This documentation applies to the 8.1 version of Service Request Management, which is in "End of Version Support." You will not be able to leave comments.

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Creating entitlement rules

You can create entitlement rules from the Entitlement Console. An entitlement rule includes the following qualifications:

  • A people qualification that defines a set of people who have the entitlement
  • An SRD qualification that defines the service request definitions (SRDs) included in the entitlement


  • To limit the number of entitlement rules necessary in your organization, you can perform the following actions:
  • For SRDs that are intended for any user to request, create an entitlement rule specifying Everyone in the People Qualification Name field. (Everyone is predefined and cannot be changed.) In the SRD Qualification Name field, specify a qualification that includes SRDs intended for any user, for example, SRDs in a specific navigational category. Then, to restrict access to some SRDs, create additional entitlement rules that only allow specific users to access those SRDs.

To open the Entitlement Console

  1. In the Application Administration Console, click the Custom Configuration tab.
  2. From the Application Settings list, choose Service Request Management > Entitlement > Entitlement Management, and then click Open.

To create an entitlement rule

  1. In the Entitlement Console, click Create (located under the table).
  2. On the Entitlement Rule form, select the Exclusion Rule option to exclude users from accessing the specified packages or SRDs.
  3. From the People Qualification Name field, select a people qualification.
    To create a new people qualification, see Creating people qualifications.
  4. From the SRD Qualification Name field, select an SRD qualification.
    To create a new SRD qualification, see Creating SRD qualifications.
  5. Click Save.

This version of the documentation is no longer supported. However, the documentation is available for your convenience. You will not be able to leave comments.
