This documentation supports the 20.08 version of Remedy Smart Reporting, which is available only to BMC Helix subscribers (SaaS).

To view an earlier version, select the version from the Product version menu.

Configuring Remedy Smart Reporting log settings

Configure the file to get the optimum logs for better troubleshooting. Optionally, you can configure the file to modify the duration of the log files, and save memory.

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To configure the Remedy Smart Reporting log file

  1. Navigate to the SmartReportingInstallDir\SmartReporting\appserver\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\ directory.

    You can modify the same settings for onboarding logs. The onboarding issues are logged in the smartreporting.log file in SmartReportingInstallDir\SmartReporting\appserver\logs.

  2. Modify the appropriate properties in the file to change the log file settings.
    1. To change the log level, modify the log4j.rootCategory value. The log level values are as follows:
      • ERROR—Error messages only (This is the default value.)
      • WARNING—Errors and warnings only
      • INFO—Information, warnings, and errors
      • DEBUG—All usage information
    2. To modify the size of the log file, modify the log4j.appender.sourcelog.MaxFileSize value.
      By default, the value is set to 1 Mb / 1024 Kb.
    3. To define the number of log files to create, modify the log4j.appender.sourcelog.MaxBackupIndex value.
      By default, Remedy Smart Reporting creates nine log files before overwriting the existing log files that were created. After the maximum number of files is reached, Remedy Smart Reporting overwrites the existing log files that were created.
  3. Restart the Tomcat server.
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