tracking on the server objects. This information is based on the Snapshot Job runs in TrueSight Server Automation - Data Warehouse.

4_KPILoads data for the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) reports. The KPI reports provide data related to productivity, compliance, and maturity in your server environment.
5_LOAD_BLFILE_SOFTWARE_REGISTRYLoads data related to the snapshot information of the Filesystem, File, Software, Application, Hotfix, and Registry objects. This scenario is the child scenario of 4_INVENTORY.
5_LOAD_EXTENDED_OBJECT_INFOLoads data related to the snapshot information of the EO Objects. This scenario is the child scenario of 4_INVENTORY.
5_LOAD_F_SNAP_PART_BMCUNIX_ADDM_ARALoads data related to the snapshot information of the BMC Unix, BMC Unix Processes, and BMC Unix Daemon objects. This scenario is the child scenario of 4_INVENTORY.
5_LOAD_F_SYSTEM_INFO_OBJECTLoads data related to the snapshot information of the System Info objects. This scenario is the child scenario of 4_INVENTORY.
5_LOAD_HARDWARE_ASSETSLoads data related to the snapshot information of the Hardware CO objects. This scenario is the child scenario of 4_INVENTORY.
5_LOAD_NATIVE_ASSETSLoads data related to the snapshot information of the OS Groups, OS Users, and Services objects. This scenario is the child scenario of 4_INVENTORY.
5_MDMLoads data related to ETL runs.
4_UPDATE_CUSTOM_PROPERTYUpdates the Report model with custom properties.
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