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Batch reporting

The Batch Reporting option provides you with options that facilitate the execution of batch reports. The Batch Reporting options from which you can choose are divided into the following categories:
  • SMF Report Library

    Use this menu option to view MainView SRM message activity that has been written to the SMF data set.

    When you select this option, a dialog asks for the name of a data set that contains the SMF report members. After pressing F3, a list of all the members in the data set is displayed.

    For more information, see the online Help.

  • SRM Batch Reports

    Use this menu to access a list of members that are located within the data sets in the BBSLIB DD concatenation of the SVOS PROC. These members contain JCL to run batch reports against MainView SRM collected data.

    For more information about the Batch Reporting options, see:

  • MVI Batch Reports

    Use this menu option to access the MainView Interface (MVI) batch reporting facility. When you select this option, the MainView Batch Reports panel is displayed. The MainView Batch Reports panel generates and manages JCL for printing the results of queries. Use the HELP (F1) command on the MainView Batch Reports panel to see a description of how to use the dialog. This facility is documented in the Using MainView products.

    The SETSRM command can be used in an MVI Batch report to aid in filtering data and recreating online views in batch. The SETSRM command is issued internally as you navigate through MainView SRM menus and views.

    The SAVESRM command allows you to save the SETSRM command and the view name that generates the resulting view. For more information, see Primary commands for saving and loading MainView SRM views.

    You can use this saved information in MVI Batch to re-create the online view in a batch report. For example, assume that you want to navigate to a particular view and issue SAVESRM to save the SETSRM keyword values and resulting view name in a member named MYSETSRM. To re-create this view in MVI Batch, use the following query:


    The SETSRM keyword values and the displayed view name are saved in the MYSETSRM element. The LOADSRM command reestablishes those SETSRM keywords and invokes the saved view name. This process allows you to navigate to a view in the online product, manipulate SETSRM keywords until you have the data you want, and then save the settings. When you use the LOADSRM command and specify the element name, whether in batch or in the online product, the identical view is displayed.


    The LOADSRM is loading only SETSRM keywords, not the actual data. The contents of the view changes as the data changes, but the data filtering with SETSRM is always the same.

    The following information is helpful for using the SETSRM command:

    • When you supply the SETSRM command in a multi-command string that includes the CONTEXT command, the CONTEXT command should be the first command in the string.


      CON target;SR T(P) GRP(grpname);view

    • When you specify the SETSRM command with a CONTEXT that includes multiple systems, all systems should be running the same release of MainView SRM. If a CONTEXT target includes systems running different releases of MainView SRM, the SETSRM command may return an Invalid Keyword when an earlier release of MainView SRM does not support a keyword that a later release added.

      Sample error messages follow:

      SVWCO120I Error detected in parameters: Invalid Keyword - DSNSTR

      SVWCO120I Error detected in parameters: found in MainView SRM release 7.6 on SYSA

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