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FLST filtering for views

You can create filter list (FLST) members in the SVOS PARMLIB library and use them to create views or collection data sets for views.

The FLST member name must consist of the prefix SMF, a three-character record ID, and two alphanumeric characters of your choice (for example, SMFW2100). For record IDs and related views, see the Record ID and views.

The filter criteria that you enter is incorporated into the first statement in the FLST member. For information about using filter list parameters, see Using MainView SRM products.

An FLST member requires a SET statement. Although you can code multiple SET statements, BMC recommends that you use only one in FLST members.

The SET statement requires at least one parameter. The Valid SET statement parameters table shows valid parameters for the SET statement. The SET statement parameters in these members have no impact on processing, but because one is required, BMC recommends using the MODE parameter (MODE=ACT).

The Data set filtering (FLST) member sample figure provides a sample FLST member; you can find other samples in the SVOS PARMLIB library.

Valid SET statement parameters




Specifies the event identification


Specifies the status of the function

MSG=I | W | E | S | N

Specifies the level of messages to be generated

SMF=I | W | E | S | N

Specifies the level of messages to be generated to SMF

The following table lists the valid FLST parameters that you can use in data set filtering. The FLST statements are coded in SMFW21xx member in the SVOS PARMLIB data set. To include (use) these filtering statements, use the suffix of this member in the data set filtering dialog.

INC and EXC parameters for data set filtering




Specifies the first 50 characters of the application name

(Application Level 1)


Specifies the first 50 characters of the application name

(Application Level 2)


Specifies the first 50 characters of the application name

(Application Level 3)


Specifies the first 50 characters of the application name

(Application Level 4)


Indicates the base name of the data set. For non-VSAM data sets, the base name is the same as the data set name. For VSAM data sets, the base name is the name of the VSAM cluster associated with the data set.


Indicates if one or more backup versions exist for a data set that was cataloged at the time of backup

AD_BKUPDATE =yyyy/mm/dd

Contains the most recent backup date for the data set


Contains the number of days since the last backup was performed on the data set


Contains the backup space usage for the data set (in bytes). The space usage does not include retained backup versions


Contains the number of backup versions that exist for the data set


Indicates if one or more backup versions exist for a data set that was uncataloged at the time of backup


Contains the number of work days since the last backup was performed on the data set


Specifies the percentage of blocking efficiency (0-100)


Specifies the blocking efficiency of the data set in tenths of a percent (0-1000)


Specifies physical block size or VSAM control interval size for the data set (0-32760). For VSAM KSDS, ESDS and RRDS, the control interval size is displayed. For all other data set types, the physical block size is displayed. For VSAM data sets, the physical block size and control interval size are obtained from the catalog.


Specifies the number of physical blocks that will fit on one track (0-2147483647). The value relates to the Percent Efficiency value.


Specifies the number of VSAM control area splits performed on the data set (0-2147483647). This number is for the entire VSAM data set if it spans multiple volumes. Non-VSAM data sets will show NA in this field.


Specifies the data set's catalog status. Indicators are:

  • C means that the data set is cataloged and resides on the volume shown.

  • N means that the data set is not cataloged, but resides on the volume shown.

  • D means that the data set is not cataloged, but resides on the volume shown. However, there is a data set with the same name on a different volume that is cataloged.

  • U means that it is unknown whether the data set is cataloged, but it does reside on the volume shown.


Specifies the 10-character creation date of the data set in yyyy/mm/dd format


Specifies an indicator of whether the data set has been opened for output (changed)


Specifies the number of VSAM control interval splits performed on the data set (0-2147483647). This number is for the entire VSAM data set if it spans multiple volumes. Non-VSAM data sets will show NA in this field.


Indicates if the data set is compressed


Specifies the number of days since the data set was opened (0-2147483647). This number is calculated by subtracting the last reference date from the current date. If the data set was never opened, this field will contain zero.


