Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  •  How do I access Test Drive, and where do I find my username and password?

You should have received an email from Value and Solution Engineering Director, Tim Ceradsky, with a link to access Test Drive and your credentials. Can't find the email? No problem. Contact Customer Support Team, and we'll be happy to help.

  •  Who do I contact if I have questions or problems with my Test Drive experience?

Contact Customer Support Team, and we'll be happy to help.

  •  How do I extend my Test Drive Experience?

Access to Test Drive is limited to seven days. If you would like to extend your experience, please contact your BMC Account Team. Please note that your previous session data will remain available.

  •  I like BMC AMI DevX Workbench for Eclipse! What do I do next?

We're excited to hear that! Please contact your BMC Account Team to discuss deployment strategies.

  •  What are the prerequisites for using Test Drive?

You need an HTML5-compatible browser to support Test Drive. You can test your browser by going to The HTML5 checker will let you know if your browser is compatible. If you are not compatible, you will need to load an HTML5-compatible browser.
If your browser is HTML5-compatible and you still cannot access Test Drive, please open a case with Customer Support Team.

If you are having connectivity issues, most likely your company's firewall may be blocking access. If so, ask your network team to make sure the following:

Whitelist the following hosts:***

More generically patterns can be used to allow for more BMC flexibility when managing AppStream hosts:


If a firewall port rule is required then supply 443

  • Can not do IP based rules - this is a Cloudfront/Elastic IP address that likely rotates for security purposes and is managed by AWS and not BMC

If a stricter policy needs to be put in place based on URL filtering/sniffing because of the gateway error they received:**

Do they have WSS (Secure Web Sockets) firewall protocol rules in place?

If so, then the following would need to be allowed:


  •  Why is my DevX Workbench on AWS session taking time to initialize the first time I launch my session?

DevX Workbench on AWS uses "On Demand" fleet for cost optimization. You may wait up to three minutes for session availability before being prompted by the DevX Workbench welcome message. Please follow the prompts on your screen until you are welcomed by DevX Workbench.

  • How do I zoom in on an image on a Test Drive script?

You can simply left-mouse click on the image and it will show that image zoomed in.  You can further zoom-out (pressing "CTRL" and "-") or zoom-in (pressing "CTRL" and "+") on that screen.

  • How do I change the screenshot resolution?

There are resolution settings that you can adjust, but they are meant for horizontal setups. This is controlled and shipped with the AppStream product, and we do not have access to this source.

  •  DevX Workbench on AWS opens with error on tab: Failed to create the part's control: How do I resolve this error?

This happens if you leave any editor windows open during previous session and do not terminate AWS session normally. Please wait 15 mins before signing in again. Please close all editor tabs in DevX Workbench before signing off from AWS session to avoid this issue in future.

  •  How do I switch DevX Workbench on AWS session to full-screen mode?

To enter full-screen mode, click on the Enter full screen mode toolbar icon in the top navigation. You can press <esc> to switch back to normal mode.

Note: In full-screen mode, the Launch App and Exit Session toolbar icons are disabled. In order to enable them, you need to exit full-screen mode.

  •  How do I recover from intermittent screen painting issues?

Since DevX Workbench on AWS is a streaming environment, due to screen resolution mis-match, you may encounter screen painting issue. The quickest way to recover is to re-size the DevX Workbench application window(s) to force a re-paint.

  •  Is my work/progress saved when I log out?

Yes, your progress is saved throughout the time you have access to Test Drive.

  •  Will I be able to upload/download my own data and programs to/from the test system?

No, uploading and downloading your own data and programs is not currently an option.

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