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This optional parameter specifies a valid HSM command to be issued for each record in the SET result group.

The command is applied after any SORT specification is processed, which means that the commands are generated in sort order. You can use the ACT_SUM_LIM or ACT_COUNT parameter to limit the number of commands that are issued.

The HSM command syntax does not require any command character or prefix. The SVOS address space will determine the main (primary) HSM Started Task on the system and issue the command to that HSM address space by prefixing the command with the modifier and HSM Started Task name. The command can contain variables that will be replaced by values that are available in the result solution set created by the criteria defined in the solution. These are the same variables that are available for skeleton tailoring.

The command cannot exceed 126 bytes in length after all variable substitutions are made and the prefix has been added. The command must be enclosed in single quotation marks.

VariableThe hsmCommand variables is the name of a valid HSM command.


The following command migrates the MY.DATA.SET data set to ML1:


This command replaces the variable &DSN with the value provided by the result solution set and migrates the data set to ML1:


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