Specifies the SMS-assigned data class or one of the following values for the data set:

  • NONE means that the data set is cataloged and non-SMS managed.

  • DUPLIC means that the data set is a duplicate (not cataloged).

  • UNDET means that the data set's SMS status could not be determined


Indicates whether the data class to which the data set is assigned. The data class of the data set is inspected during a VTOC Scan and validated against SMS data class definitions at the time that the scan occurs.

AD_DIRBA>nnnnnnnn (PTF BPG7583 applied)
Specifies the number of allocated PDS data set directory blocks
AD_DIRBF>nnnnnnnn (PTF BPG7583 applied)
Specifies the number of free PDS data set directory blocks


Specifies the device occupancy percentage (0-100)


Specifies the device occupancy percentage in tenths of a percent (0-1000)


Specifies the data set name (1-44 characters)


Specifies the data set file organization and access method used to manage the data set. The indicators and their meanings are:

  • PS (Physical Sequential (QSAM))

  • PSU (Physical Sequential Unmovable)

  • PO (Partitioned Data Set (BPAM))

  • POU (Partitioned Data Set Unmovable)

  • VS (VSAM)

  • DA (Direct Access (BDAM))

  • DAU (Direct Access Unmovable)

  • IS (Indexed Sequential (ISAM))

  • --- (The data set organization could not be determined or the data set was never opened.)


Specifies the data set type. Values are as follows:

  • DB2 (DB2 table space)

  • GDS (Generation data set)

  • HFS (Hierarchical file system data set)

  • HSM (HSM backup or migrate data set)

  • LRGE (Large format data set)

  • PDSE (Partitioned data set extended)

  • TEMP (Temporary data set)

  • ZFS (zSeries file system data set)

  • VSAM (all other VSAM data sets not described by the above values)

  • NVSM (all other non-VSAM data sets not described by the above values)


Specifies the number of extents occupied by the data set on the volume (0-2147483647)


Specifies the number of extents occupied by the data set on a non-EAV volume or in the BAS area of an EAV volume


Specifies the number of extents occupied by the data set in the EAS area of an EAV volume


SMS storage group name displayed if the AUTODS function is associated with an AUTOPOOL GROUP function (1-30 characters)


Specifies the last date the data set was opened in yyyy/mm/dd format. If the data set was never opened, this field will contain blanks.


Specifies the maximum record length for the data set (0-99999). For VSAM data sets, the record length is obtained from the catalog.


Specifies the SMS-assigned management class or one of the following values:

  • NONE means that the data set is cataloged and non-SMS managed.

  • DUPLIC means that the data set is a duplicate (not cataloged).

  • UNDET means that the data set's SMS status could not be determined


Indicates whether the management class to which the data set is assigned is valid. The management class of the data set is inspected during a VTOC Scan and validated against SMS management class definitions at the time that the scan occurs.


Indicates the mount type of the volume on which the data set exists. This field can contain one of the following values:

  • PVT (private)

  • STG (storage group)

  • PUB (public)

  • SYS (system)


Indicates whether the AUTODS record was used in the creation of a multivolume summarization record. AD_MULTD=Y indicates that the data set is cataloged and was found on multiple volumes (based on the volumes scanned by the AUTODS request). The AUTODS results include one data set record per volume and one summarized data set record for all volumes. Each of these records have AD_MULTD=Y set. The summarized data set record has AD_VOLSQ=0 set.

The other data set records have AD_VOLSQ set to their proper volume sequence number (a nonzero value).


Specifies the pool name that is associated with the data set

Up to eight pools and subpools can be associated with a single volume (and, therefore, with its data sets). The pool name for this keyword is determined as follows:

  • If the AUTODS command specifies a pool name, this keyword uses that name.

  • Otherwise, this keyword uses the first pool name that is assigned to the volume on which the data set resides.

