Out of support


This documentation supports the 8.1 version of BMC Atrium Single Sign-On, which is in "End of Version Support." However, the documentation is available for your convenience. You will not be able to leave comments.

Click here to view the documentation for a supported version of Remedy Single Sign-On.

Checking the truststore for certificates

Check the contents of the BMC Atrium Single Sign-On truststore to verify that the certificate has been imported or that the Issuer (Signer) certificate has been imported.

To perform this check, use the keytool utility to place the contents of the truststore into a text file to review the contents. The keytool utility is available in the Java Developer Kit (JDK) that is embedded with a BMC Atrium Single Sign-On installation. BMC recommends that you use this version of keytool.

To check the truststore for certificates

  1. From the command prompt or shell window, change your working directory to
  2. Add the bin directory to the PATH environment variable:
    (For UNIX) PATH=<installationDirectory>/AtriumSSO/jdk/bin:$PATH; export PATH
    (For Microsoft Windows) SET PATH=<installationDirectory>\AtriumSSO\jdk\bin;%PATH%
  3. After the PATH variable is set, execute the following keytool command to place the contents into a certs.txt file:
    keytool -list -v -keystore cacerts.p12 -storepass changeit -storetype PKCS12 -providername JsafeJCE > certs.txt
  4. Check the certs.txt file for the certificate.
  5. If the certificate is not in the truststore, import the desired certificate into the keystore.
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  1. Murali Balijepally

    The other way to test that certificates are imported without any errors is to access the atioumsso console in browser. if the user doesn't see any warnings then certificate setup is correct.

    Jan 20, 2014 01:22