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Foundation data validation: 8.1.02 and later

This topic describes how foundation data is validated during the import process.


BMC Service Request Management depends on foundation data for various areas of functionality, such as multitenancy, entitlement, submission of service requests, and so on. BMC Service Request Management references foundation data by using the foundation data IDs, such as Company Instance IDs (Group IDs), Person IDs, and Support Group IDs. However, it is possible for foundation data IDs on different servers to become mismatched, for example, when foundation data is created manually or is loaded by using Data Management. 

When service request definitions (SRDs), process definition templates (PDTs), and supporting data are migrated from one server to another, the foundation data IDs in the exported data must match the corresponding IDs on the import server. In 8.1.01 and previous versions, there were limited options for checking for and correcting inconsistencies in the foundation data IDs. In 8.1.02 and later versions, foundation data IDs in BMC Service Request Management objects and data that you import by using the Import Export Console are automatically checked during the import process. 

Validation process

The system validates several types of foundation data IDs that are required by BMC Service Request Management. Validated foundation data IDs include Company Instance IDs (Group IDs), Person IDs, Support Group IDs, Login IDs, and Region Instance IDs. Some examples are shown in the following table. When data is copied to the staging forms during the validation or promotion phases of the import process, the system compares foundation data in the staging forms with corresponding BMC Remedy ITSM foundation data on the import server. When data matches, but foundation data IDs do not, the foundation data IDs are copied from the foundation data forms to the staging forms.

Validation examples

Type of foundation data ID

Staging forms (validated fields)Foundation data form
Company Instance ID

SRD:STAGE:Categories_Base (Company Instance ID)

SRD:STAGE:Categories_DispProp (Company Instance ID)

Person ID

SRD:STAGE:ENT_PeopleEntitlementDefinition (Person ID)

SRD:STAGE:ENT_SYS_PeopleEntitlementGroups (Person ID)

SRD:STAGE:ServiceRequestDefinition_Base (Requested By Person ID)

SRD:STAGE:ServiceRequestDefinition_Base (Service Owner ID)

Support Group ID

SRD:STAGE:CHG_Template (Assignee Group ID, Support Group ID, Change Implementer Group ID, Author Group ID)

SRD:STAGE:HPD_Template (Assigned Group ID, Author Group ID, Vendor Group ID)

SRD:STAGE:ServiceRequestDefinition_Base (Assignee Group ID, Coordinator Group ID)

CTM:Support Group

For example, for Company Instance IDs, the system compares company names in the SRD:STAGE:Categories_Base staging form with company names in the COM:Company form. For every matching company name, if the Company Instance ID is different, the Company Instance ID is copied from the COM:Company form to the SRD:STAGE:Categories_Base form. When the staged data is promoted to the server, the Company Instance IDs match.

Assignee Group IDs and Login IDs are handled differently than the other foundation data ID types:

  • Assignee Group IDs — Only checked and updated during the promotion phase of the import process, not during the validation phase
  • Login IDs — Only checked to make sure that the login ID is valid, but these IDs are not updated because multiple people can have the same full name

The Import Export Console displays errors and notes related to foundation data validation. For example, errors are displayed in case of invalid IDs or inconclusive data comparisons. 


Messages displayed in the Import Export Console are not saved in a history or log file. Make a note of any messages that you need for future reference.

Related topics

Importing data from the Import Export Console

Staging forms and their corresponding production forms

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