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Update interval dialog options

This topic describes the options found in the dialogs that are used to update the service intervals.

The dialogs contain questions, directives, and data entry fields. You can enter the HELP command or press PF1 to obtain descriptions of the fields.

The following table lists the questions and directives that appear on the interval update dialog.

Interval dialog quick reference



Service name or description

Specify the name or description of the selected service interval.

Specify scheduled service command

Enter the command text that you want to execute. The command must be a valid MainView SRM command. The command does not require any modifiers (for example, VSCAN SUF=01).

On which system(s) should the command occur?

Use this option to enter the system ID where the command that is executing in this interval will run. You can assign a specific system, specify a set of systems by using a mask (a partial system name suffixed by an asterisk), or specify all systems by using an asterisk.

  • Specific system

    The command that is defined for the interval will run only on the system that is specified, regardless of the systems on which the scheduled service member SMSCHDxx is active. If SYSA is entered, the command will execute only on SYSA.

  • System mask / asterisk

    Systems will execute the defined activity if they match the masking criteria where the SMSCHDxx member is shared and active. If SY* is entered, the SVOS address space on any system with the name starting with SY will execute the command (assuming the scheduled service member is defined and active on those systems). If an asterisk (*) is entered, all systems where the scheduled service member is active will execute the command. For more information, see Sysplex considerations when using policies to manage pools, storage groups, and volumes.

This parameter is required. The default for intervals that are created with the N (new) line command is all systems (*).

Should this definition be active or inactive at SVOS start?

Use this option to specify the disposition of the interval when SVOS starts or when the interval is refreshed:

  • Active

    Select active to cause the interval to be added to the policy queue and allow the activity to execute at the specified times.

  • Inactive

    Select inactive to cause the interval to be added to the services queue without executing the command. To have the command execute, you would need to activate the interval from the SCHDSRVQ view or change this definition to active and refresh the interval.

This parameter is required. Intervals that are created with the N (new) line command have a default of active.

At what time of day should the command begin?

Use this option to specify the time that the interval should begin. Enter the time in military format (for example, 1320 = 1:20 P.M.)

  • HHMM

    The start time is the initial time the interval can become active. This time is used to calculate the subsequent execution of intervals based on the interval time supplied. A start time of 1320 with an interval time of 60 minutes will cause the command to run at 1320, 1420, 1520, and so on in a 24 hour cycle unless an end time is supplied.

    The time the interval actually starts will depend on when the interval is activated. That is, if the SVOS address space initializes at 2:00 P.M. (1400) and the start time for the interval is defined as 1:20 P.M. (1320) with an interval time of 60 minutes, the interval will first execute at 2:20 P.M. (1420). Using the same parameters but having SVOS initialize at 9:00 A.M., the interval will first execute a 9:20 A.M. (assuming no stop time was supplied). If a stop time of 1800 (6:00 P.M.) was specified for the interval creating an operation window of 1:20 P.M. - 6:00 P.M. and SVOS initialized at 9:00 A.M., the interval will not execute until 1:20 P.M.

    Entering 0000 for a start time is the same as selecting at product start. To enter midnight, type 2400.

  • At product start

    This option causes the command to execute immediately upon SVOS initialization and sets the interval start time to that time. This set time will be used as the start time for the interval until the next SVOS initialization or until a specific start time is defined for the interval. If at product start or 0000 start time is defined for the interval and SVOS initializes at 9:13 A.M., the interval will execute at 9:13 A.M., its start time will be set to 9:13 A.M., and the recurring intervals will be calculated from 9:13 A.M. If the interval is created after SVOS initialization, the interval time will be the first time that the interval becomes active via the R (refresh) command.

This parameter is required. Intervals that are created with the N (new) line command have a default of 0800 (8:00 A.M.).