Note: When this keyword is used in the data set filtering member, the value of this keyword is always the first pool name that is assigned to the volume. (1-8 characters)


Specifies the pool type, S (for subpool) or P (for user pool)


Specifies the percentage of allocation that is used (0-100)


Specifies the percentage in tenths of allocated space to used space in the data set (0-1000)


Specifies the reblockable indicator, which determines whether the data set can be reblocked by the system when being moved from one device geometry to another. This indicator is also known as System Determined Blocksize and typically allocates a blocksize that uses the space on the device most efficiently. N indicates that the data set is not allocated with System Determined Blocksizing and must be manually reblocked when moved from one device geometry to another.


Specifies the data set record format. The record format indicates the type of record access along with the general format of the records and blocks. Indicator meanings are:

Non-VSAM data sets:

  • F (Fixed length blocks)

  • V (Variable length blocks)

  • U (Undefined block lengths)

  • B (Records are blocked)

  • S (Records span multiple blocks)

  • M (Records contain machine control characters)

  • A (Records contain ANSI printer control characters)

  • ---- (The data set organization could not be determined or the data set was never opened.)

VSAM data sets:

  • ESDS (Entry-Sequenced data set)

  • KSDS (Key-Sequenced data set)

  • LDS (Linear data set)

  • PAGE (System page data set)

  • UCAT (User catalog)

  • VVDS (ICF catalog system data set)

  • ---- (The data set organization could not be determined or the data set was never opened.)


Specifies the SMS-assigned storage class or one of the following values:

  • NONE means that the data set is cataloged and non-SMS managed.

  • DUPLIC means that the data set is a duplicate (not cataloged).

  • UNDET means that the data set's SMS status could not be determined.


Indicates whether the storage class to which the data set is assigned is valid. The storage class of the data set is inspected during a VTOC Scan and validated against SMS storage class definitions at the time that the scan occurs.


Specifies the data set size in kilobytes (one kilobyte equals 1024 bytes) on the volume (0-2147483647)


Specifies the amount of data set space that is allocated on a non-EAV volume or in the BAS area of an EAV volume in kilobytes (one kilobyte equals 1024 bytes)


Specifies the amount of data set space that is allocated in the EAS area of an EAV volume in kilobytes (one kilobyte equals 1024 bytes)


Specifies the SMS status of the volume. Values are:

  • M (SMS managed)

  • QA (SMS quiesced all)

  • QN (SMS quiesced new)

  • DA (SMS disabled all)

  • DN (SMS disabled new)

  • UN (Not SMS managed)

  • NA (Unknown)


SMS storage group name displayed if the AUTODS function is associated with an AUTOPOOL GROUP function (1-8 characters)


Specifies the number of data set stripes (0-217483647)

(PTF BPG7583 applied) AD_SUL=xxxSpecifies the Standard User Labels (SUL) allocated to a DASD data set


Specifies the number of tracks allocated (0-2147483647)


Specifies the number of tracks allocated on a non-EAV volume or in the BAS area of an EAV volume


Specifies the number of tracks allocated in the EAS area of an EAV volume


Specifies the number of tracks unused by the data set on the volume (0-2147483647). For VSAM data sets, the number of tracks unused is calculated from the high-allocated RBA and high-used RBA values for each volume. These values are obtained from the catalog.


Specifies the number of tracks unused by the data set on a non-EAV volume or in the BAS area of an EAV volume. For VSAM data sets, the number of tracks unused is calculated from the high-allocated RBA and high-used RBA values for each volume.


Specifies the number of tracks unused by the data set in the EAS area of an EAV volume. For VSAM data sets, the number of tracks unused is calculated from the high-allocated RBA and high-used RBA values for each volume. These values are obtained from the catalog.


Specifies the number of tracks used by the data set on the volume (0-2147483647). For VSAM data sets, the number of tracks used is calculated from the starting RBA and high-used RBA values for each volume. These values are obtained from the catalog.


