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Managing service request notifications

You can configure the states when notifications for the service request are sent to product administrators and users, based on the SRD. For example, you can specify that, when the service request is approved, the user is notified.


  • You can define notifications only when the Service Request Definition form is in New mode or taken offline.
  • By default, when BMC Service Request Management is installed on top of BMC Remedy IT Service Management, notifications to end users from fulfillment applications (such as Incident Management, Change Management, and Work Order Management) are disabled. You should keep these notifications disabled, so that users do not receive multiple notifications during the fulfillment process. For example, end users should only get notifications from service requests that they submit, not from work orders generated on the back end. Notifications to the work order manager and assignee are sent as usual.
  • For On Behalf Of requests, notifications are sent only to the Requested For name specified in the service request, and not to users specified in fulfillment requests. For example, a service request is submitted on behalf of Mary Manager, and a work order is generated automatically. If the contact name in the work order is changed to Bob Backline, Bob's name is not passed back to the service request. Notifications are still sent to Mary, and not to Bob.

For information about the architecture and configuration of notifications and a list of BMC Service Request Management notification events, see Configuring the Notification Engine.

Notification options

For a selected option, when a notification event occurs, notifications are sent as explained in the Description column in the table. If a notification option is cleared, no notifications are sent for the related triggering event.


  • All notification options are set by default in new SRDs, except Notify End User on Approval and Notify End User on Reject.
  • For more information about the notification events and associated workflow, see BMC Remedy ITSM notification events.

The following table shows the notification events and options:

SRD notification optionNotification eventDescription

Notify End User on Submit

Request Submitted

Notifies users when they submit requests for themselves. If the request was submitted on behalf of another user, notifies both the submitter (Requested By user) and the On Behalf Of user (Requested For user).

Notify End User on Complete

Request Status CompletedNotifies Requested By and Requested For users when the request is Completed.

Notify End User on Cancelled

Request Status CancelledNotifies Requested By and Requested For users when the request is Cancelled.

Notify End User on Pending

Request Status Changed (to Pending)Notifies Requested By and Requested For users when the request is moved to the Pending status.
Notify End User on RejectRequest Status RejectedNotifies Requested For user when the request is Rejected. The message indicates that the request is cancelled.
Notify End User on ApprovalRequest Status Changed (to Initiated)Notifies Requested By and Requested For users when the request is moved to the Initiated status.The message indicates that the request status has been updated to Planning.

Notify Assignee on Assignment

NoneNotifies Assignee of request assignment.

Notify Approver on Waiting Approval

Request Response Escalation (request status is changed to Waiting Approval)Notifies the Approver when the request requires an approval.
NoneRequest Status Changed (request is reopened)

Notifies the Request Manager when:

  1. The service request is reopened from the Request Entry Console, and
  2. The Reopen Request option in the service request definition (SRD) is configured to Create New Work Order when a service request is reopened. (See "Reopen Request" in Creating a standard SRD with the Service Request Definition form.) 


  • If the Reopen Request option in the SRD is configured to Reopen Fulfillment Request, this notification is not triggered.
  • If the request is reopened from the fulfillment record (for example, from the incident, work order, or change request), this notification is not triggered.

To manage notifications

  1. Search for the SRD, select it, and click View.
  2. Make sure the SRD is offline.
  3. Click the Functions link in the left navigation pane, and click Manage Notifications.
  4. Select or clear event states that trigger a notification.
  5. Click OK, and save the SRD.

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