Note: Start time (and start date) are used to calculate the number of total intervals, elapsed days, and qualified days that pass from one SVOS initialization to another. These options can be used to define time limitations for intervals. Setting a time of 0000 or using at product start causes a new start time and date at each SVOS start. Therefore, using total intervals, elapsed days, or qualified days to stop (expire) an interval in conjunction with at product start (or 0000 time) is not recommended. Entering 0000 for a start time or selecting at product start is useful only if you want the command defined for the interval to execute at the start of the SVOS address space.

If 'at product start' align command

Use this option to specify the time alignment for the command if at product start was selected or a 0000 start time was entered. Selecting one of the options provides a consistent processing window for the command defined for the interval. If you do not specify this option, the time that SVOS initialized or the time that the interval first became active will be used without any alignment.

  • At the top of the hour

    Use this option to set the alignment to the top of the hour regardless of when SVOS was started. If SVOS started at 9:10 A.M., using this option would cause the start time to be set at 10:00 A.M. The subsequent execution of the command will be calculated from 10:00 A.M.

  • Minutes past the hour

    Use this option to set the alignment to the number of minutes that are specified past the hour regardless of when SVOS was started. If SVOS started at 9:10 A.M. and this option was set to 05 minutes past the hour, the start time would be set to 10:05 A.M. The format for this option is mm; valid values for mm are 01-59.

  • At midnight

    This option adjusts the execution interval times based on the recurring interval time to ensure that execution occurs at midnight. If SVOS started at 6:10 P.M., and the interval time was 0090 minutes, the first execution would be at 6:10 P.M. followed by 7:30 P.M., 9:00 P.M., 10:30 P.M., midnight, 1:30 A.M., and so on.

This selection is optional.

How often should the command occur?

Use this option to specify the recurring interval time for the command, which is the duration in minutes between the executions of the recurring command.

  • MMHH

    Valid entries are 0001–1440. If 0060 is entered, the interval will execute every hour. Entering 1440 executes the interval once a day. This selection is the same as selecting once each day, which is an option in the extended dialog.

  • Once each day

    This option causes the interval to execute once each day and is the same as entering 1440 for the interval time.

This parameter is required. Intervals that are created with the N (new) line command have a default of 0060 (every hour).

Which days of the week should this command occur?

Use this option to specify the day or days of the week on which the command should execute:

  • _Sun _Mon _Tue _Wed _Thr _Fri _Sat

    You can select any one, a combination, or all of the days.

  • Everyday

    Select everyday to schedule the activity 7 days a week. Use this option instead of marking each individual day.

This selection is optional. Intervals that are created with the N (new) line command have a default of everyday.

You can select specific weeks of the month to run the command in conjunction with the selected weekdays; for example, the second Tuesday of each month

If you want to execute the command on a day or days within a specific week or weeks within the month, you can select which weeks here. If you make a selection, the activity will execute only on the days within the weeks selected.

_1st _2nd_ 3rd _4th

If you select Tuesday for day of week and the second (2nd) for this option, the activity will execute on the second Tuesday of the month.

This selection is optional.

If there is a specific start date for this command enter it here


This option is in the extended dialog.

Use this option to set a specific date for the interval to become active. The interval will not attempt to execute before the specified date. If no date is specified, the start date will be the date that the interval becomes active for the first time.

Intervals that are created with the N (new) line command have a default of the date on which they were created.

When should this command end each day?

Use this option to specify when the recurring command should stop executing within a 24 hour period:

  • Never

    Specifying never allows the interval to recur indefinitely unless an end date or other limitation (elapsed days, days processed or total intervals) has been specified.

  • Intervals a day

    With this option, you can limit the number of times the interval will execute within a 24 hour period. After the interval count has been reached, the command will stop recurring until the next day, where it will start the count over. This field accepts a four-digit number (0001-1440). If the number entered exceeds the number of interval occurrences that can occur within a 24 hour period based on the interval time, this option will be ignored.

