End of support


This version of the product has reached end of support. The documentation is available for your convenience. However, you must be logged in to access it. You will not be able to leave comments.

Starting the SVOS started task

Use the following procedure to start the SVOS started task, which controls all MainView SRM components.

Before you begin

  • Shut down earlier versions of any product in the MainView SRM suite.

  • Make sure you use the new SVOS started task JCL that was generated during customization.

To start the SVOS started task

Issue the following command to start SVOS from a system console:


If SVOS fails to start, check the following items:

  • Are all data set names correctly spelled in the JCL?

  • Is ?prefix.BBLINK APF authorized?

  • Is the SVOS JCL in a procedure library in the JES procedure library concatenation?

If you have not started the MainView coordinating address space (CAS), do so now.

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