Specifies the number of tracks used by the data set on a non-EAV volume or in the BAS area of an EAV volume


Specifies the number of tracks used by the data set in the EAS area of an EAV volume


Specifies the volume number (1-6 characters)


Indicates the sequence number of the data set. This field always contains a 1 when the data set is not a multivolume data set. When the data set is multivolume, you can use this field to inspect the various pieces of the data set, because the AUTODS record exists for each piece of the data set on each volume.

For multivolume data sets, an additional AUTODS record with an AD_VOLSQ value of 0 is created to represent the accumulation of all of the distinct pieces of the data set. You can use this sequence-zero data set record to create automation on the total percentage used or on the total of any other field.

Note: Unpredictable results can occur if the same data set name is used on multiple cataloged data sets, where the data sets reside on different volumes and are in different catalogs. This same situation can also arise if the VTOC Scan master collection data set is shared between systems with different catalogs. In these situations the sequence-zero data set might not represent the correct totals for the data set.


Specifies the data set category:

N – only non-VSAM data sets

V – only VSAM data sets


Specifies the number of working days (0-2147483647) since the data set was last referenced. Working days are defined in the MainView SRM calendar member SMSCALSxx. If SMSCALSxx is not used or function HSMMCCNV is not active, these days are not adjusted; in that case, this keyword equals the AD_DAYS keyword value.

The system calculates this number by subtracting the last reference date from the current date and adjusting the number according to the SMSCALSxx calendar.


Specifies the expiration date for the data set in yyyy/mm/dd format


Indicates whether the data set is in extended format


Indicates if the data set is extended addressability


Specifies an 8-character value (AUTOLEVx), where x is a number that indicates the current automation level for the resource that is being automated. AUTOLEV0 indicates that multiple levels are not being used. AUTOLEV1 indicates the first level of a multiple-level request. For multilevel automation, this specification must be used in this FLST/RLST member or must be contained within event text of any issued event and then referenced in the MainView AutoOPERATOR Rule that looks for the event.


Specifies or contains a qualifier for the data set name

You can use MainView SRM name masking for filter list entries.


Specifies or contains the low-level qualifier for a data set name

You can use MainView SRM name masking for filter list entries.


Specifies the solution value from the originating AUTOVOL command (1-8 characters). BMC recommends that each SET statement in the AUTOVOL function include a unique solution value. You can use this solution value on the AUTOVOL console command to invoke the solution.

The INC and EXC parameter statements used in the members differ depending on the record and view. For the location of appropriate INC and EXC parameters for each record, see the following table.

Record ID and views


Related view


FLST table



HSM Backup Data Set

FLST parameters in SVOSPARM member SMFE14xx that are used to filter data for the Backup data set view (HSMBKDS)



HSM Backup Version

FLST parameters in SVOSPARM member SMFE15xx that are used to filter data for the Backup DSN version view (HSMBKVR)



HSM Migrated Data Set

FLST parameters in SVOSPARM member SMFE17xx that are used to filter data for the Migrated data set view (HSMMGDS)



VTOC SCAN Data Set Level Status

INC and EXC parameters for data set filtering



Detail by Data Set

FLST parameters in SVOSPARM member SMFT31xx that can be used to filter data for the Tape management Data Set Details by DSN view (TDSDD)

  1. The dialogs that use FLST filtering for these views create collection data sets. After the collection data sets are created, you can display the view. See DFSMShsm reporting.

Data set filtering (FLST) member sample

*                                                                                                                                          *    
* DATA SET FILTERING FOR W21/WBVTOCD                                                                *                                                                     *    
*                                                                                                                                          *    
*     SELECT DATA SETS FOR MIGRATE                                         
*        EXCLUDE: VSAM AND UNDEFINED DSORG VALUES                          
*                 HAVE AT LEAST 1500 TRACKS ALLOCATED                      
SET MODE=ACT                                                               
EXC AD_DSORG=VS                                                            
EXC AD_DSORG=--                                                            

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