  • HHMM

    Use this option to set a specific time in military format that the interval should stop executing. When this time is reached, the interval will stop recurring until the next defined start time occurs. If a start time of 0800 (8:00 A.M.) was entered and an end time of 2300 (11:00 P.M.) was entered, the command will execute at its interval cycle from 8:00 A.M. until 11:00 P.M. Processing for the interval will resume at 8:00 A.M. the following day.

This selection is optional. Intervals that are created with the N (new) line command have a default of never.

If there is a specific end date or elapsed time frame for this command enter it here

Use this option to stop a recurring interval from processing on a specific date, after a set number of days or intervals. The counts that are calculated for the options (other than specific date) are valid through the recycling of the SVOS address space unless at product start or 0000 start time is used.

  • Elapsed days

    By selecting elapsed days, the recurring interval will stop processing after the number of calendar days that is entered has been reached. The days are calculated from the start date that is defined for the interval. If the number 10 is entered and the interval starts the first of the month it will execute through the tenth of the month. The field accepts a four digit number (0001-9999).

  • Days processed

    By selecting days processed, the recurring interval will stop processing after the number of processing days that is entered has been reached. The days are calculated from the start date that is defined to the interval and increments for the days that the interval is actually processing. If the number nine is entered and the interval executes only once a week, the interval will run for nine weeks before it expires. If the interval is set to run three times a week, it would expire after three weeks. The field accepts a four digit number (0001-9999).

  • Total intervals

    By selecting total intervals, you can limit the total number of occurrences that the interval will have. After the number entered is reached, the interval becomes expired and will not execute again unless the interval definition is updated. This field accepts a four digit number (0001-9999).


    Enter the specific date that the recurring interval should stop executing (expire). The interval will stop executing on the specified date and will not execute again unless the definition is updated.

This selection is optional. Intervals that are created with the N (new) line command have a default of 00000000 for an end date.

If you want this command to execute on specific dates, mark them here

Use this option to specify dates of the month on which you want the command to run. You can select any combination of dates from the first through the twenty-eighth. This option can be used in conjunction with other date options. If Tuesday was selected for day of week and the eighteenth, twenty-second, and twenty-fourth were selected in this option, the command will execute every Tuesday and on the eighteenth, twenty-second, and twenty-fourth of the month.

This selection is optional.

To have the command execute on the last specific day of the month, mark your selection here

Use this option to specify the last day in the month on which you want the command to run.

_Sun _Mon _Tue _Wed _Thr _Fri _Sat

You can select any combination of days. If Tuesday is selected in this option, the command will execute on the last Tuesday of the month. This option can be used in conjunction with other date options. If the 15th was selected in specific dates and Monday was selected in this option, the command will execute on the 15th of the month and the last Monday of the month.

This selection is optional.

To have the command execute on the last day of the month, mark your selection here

Use this option to cause the command to execute on the last day of the month. If selected, the command will run on the 28th, 29th (in leap year), 30th, or 31st of the month. This option can be used in conjunction with other date options. If the 15th was selected in specific dates and this option is also selected, the command will execute on the 15th and the last day of the month.

This selection is optional.

To have the command execute on the last weekday of the month, mark your selection here

Use this option to schedule the command to execute on the last weekday of the month. If selected, the command will run on the last Monday through Friday of the month. The day on which the command executes will vary depending on the month and year. This option can be used in conjunction with other date options.

This selection is optional.

To have the command execute on the last weekend day of the month, mark your selection here

Use this option to schedule the command to execute on the last weekend day of the month. If selected, the command will run on the last Saturday or Sunday of the month. Which day the command executes will vary depending on the month and year. This option can be used in conjunction with other date options.

This selection is optional.

To have a batch job execute after the command finishes processing, enter the member name here

Use this option to schedule the submission of a batch job. The job will execute after the interval command completes processing. Enter the name of the member that contains the batch job in the space provided. The member that contains the batch job must reside in the BBSLIB concatenation of the SVOS address space.

This selection is optional.

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